JB New Section........ Part 4.....

heheheh frank ok lar..........but i drive down town every day leh...........u abit massive lar.........u go in sg everyday...........tat i salute u lar bro seriously..............just for petrol + daily 20 SG dollar is enough to kill me liow.............i cant able to do tat bro.............my pocket not deep enough................

I don't drive down town everyday? I go even further.... in Spore town, sometimes can see aeroplane.
frank the subsidize goes this way............

everyyear u renew road tax they will give u some cash voucher (which is POS office cash voucher) for u to redeem the cash at post office bah................so the subsidize is 600+ lor...............better than nothing but still not enough..............haiz...................

Those people whom renewed their road tax (below 1999cc) after 01-04-08 onwards are entitled to redeem their subsidy coupon starting on 01-07-08 from pos office.
frank i got to worship to u liow lar..............go to town till can see areoplane is not near is KAW KAW far lar.....................
seriously la frank, for SGD 400 per month to enter SG can get u a decent mid range car for SG plate. can play with 2 cars somemore. wakakaka.
frank the subsidize goes this way............

everyyear u renew road tax they will give u some cash voucher (which is POS office cash voucher) for u to redeem the cash at post office bah................so the subsidize is 600+ lor...............better than nothing but still not enough..............haiz...................

Those people whom renewed their road tax (below 1999cc) after 01-04-08 onwards are entitled to redeem their subsidy coupon starting on 01-07-08 from pos office.

basil, u sure the date is correct? if so, both my ca can claim subsidy already. one in june and one in july.
aik terrence kaki woodlands also singapore mah wahahahaha.................jam sure use kaki............wahahaha............

Terrance the date is fr news paper lar.........need to confirm again.............caoz my smart ngam ngam got my road tax at April 3 new car can count to redeem mah???

> RM625 per year
For private vehicle with engine capacity of 2000cc and below, including private pickup trucks and jeeps with engine capacity of 2500cc and below.

> RM150 per year
For each private motorcycle with engine capacity of 250cc and below

> RM200 reduction on road tax
For private petrol and diesel vehicles with engine capacity above 2000cc

> RM50 reduction on road tax
For private motorcycles with engine capacity above 250cc


meaning i boleh dapat la... whahahaha.... thn hor... imagine this. if i go n buy junk cars now... those cost less thn 1k, i buy a few, then next year i would have more thn rm600 whn renew roadtax. whahahahahaha
the supra....
looks like the one i always saw outside toyota showroom parking lot!!!!
but then there written 3.0cc ler...
i tot should be 2.5cc oni???

r u fucking sure that those renew after april'08 can get???
coz just now when i heard start 1st july'08 oni can get the RM625, i'm devastated wei!!!

my roadtax this mth mati liao!!!!
date is around 20th!!!!
hopefully can get the RM625 la!!!
cover my insurance and roadtax....
insurance....guess insured around 15k oni....
so insurance whould b around RM500 right???
if like dat then can cover edi!!!
the supra....
looks like the one i always saw outside toyota showroom parking lot!!!!
but then there written 3.0cc ler...
i tot should be 2.5cc oni???

r u fucking sure that those renew after april'08 can get???
coz just now when i heard start 1st july'08 oni can get the RM625, i'm devastated wei!!!

my roadtax this mth mati liao!!!!
date is around 20th!!!!
hopefully can get the RM625 la!!!
cover my insurance and roadtax....
insurance....guess insured around 15k oni....
so insurance whould b around RM500 right???
if like dat then can cover edi!!!

simple. wait till 1st july only renew lor... but no ur car become haram for few days.
ok cal the eligible for such subsidy requirement as follow......

1. those renew their roadtax from / after april'08 can get subsidy but only can claim starting fr 1st july'08 onwards hope this can help u to clear up the confusuion..............

btw frank have u heard such ECU "Bosch and Simtec Mpi main engine ECU" just wanted to know does this ECU act so smart like simens ECU can re learn by it self.........i try to google around cannot find such ECU leh.........or maybe i noob in google.........can help me mah need to confirm on this............
btw frank have u heard such ECU "Bosch and Simtec Mpi main engine ECU" just wanted to know does this ECU act so smart like simens ECU can re learn by it self.........i try to google around cannot find such ECU leh.........or maybe i noob in google.........can help me mah need to confirm on this............

Bosch is the ecu makers. MPI means multi-point injection system. But simtec im not sure what it is. it could be some system tech name for the injection system. due to MPI is multi-point, on some engine it can be sequential firing system (same as ignition system). So i guess Simtec could be simultaneous injection

So far, Bosch ecu have yet as "smart" as Siemens but doenst means it wun re-learn by it self. Toyota 20V Bosch ecu already have this issue

let me try google it and see wat it is.... why? wanna change ecu or piggyback?
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