JB New Section........ Part 4.....

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Guys,fellow forummer here from Cheras:wavey:......just got my arse shifted to JB,near Melodies:driver:.....damn bored here,thought of joinin u guys if there's any TT sessions.......cool??:smokin:
good morning!!!

welcome vishnu....!!!!

babi frank/kenneth/ash/scott!!!
u guys MUST b sleeping happily now huh???
no lo... i woke up 9.30 lo.... need to do alot of thing today.... but thn i started to figure, after 4pm then i very free already. whahahaha
morning guys...
anyone will be going to johor sprint test challenge 2nite??
nop. no one going

ask ur good bro read this and tell his worker

11-20-2008, 12:05 AM #9

500bhp Stage 3 Member​

Member No.: 849​

Join Date: Nov 2003​

Location: Subang Jaya​

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Re: Superstrut hell
Mine also around 2 years no problem at all.
Before that really hell... but after replace the lower arm by using clamp tools, no more premature problem!
If you use hammer to open the SS, you will damage the lower arm joins' rubber cover without notice.
And during rainy days, the join will get kill by the rain water.

03-02-2007, 02:28 AM #17

500bhp Stage 3 Member​

Member No.: 849​

Join Date: Nov 2003​

Location: Subang Jaya​

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There are some "rules" to be follow when fixing this biggest arm other wise you will either damage the cross member or have noisy ride.

1) after screw the triangle plate on the knuckle, use a hydraulic jack to lift the knuckle until this biggest arm is in horizontal position.
2) make sure that the "gigi" of hole C is properly bite/sit into the groove of the cross member.
3) tighten the screw by using hand force. NO AIR GUN IS ALLOW FOR ALL THE CHASSIS'S SCREW!!!

If you can ask your mech to follow all this, you will have quiet rite on you SS.
Good luck!
Attached Images
lower arm_111b.JPG (8.3 KB, 52 views)

what is magic leg?

What is the special tools?

wah liu....... i didnt know Husky sooooo mafan one... no wonder he is not eating.... look at his diet....

When you pick up your puppy from the dog breeder, ask the breeder to advise you about the best diet to feed your Siberian Husky. Initially, follow the diet that he recommends. But as the dog grows into an adult, you will have to change its diet to suit your preferences. Do not make any sudden changes in your dog's diet, as this can disrupt its digestive system and be the cause of gastric distress. The Siberian Husky is a small eater, so the small amount of food should be nutritious in order to keep the dog healthy.
Siberian Husky nutrition should consist mainly of a protein diet, and meat should be the primary ingredient in the food. Some Siberian Huskies suffer from allergies to wheat and corn, so they should be avoided as much as possible. There are plenty of dog foods available in the market, and Innova EVO is the very popular, but it is expensive. Canidae's dog food is also good and reasonably priced, and is a high quality dog food.
Of course most dog food manufacturers take care about the nutrients that they add to the food. If you buy dog food that is especially sold for the Siberian Husky, it will take care of your Siberian Husky's nutrition. Since the Siberian Husky eats very little, the dog food consumed each time is also of a very small quantity. Nevertheless, each dog requires a different quota of nourishment, and you have to decide that for your dog too. You should check whether a mix of canned and dry food is ideal for your dog or only dry food is enough. Consult your vet and the dog breeder if you have any problems or doubts.
A balanced diet is the best diet for your Siberian Husky. The diet should contain a proper balance of protein, carbohydrates, fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. The ancestors of the Siberian Husky were used to such nutrient sources, and the same should be provided to your dog. Study and learn about the feeding habits and all about Siberian Husky nutrition before you decide on its best diet.
If you are not satisfied with the dog food available in the market, or if it is too expensive for you, you can cook meals for your pet at home. This is hardly time-consuming, but it goes a long way in improving Siberian Husky nutrition. Fresh food has fresh ingredients and no preservatives, all of which is ideal for good Siberian Husky nutrition. Your pet gets the best diet and you know exactly what it is eating. For Siberian Husky dog food recipes you can consult several books on canine nutrition.
The prime requirement of the Siberian Husky is fatty acids and if you give the dog fish and poultry, they will provide the necessary proteins as well as the fatty acids. Several foods should be avoided as they may cause allergic reaction for some Siberian Huskies. These forbidden foods include beef, soy, yellow corn, avocado, horsemeat and beet pulp. Vitamins and minerals are essential too, but be cautious about choosing the right types, as they vary from one breed to another.

Andrew Preston knows much about the history of the Siberian Husky breed. The Siberian Husky has a long and distinguished history. Siberian Husky information can help you to learn about the specific appearance and ability of the breed.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Andrew_A_Preston

This is the one im refering to
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frank, it is nice.

but if you getting a 15", i suggest you keep your stock look. That's a big bumper, and if you get a small rim, it will look like a body builder with a small dick.

Bump: frank, it is nice.

but if you getting a 15", i suggest you keep your stock look. That's a big bumper, and if you get a small rim, it will look like a body builder with a small dick.
yeah man!!!
finally zth is alive!!!

u tell me they shouldnt b sleeping la...
let them drag go prawning till 3-4am....
3 fella prawn for 1 hr oni get 1 prawn....
a lady there sit 30-40mins edi get 5-6prawns....

sleep till 9.30 still not enuf???
knn...i 7am hav to wake up n go to work edi wei!!!!
after work go home KO for the whole day...
end up wasted my saturday just like dat....
drive shaft sound still not solved yet!!!

like i said lo...
they not familiar wif the SS thingy....
its like alien to them la....
anyway, there's little dat i can say...
i'll try to just casual talk to him la....
he wanna remember o not then i dunno la....

now u know having a leceh dog is not easy huh???
still dare to saiko me on my way of takin care of my dog???
now panic coz ur dog dun wanna eat right???
wait till ur dog vomit those yellow yellow slimy + bubble stuff.....

i like keon's description sial...
bodybuilder wif small dick!!!
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as someone mentioned during last tt.......

just masturb8 the damn dog..............
Afternoon everyone..
Finally got some free time to drop by.
Hope everyone's well :D
the dog already puke something but lucky is not really yellowish and bubble stuff.

knn, calvin damn weak la... stay up late night abit then KO edi.
not KO...
just tired....!!!
all's fine after a good sleep!!!

how come u say lucky now yellowish n bubble stuff ler???
i mean how come u say LUCKY???
mayb the "somethin" ur dog vomitted is worse than the yellow n bubbly stuff???
coz my dog edi vomit few times the yellow n bubbly stuff when she dun wan eat...
but nth happens....n everythin is fine when she finally eat....

how can i compare a RM550 dog n a RM3000 dog??



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