How to remove swirl marks?

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I forgot lah, wise to go around Ace Hardware, MG got something for that, it's actually to clean and refurbish your rubber linings, rubber bumpers ( unpainted ) etc.

Futura said:
Good info there ace79, I know those splatter wax was caused by excessive application lol...but that was my 1st time I hope my next waxing can be improved :)
And I just found out there are some gum-like residue stick on my rear bumper which I couldn't remove with wax...gosh what product should I use to remove them?
ace79 said:
I forgot lah, wise to go around Ace Hardware, MG got something for that, it's actually to clean and refurbish your rubber linings, rubber bumpers ( unpainted ) etc.
It's MG goldclass bug and tar remover...tried it like a charm :_:
futura, ur storeroom gonna be filled up with MG products soon :P hehehehe have u tried the MF cloth? im sure u'll be impressed with it :)
mengz said:
futura, ur storeroom gonna be filled up with MG products soon :P hehehehe have u tried the MF cloth? im sure u'll be impressed with it :)
Haven't tried yet...will use it for the next wax session lol...maybe one month from now...but shoot it's raining every morning ever since I waxed my car... :X-:
After rained, you guys wipe away the water or leave it? If wipe will leave water mark is it? Leave it to dried itself also will leave water mark..duh...
I usually wipe it, and I just wiped my car this afternoon, and there goes my precious Featherlite layer, hahaha.
wow..this page has been very informative...bought myself meguiar's scratch X and NXT liquid wax and it really did wonders to my car...just two quick questions
-i have a long scratch, visible only from an angle, not straight down and you can't "feel" the scratch...i tried applying scratch X to it numerous times but no success...should i rub scratch X in harder and more vigorous?
-i bought a Plexiglass microfiber cloth from Eneos at RM12.00(app) and i feel that it's good enough...will using a MG microfibre cloth have a huge difference against the Plexiglass cloth?
lechuck, have not use the plexiglass mf cloth from eneos b4, so i cannot comment on that. maybe u can get urself the MF cloth and try it to see the difference, then sahre with us here. hehehehe.
Lechuck, if you already rubbed hard enough with Scratch X, and yet the scratch still appears, then I think it's a little too deep adi, so from my experience, I won't rub harder, coz the last time I rub kau-kau, scratches appeared in another area, hehe, so play safe lor.
MG products price hiked like RM20-30. For e.g. NXT Tech Wax is now RM108 and NXT Car Shampoo RM55. Anyone know what happened?
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Cause' too many ppl promote to everyone the product so sales went up thats why price also hiked... LoL ..
nitrus said:
Cause' too many ppl promote to everyone the product so sales went up thats why price also hiked... LoL ..

Haha, interesting theory there.
yeah...the scratch too deep d i think...dare not rub too hard....
yeah i checked that MG tech wax is now RM100+ in penang...too expensive for me to afford d...:(
Maybe you all should ask the shopkeeper what happened to the price, I think he knows better. Now I hope Featherlite's price won't increase.
FEATHERLITE's price will have to go up soon.It is difficult to survive on small margins for a long time.There isn't enough profits to go into advertising or race sponsorship. However, we are grateful to all our supporters who have spoken loudly about the quality of this product.To all our loyal customers out there we say THANK YOU.FEATHERLITE is still 50% cheaper than the next serious competing brand.
Featherlite product range so limited...why not bring in more? MG price is seriously overpriced after the price hiked...
Good suggestion, Futura.

But FEATHERLITE is well loved by car conossieurs. It will only produce those things that they are best at. At the moment it's only the polish, quick shine and car wash.Hope you people are all happy with the quality thus far.
So, FocalPoint, would you give us details on when Featherlite's price would go up? And actually, increased price will not necessary get the company high profit margin, coz there's also people's demand factor. Generally speaking, higher price=lower demand.
We are always grateful to all our loyal supporters.The current FEATHERLITE products are still at the promotional prices.Our dealers are complaining of too little profits because of this.We ask them to stick to these prices which you are now buying.But for how long can we press them to hold the prices? They may opt for other brands that promises better returns.

At the current retail price levels, FEATHERLITE is really a value for money buy. The next serious competing product is already more than 50% higher in retail prices.Sometimes, when the product is cheap people think the quality is no good. So they reach out for the highest price product in the supermarket.Hope zth members are not so judgemental for we greatly admire their motoring intellect for some of the postings we come across.
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