How to get firearms license?

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I don't think that's a valid reason because Japan has a higher population than Malaysia, and its more dense than Malaysia, and they have foreigners too (China mari many).

Yet, you almost never read about gun-related deaths in Japan. It's called gun control. And who enforces gun control? The police and government. Oh wait, police in Malaysia too busy setting up road blocks to catch cars with no road tax. That's useful.

'Gun control' is bullshit feel-good phrase cooked up by politically correct Liberal type idiots.

What most people understand when it comes to 'gun control' is the nationwide registration and approval processes pertaining to law abiding citizens who currently own guns or applying to own one.

It does absolutely didley squat to rein in the criminal elements who do not obey the law, who do not play by its rules and procedures and who access illegal firearms from outside the proper channels.

Malaysia has one of the strictest gun control measures in the world. Gun ownership here is so exclusive as to be deemed almost impossible for new applicants. For that matter that are not that many gun owners here relative to other countries around the world.

There is nothing wrong with gun control here - it works way too well, to be honest.

The problem is not gun control. It is crime control that is the one at issue.
'Gun control' is bullshit feel-good phrase cooked up by politically correct Liberal type idiots.

What most people understand when it comes to 'gun control' is the nationwide registration and approval processes pertaining to law abiding citizens who currently own guns or applying to own one.

It does absolutely didley squat to rein in the criminal elements who do not obey the law, who do not play by its rules and procedures and who access illegal firearms from outside the proper channels.

Malaysia has one of the strictest gun control measures in the world. Gun ownership here is so exclusive as to be deemed almost impossible for new applicants. For that matter that are not that many gun owners here relative to other countries around the world.

There is nothing wrong with gun control here - it works way too well, to be honest.

The problem is not gun control. It is crime control that is the one at issue.

I disagree, It is my firm belief that the Malaysian Police and the Malaysian Government that is the one at issue.

Laws without enforcement is like a dick that can't erect. Useless and all it does is piss all over.
I disagree, It is my firm belief that the Malaysian Police and the Malaysian Government that is the one at issue.

Laws without enforcement is like a dick that can't erect. Useless and all it does is piss all over.

What are you disagreeing on ? We are both saying the same thing, the only difference being you are confusing the enforcement mechanism with actual enforcement against crime in the wider sense.

'Gun control', in the traditional sense in which the phrase is understood, is the registration, restriction and accounting of all firearms and firearm users/applicants----that's the mechanism. It can involve an outright ban, restricted or limited ownership based on merits, circumstances, etc.

While this has the effect of putting all legally registered firearms owners under a tight and controlled rein, and may even limit their self-defence options, it has no applicability to criminal elements who do not obey the laws.

Naturally the recent spate of gun crimes are not from the general citizenry using legally registered weapons. It is from criminals getting access to illegal weapons and is a question of perforated border controls and lack of effective crime management in the wider sense.

When you expect stricter 'gun control' as is implemented in worldwide jurisdictions it just means more stringent measures against guns and gun users already accounted for. Typically, you see this happening in the USA after the Sandy Hook incident. They start doing this by various measures, such as limiting mag capacity to 10 rounds, restricting qualifying criterias in weapon type or persons eligible.

One of the stupid kneejerk reactions from gun incidents like Sandy Hook is that people will start crying out for bans on guns and sleazy politicians will jump on the anti-gun bandwagon for political mileage and target the registration process and penalizing legal gun owners. What this does, is that it will not address the core criminal elements who are the source of gun crime.....rather it penalizes the lawful gun community, limit their self-defence options and turn people into sheep wihout the options of defending themselves......while at the same time the wolves (the criminals) are still armed.

In Malaysia, there is no need to enforce stricter gun control and registration in that what we currently have is so strict, no ordinary law abiding citizen can pee without the Govt. knowing.

The real problem is not the guns per se or their registration. It's a lack of effective crime management evident with perforated border controls, illegal foreigners, and the influx of contraband such as drugs and illegal weapons.

You cannot enforce stricter gun control without addressing better crime management in the wider sense because gun control is a mere registration mechanism...It is nothing more. To say otherwise is simply putting the cart before the horse.
No argument with gun control. The point I am trying to drive home is lack of enforcement. Our police and government too busy to do their actual jobs. e.g. Policing and governing the country.

As above, setting controls in place but not enforcing is merely a dick that can't erect, its utterly useless.
The trouble with asking for firearms advice in any forum other than those dedicated specifically to firearms AND staffed by people who actually handle firearms on a regular basis, whether professionally or recreationally (in a sporting sense) that you get a bunch of answers from a bunch of people who :-

Likely have no idea what they are talking about; &

Likely have zero experience in handling firearms; &

Never ever had to employ a firearm in a self-defence situation; &

Live to tell the tale and survive the legal ramifications post-shooting.

Most of the advice I read that guy who said RM 50K for a licence or that you have to be Tan Sri or a Dato' BS. You can try pushing your 50K to buy your licence and I can guarantee you land yourself into jail faster than you can spell J.A.I.L. Approval processes goes all the way up to Bukit Aman. So please don't be stupid about it.

And to the OP, if you had to ask how you can apply for a gun licence, in a car forum no less, you probably have no business owning a firearm, let alone using one.

Just out of curiosity, do you know how to use one, and what is your experience with firearms ?

In this country at least, you have to have exceptional circumstances in order to be allowed to own a firearm as a fresh new applicant. You'll likely have zero chance if you never handled a firearm or been affliated with firearms (legally) in a sporting or professional capacity. Merely saying that crime is rampant and you want to defend yourself will not be sufficient. Those reasons are too general a justification. Every Tom, Dick and Harry can say the same thing.


I don't know what contraption you are brewing there....I do not want to know and do not much care either because it obviously looks illegal by the tone of your comments. Just one word of caution. If you get yourself into a situation when you actually had to employ that 'thing' of yours against an opponent and it becomes a police case, you are going have to a little shitstorm with the law and good luck trying to dig yourself out of the hole. Much worse if your opponent is greviously injured or killed. It doesn't matter if you were defending yourself. If your means is illegal, it is going to be a sticking point regardless. The same applies to anyone you supplied your equipment and if they happen to get into trouble of their own it leads back to the idiot who supplied them with the equipment. Just remember that before you start peddling your merchandise and advice on a public forum.

By my reckoning, you have already broken a bunch of laws. If I am the PDRM and I want your backside in a sling, all I have to do is put out a warrant to the owners of this website to compell them to give up your personal details. What you think just because there is pm function on the user interface, no one else will read your stuff ?

Sorry bro, I'm kinda confused here. You were saying that this is a car forum whereby the
questions regarding firearms license is not a suitable question to ask in a car forum because
of a few reasons you stated...

Likely have no idea what they are talking about; &

Likely have zero experience in handling firearms; &

Never ever had to employ a firearm in a self-defence situation; &

Live to tell the tale and survive the legal ramifications post-shooting.

But from what I read from your comments you seems to know quite a lot on how to get
firearms and how is it we are gonna be able to get the licenses, about the Laws and etcs.

So, are we reading comments from a person like you who actually meets those criteria
stated by you above? If not, those advise or comments that you gave is not much different
than those total BS statements/comments/advices from the rest here.

Question is, have you dealt with or have any experience in applying for firearms licenses in the 1st place?
Where did you get your facts/stories from? I'm just curious bro.

Since, if what others posted you can pintpoint it as wrong, then you might have the right answers then.
So, are we reading comments from a person like you who actually meets those criteria stated by you above?

Yes. Without going into personal details (for obvious reasons), I do meet those criterias.

Since, if what others posted you can pintpoint it as wrong, then you might have the right answers then.

Like I said before, the OP's chance of getting a successful application, assuming he has no prior involvement with firearms in any capacity, is practically zero.

Unlike the USA, where there is a 2nd Amendment (Constitutional right to bear arms), there is no similar right enshrined in this country. If you get approved, its entirely due to the officers discretion and judgement. No sane, risk adversed officer will grant an approval to a complete newbie or someone without the appropriate track record. Just because you are Malaysia's model citizen does not make it a qualifying criteria. You have to plead your case. Other than renewal of firearm permits of existing holders, they are not issuing new firearms permits with any degree of ease. For fresh application, your case must be strong to compelling. Still then, it is not a guarantee. There is no hard and fast route or short track to getting approved and its a case by case basis. You can get rejected for no apparent reason and a rejection is not open for appeal or review.

They know who you are from your IC and the details you provide in your application and they will run the full checks. And you have to go through interviews.

My initial impression when I read this thread is a whole bunch of car enthusiasts jumping in with advice on how to go about the process. Maybe stick to something you know, for example 'cars'.

But hey, don't take my word for it. Give it a go the way you think best (like that fella who says you need 50K to get the licence ...LOL). You'd be wasting time (and money) .......yours, certainly not mine.
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Yes. Without going into personal details (for obvious reasons), I do meet those criterias.

Like I said before, the OP's chance of getting a successful application, assuming he has no prior involvement with firearms in any capacity, is practically zero.

Unlike the USA, where there is a 2nd Amendment (Constitutional right to bear arms), there is no similar right enshrined in this country. If you get approved, its entirely due to the officers discretion and judgement. No sane, risk adversed officer will grant an approval to a complete newbie or someone without the appropriate track record. Just because you are Malaysia's model citizen does not make it a qualifying criteria. You have to plead your case. Other than renewal of firearm permits of existing holders, they are not issuing new firearms permits with any degree of ease. For fresh application, your case must be strong to compelling. Still then, it is not a guarantee. There is no hard and fast route or short track to getting approved and its a case by case basis. You can get rejected for no apparent reason and a rejection is not open for appeal or review.

They know who you are from your IC and the details you provide in your application and they will run the full checks. And you have to go through interviews.

My initial impression when I read this thread is a whole bunch of car enthusiasts jumping in with advice on how to go about the process. Maybe stick to something you know, for example 'cars'.

But hey, don't take my word for it. Give it a go the way you think best (like that fella who says you need 50K to get the licence ...LOL). You'd be wasting time (and money) .......yours, certainly not mine.

Thanks for the detail explanation bro. So in order to really own a firearm, status doesn't
really matters in this case?

I mean in Malaysia as it is famous with the assuming "Money Is Everything"
in Malaysia, doesn't it makes it easier for people with status and money to
actually able to apply for firearms?

I guess some said only Datuk or Tan Sri can own one, might be because there were news
of cases where some Datuks own firearms and killed some robbers or something. So, could
be some misunderstanding on the criterias in owning one.

Does joining RELA makes it easier to apply for firearms? I heard if you are a RELA member,
then the possibility of owning one is possible?

I'm not sure bro, but I'm curious to really know how some able to apply firearms and some
don't. I mean other than involvements in firearms activities, any other requirements to
really get to apply for firearms.

Well, let's leave blackmarket or illegally purchase of firearms in this case. We put it in a simple
legal way of owning one.

Do share with us bro.
Thanks for the detail explanation bro. So in order to really own a firearm, status doesn't
really matters in this case?

No, not all permit holders have prominent status. There are ordinary citizens who, for various reasons, are licenced for firearms. Farmers, dusun owners, security guards, etc.

I mean in Malaysia as it is famous with the assuming "Money Is Everything"
in Malaysia, doesn't it makes it easier for people with status and money to
actually able to apply for firearms?

Money is everything everywhere in the world. It's not a feature exclusive to Malaysia.

No, being rich and having a status does not make it easier to get firearms permit.

Not all firearms owners in this country are rich people. The majority are not.

I guess some said only Datuk or Tan Sri can own one, might be because there were news of cases where some Datuks own firearms and killed some robbers or something. So, could be some misunderstanding on the criterias in owning one.

People say a lot of things...a lot of it is wrong.....but when something gets repeatedly said often enough, however wrong, it will somehow get attributed as the unvarnished 'truth'. That is how urban legends are born :)

Does joining RELA makes it easier to apply for firearms? I heard if you are a RELA member,
then the possibility of owning one is possible?

Not that I know of. There have been bills tabled at Parliament since Hishammuddin's time as Home Minister where the direction has been towards curtailing Rela's powers of arrest and uses of firearms. Part of the problem is that Rela is a civil volunteer force and it does not go through the same formal training and hardening as regular armed forces.

I'm not sure bro, but I'm curious to really know how some able to apply firearms and some don't.

Everyone can apply. You can apply too if you want. No one can stop you applying LOL

Just that not many get approved. It's case by case. Has to be a compelling reason.

Since you ask, what's your compelling reason ?
No argument with gun control. The point I am trying to drive home is lack of enforcement. Our police and government too busy to do their actual jobs. e.g. Policing and governing the country.

As above, setting controls in place but not enforcing is merely a dick that can't erect, its utterly useless.

Agreed. Our politicians are too busy with politics, ceramah and rallies etc. :stupid:
They know who you are from your IC and the details you provide in your application and they will run the full checks.

Wow.. :biggrin: uncle FVel is back! How's the car btw? All done already?

And this statement of yours is frighteningly true. Personal experience has told me that the dept that handles ICs (I forget what they are called. JPN?) know everything from the day you were born, where you were born, who your neighbors were during highschool, who you shared bunks with in Uni, your brothers 1st car, your wifes uncles house and first car, every damn thing. Some stuff even I have forgotten they are able to remind me.

The amount of detail they have about you is real and there's no escaping from this if you are born Malaysian.

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