Heat Control on 4AGE 20v BT

tHrottle power

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Aug 29, 2008
Dear All Sifu,

I would wana seek some advise on you all for heat control with 20v BT. As after some spirited drive of my AE111. I ve always find the engine room is full of high heat. For the past, i ve tried thermo exhaust wrap. Performed fairly okie, sadly it wasnt very lasting. After installing low temp thermostat n engine oil cooler. I m still tempted give it a try again to reduce the heat in the engine room. At the moment, there is 2 options on the table.

1. Exhaust wrap(billion or thermotec) + Billion BT Bandage Protector.
2. Ceramic Coating

Has any1 tied of the mentioned above??

Appreciate the input.

Hey bro...

You said after spirited driving... That should be normal what? Don't say you BT, my 4AFE after spirited driving also hot hot!

Well, if the thermal exhaust wrap do not work, and you are really particular about that heat, maybe making some holes (heat vent) on the side fender and bonnet might work? But the bonnet one has to be done properly. Cut bonnet not approved by JPJ. I'm not sure is you cut the bonnet skin and leave the bone intact they will kacau or not. But the important thing is the bone. Have to check though.
thermal wrap (regardless of brand) doesnt reduce the heat so much...but surely is better than the stock heat shield...i can imagine the exhaust manifold glowing hot red when constantly rev up high...IMHO best way to go is ceramic coating...more efficient and longer lasting...
also can try to rise the bonnet up a bit...dont know whether that will work...air vents and bonnet scope also seems like a good alternative too...
BT 20v are notorious for this, I have the same problem, one of the reason is engine running too lean, may need to increase the fuel pressure and reset the ecu. This seem to help, but bare in mind it is a performance engine, take it to some BT expert mech .
check the plugs, check for any coolant leaks, if everything is normal then i wudnt worry much about the heat especially after a hard drive. a kelisa's engine bay is hot even after just a normal drive
I think you need to install heat insulation (or dynamat) around the gear shifter area below the armrest as this is where the mid box & center piping usually sits. Prolly wanna survey around Acehardware for some heat insulators. I've plan to do this on my car, see how it goes.
using air vent will help, especially to remove heat from the extractor.
'jongket' the hood..

put washer between the hood & the ankle..

most people do this (including me) & it helps to reduce the heat..

& carbon fiber hood also :biggrin:

Gudluck :burnout:
yeah.. very very hot..

global warming..

stock/standard hood is metal & will be heated by the engine & the sun..

so, change it to carbon fiber.. it stays at normal temp no matter how hot the surrounding area is..

1) better engine oil...expensive one...ngeh
2) Oil Cooler
3) racing thermostat
4) MoCool radiator coolant (or other product) mixed with RO water
5) radiotor cooling plate :proud:
6) super power radiator fan (Billion)
7) All thermotec product you can fit...
8) Vented hood

that's all i can think about...
1) better engine oil...expensive one...ngeh
2) Oil Cooler
3) racing thermostat
4) MoCool radiator coolant (or other product) mixed with RO water
5) radiotor cooling plate :proud:
6) super power radiator fan (Billion)
7) All thermotec product you can fit...
8) Vented hood

that's all i can think about...

nice recommendation & promotion :rofl::rofl:
Hi where can i get the Billion radiator fan? is it super thin? i am running 20v turbo here and small radiator.. no more space for thick fan.

Also, you all mentioned Cf hood, any idea who's selling? HAHAHAHA

i have tried TRD thermalsat too .. but still same lah. ! temp drop a bit nia
Veloc - yeszaa...correct...I forget to mention ...

vh-101 - Samurai Racing (used to be SS Racing) in Sunway got...

Cf hood ? I mentioned vented...some Cf doesn't come with vented hood...

I used double layer aluminum radiator (Flushed)...never use tap water, instead used RO water (not mineral water) mix with half Motul MoCool...

The stock 4AGE thermostat opens at approximately 82.2 Celcius...that's what my water temp gauges shows most of the time...
thanks for the info.. i really need to reduce the heat. now i have allu radiator n race thermosstat, next mayb vented hood.
yeah.. vented hood also helps a lot.. for turbo..

as for me.. i wanna get myself CF hood.. no lubang2.. nnt masuk air :biggrin:
20V Turbo?!?!? Lovely bro!!!! One of my dreams.... Many people complain it is impossible or very hard to turbo the 20V but I always believe it can be done. In the right way or course. NOt a backyard shop turbo. Anyways, no need the CF hood la... That helps in weight reduction but not the cooling. Just use air ducts and vents. Really respect you :adore:
Can share some figures?

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