GST - Go, Squeeze Them.

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All your estimation/suggestion/assumption based on IF a government is working EFFECTIVELY & RESPONSIBLE & CONSIDERATE. What if they are not?

I myself and i believe a lot others won't mind to suffer for the sake of better future, but what if our effort goes into some sitting cronies pocket? and nothing will guarantee any future? Open your eyes big big and analyze the overall situation of Malaysia nowadays, don't always use berry and mushroom all these irrelevant example, it's just misleading, we are talking about effort from different people was evaluated differently, some work hard get less, some dun work but get more. Every malaysian would contribute for country, but does the effort goes to right channel? Yeah, this is training ground indeed, so we must be united and learn how to get rid of racism and corruption!! For those who just keep compromising, you are aiding evil.

NEP guarantee non-bumi future?? WOW, thats a very new definition... Is this for real??
Like I used to say, don't put everything together and mixed up. Corruption is corruption. But with or without corruption, few millions of gov servants need pay rise, plenty of places need upgrade, regular wear and tare, and other expenses. Of cause, PTPTM and other things included.

When you look at an issue, you have to look it from various aspect. Not only from your wallet's point of view. We are not kampung old folks. We are new gen and are well educated. If you hate corruption, launch a riot on it or put sticker on your car. Not sacrificing a good system with a reason of the money that the gov spent may involve with corruption. KNN, my wife still paying her PTPTM and the money came from whom? Meanwhile, her salary as a technique school teacher for so many years also paid by whom? But, I wanna ask which part of your income had been take away from corruption? Kopi-o for speeding or illegal mod? You got RM2k+ a month for corruption use ar? But my wife got RM2k+ salary wor. Of cause, including hundreds of thousand more other gov servants. My 3 nephews also get some money every month because both parents past away already. All these money is from GOV. And the people help us also from the GOV.

Wanna fight against corruption, use a proper way. Stopping a good system is as same as saying: "KNN, bully me ar. I hug you all and die together". (Same as suicide bomber). Other innocent people also buta-buta got your sht. If you wanna fight corruption, the buy 7 white shirts, each of them write down an issue then wear it everyday when you go out. I think it is better than anything you had done till date.

If you don't understand why NEP can guaranty non bumi future, then I tell you how.

2 kids nameb A and B. Both from similar environment and economy status family.

A's parents love him so much. Give him everything he needs or wants. Including washing his plate for him after meal.

B's parents also love B very much. But instead of doing the same, B's parents always as B to do it himself. Only when beh tahan, then help a bit.

This is not a very complicated story. I think you can see the ending of the story already. I don't need to waste more time. This is only one of the reason why I said NEP is actually more favor to non bumi. Some are related to religion + other sensitive thing so I don't wanna talk here. Put the timbang up, everyone will get their part. But the non bumi will earn more in term of skill. But at end of the day, all still depends on a personnel ownself. What policy or people can't really do much.

Using positive thinking to handle a thing will have better results compare to use negative thinking.
Hardworking or lazy is human nature and self determination! Without NEP, hardworking people will still hardworking and lazy people will still lazy and in the end, both get what they have equivalent to what they fork out. With NEP, it's like a drug or short cut without supervision (and it doesn't meant that way when it's first launched) enough said this is not a proper way to improve the concerned, in fact are ruining it cos no one will choose a tough way than a easy way when both options are available. Yeah, you see THE ONLY ONE reason that why NEP good for non-bumi with your positive thinking! good, very good... despite tons of proof that why it is not good were all over the floor.

Wearing T-shirt and demo is the better way?? Cool~~ Is that the conclusion you got after positive thinking? You totally misunderstand the meaning of positive thinking... positive thinking doesn't mean find a reason to explain a ill act and make yourself happy! positive thinking is helping you to pull up yourself dealing failure and disappointment despite obstacles ahead.

PTPTN is good, and aid for orphan is good so G are good, and the rest of things are good, so no need to improve?

Whats a positive thinking!!!!!
The example I gave you were just some of the millions things that exist. And there are consequences behind each of them. Don't just repeat the mistake that only judge on the surface. If the system can be so easy to take care of, everyone also can become a prime minister and any group of people can form a gov.

What you are saying now is like saying that you suppose to deserve a BMW but because of the NEP, you only get a 1989 Saga with magma 8v engine. Come on, besides hardworking or lazy, smart or stupid, there is one more thing call luck. Luck can be interpreted as born in a wealthy family, meet good chance for good job and etc. If you think that you are hardworking and smart, then there are just too many people that more hardworking and smarter than you on the street. Just a simple fact, why a lot of non bumi can drive nice car, can live in big house but not you? They are all bad people and you are holy? Or everyone born without the need to struggle except you? I thought myself was a lucky case. But my wife (2nd year on job got promoted to form teacher and 3rd year ketua panitia) and other family members and friends also not bad. KNN, why not you? This is the question you should ask yourself and I always ask myself the same question.
You are making a big roundabout and it's getting bigger...

Other than the thing called luck, there is something call monopoly and manipulation, however i'm afraid you are too far from the circle of realistic business world and you won't understand what is underneath the surface. If you do, by any chance, have really go into the circle then you will understand what i'm talking about.

Yes, perhaps few people are lucky to be rich, but they are minority, please stop using minority and rare example to prove everything is ok... Look around, we are talking about majority, who work neither lazy nor stupid yet not getting a better life because of incapable personnel and inconsiderate policy, i'm perhaps one of the lucky one that don't have to worry about money but it doesn't mean i can just stand aside and watch wrongdoings, A problem must be rectified, and should start from it's root.

Even if i'm complaining that i'm not getting a BMW (FYI, i got one while i'm 18), whats wrong with that? So you think the 300% tax is reasonable? ok fine, but then why give permit to certain people that can waive off the tax? still ok? then i really got nothing to say...
I tell you the fact is, majority non bumi, especially chinese, after school, above 65% drive car to work. But bumi, mostly ride a motorbike. Here goes your money and that's why money not enough. If you change your position to a boss and ask your worker : ei, you want more money, no problem, but how much revenue can you bring to the company or what make you to deserve it?". I generate about US$60k a month for my company and I only have US$12k in my pocket. Subtract all expenses, company still earn +-42k a month and I think it is fair enough because need to pay other office staffs and office and misc cost. Company earn millions a year is not my business cuz I got my part. But not company earn millions and must part out the profit and share with me.

Your old man probably never teach you enough on how to make fortune. If you are not from a rich family and have to work, then need to guard the money. You spend your money for your urge, is as same as putting holes on a bucket with water. Put 1L of water but make a new hole. That's why a lot of people always struggle to find any lubang to make money to counter the holes that made by themselves. RM2-3k salary in KL, buy a car, weekend shopping, clubbing, fancy phone, perfume/EDT, hair treatment. If for me, I die long time ago.

Before you talk about unfair or whatever policy, do you ever think about revising your life style? If you can make RM20k profit a month for your company but you only get RM1.2k salary, then it is called unfair and only stupid people will continue to work in that company. If you think you can perform better than your CEO but due the NEP, you only can be a manager, why not come out and form a company? If cannot find resources, that's mean you are not there yet. As simple as that. Thinking ownself smarter than people and only blame others fault is a very dangerous thing. It can mess up the rest of your life. Why who who who who win the badminton champ can be non bumi? By right, according to the NEP you describe, he will have no chance at all (the trainer is a bumi though). But why? Wanna know the answer is very simple. Just need to wake up from your dream and face the reality. I don't mind to remind you again, live within means. Car tax is a must else need to raise the petrol price or other thing to control the car volume on the road. A country is not a village. Is not like you wanna dig a hole at your house garden to plant a tree can just go ahead. Any single mistake will lead to a disaster for millions of people and their future generations. If you want a car but life is difficult, only your brain and your hands can help you. Only those who lack of either thing will complain. Sorry, I'm wrong, some disable people not only no complain, but rather doing quite well compare to some normal people although the god is so unfair to them.
You are still missing the points, stop the pusing pusing trick and keep using rare examples... i hate to be rude but since you keep accusing me as a people who only sit and complain so i guess it's ok to tell you... Could you list out examples with senses and filter with brain before post it out?

Datuk Lee won the championship because no one is at par with him, if there is some other people (say is a bumi) who is equal level with him or even just slightly lousier than him, guess who will be representing the country? But i guess you will say if he were replaced simply because he's lousy lah, unlucky lah, not good enough lah~~~ Ooo Positive thinking??

This is one of the rare examples, lets talk about majority ok?

Do you know how hard for a non-bumi to apply for pasar malam license or taxi driver license? why don't you find out the figure and analyze it yourself since you able to confirm 65% of chinese drive car to work which i don't know where you extract the figure out.

If car tax is a must to maintain petrol price then i must say this is silly way, don't you think so? how many imported car and how many national car on the road? If it's really a must then it should apply to all car, am i wrong? Anyone with brain will know that this tax is meant for protecting national car...

And how the hell would you know disable people not complaining?

Anyway i guess you will pusing pusing and post things like, wake up kiddo, work hard, use brain, nep good, car tax good, think positively, must not feel you are ill treated...Holy Shit!
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GST is good..its just the way gov spend the tax matter... until now its not good...
If you think the gov is not good, please vote the other side. But the economy was badly hurt by the recent US economy crash, so regardless how, we are gonna pay some money out to help a bit. Except the gov doing over head cut to reduce operating cost, which means either fire people and let them jobless or more privatization like how TDM saved the economy from previous crisis. Today's popularity of medical card is showing some of the future route but the way will be so smooth until a lot of people don't even aware of it (to be exact, people will automatically pay for it and the gov don't even need to speak a word). Other than that, self go figure out la. I'm not that smart or sharp and only understand a bit. But before I support any policy, I did study 1st. GST may harm your wallet at the 1st time. But after long time, it actually help a bit on counter monopoly and other things that benefit the economy. And due to the living standard will increase, salary will also raise a bit automatically. I'm aware of somebody think that the gov spend money on something that sound stupid, especially the 700% thing and other stuffs. But a lot of trading deals between country and country are not disclosed and cannot be disclosed. Just like how much oil and gas field from Malaysia sold to Japan decades ago and just started for drilling few years back? In the exchange, besides plenty of technology transfer and local employment, other things you go figure out again :) . We spend that few billion ringgit is not just buy some metal and plastics that simple. It maybe exchanged with some things that related to money or other resources, including deals on top of several different deals between few countries. This is a part of politic. Before I gonna be invited to the ISA camp, I better shut my mouth off.
Bro, this time i agree what you have written almost all except the last part, why can't be disclosed? national security? but most of the major deal doesn't involved national security at all, if it's really related with those then G won't announce what they are going to buy but they did... i think Malaysian will not mind money been spent PROPERLY for national defense, but worry that it could be a chemo-flash of corruption...

We just chat and exchange our point of view lah bro, not untill ISA so serious gua...:biggrin:
There is a loop hole for corruption in this 'cannot be disclosed' thing. But it really cannot be disclosed. One of the reason is to protect the company(s) that indirectly involved. Example, the deal is 1 aircraft exchange with A product + B product + C product. If any country that has similar product, 1st, they can make a better deal if they wanna compete with the seller country or buyer country. 2nd, if they are planning to hit either the seller/buyer country, they can purposely slash the price and cut off the business volume of the target country. 3rd, worst is, they will have the option for directly using any mafia way on the indirectly involved company ceo or president, either hit them physically or in the share market. 4th, those org like 'tiger' which attack a country currency (remember few years back, US$1 once raised to = RM5.62 after fall a bit, TDM lock the currency value to US$1 = RM3.80?) will be able to have better analysis for long/short term attack with high accuracy. Of cause, there are a lot more reason but I'm sorry because I don't think it is ok to say any thing more else I may have trouble. Just cut it short, we will be the final victim if over transparent.

I don't believe there is such thing like 100% freedom in the internet. And I have to use different way to say something. To further reduce the risk, I use only simple words so that I'll not make any mistake for letting myself get caught. That's why most of the time, I cannot explain a thing once. Hope you understand.
What you said is true... So back to fundamental things, a government be it any country, their goodwill is very important... Same as Bank, if bank A is known of problematic, people will still suspect them although they made no mistake, worse if they really did something wrong... Sigh..

A goodwill need countless effort and time to build but just split second to destroy...

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