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Jul 30, 2006

Right now im as a newbie here wanna know how many swifter has been here since this forum made.

Im glad if Reefispeed will incharge our union and in my opinion from i have read all thread and massage from him And also he has the spirit then all of us , if anybody argue what im saying here pls reply

pls reply this msg after u read it x kisah la msg kosong ke tapi name korang sume ade dlm ni tq reefi ko mane da ??anyone know him ??

and if ade sape nak volunteer nak lead da club pun ble amatabx,candybluegt ke syafique ke sape2 jela yg ade dlm forum nie sori yang lain da tu je aku tgk yg aktif

aku tgk club2 lain seronok je dapat jenjln ngan geng diaorg siap pg cameron lagi mcm club starlet
he hav been done much on the pass....with t-shirts n so on, but noting from him recently, posible u got his number? been trying to get him....
wow. serious? hehe.. well, anything boleh. as long as get to change views in making the swift fast and furious hahaha...
I'm shy la coz all of you have a very ganazzzz car.. hehehe
nobdy force u syafique..
what do u mean shy??..geli telinga aku dgr.
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CandyblueGt said:
nobdy force u syafique..
what do u mean shy??..geli telinga aku dgr.

Yes no one is forcing me and I never said that they're forcing.

Come on la candy, why you're like this. Ok if you're good enough then just be there, I wont come and joint you. If you really dont like me then its fine, just be on your own..
I'll not come if I'm not invited. Thanks...

Sorry to all swifters, I think someone dont like me here..
din mean to hurt u syafiq:emoticon_U: ..i beging u come la.
i think u need "kasih sayang" from swifter remember last time amat said..
candybluegt what happen da dude wat amat said da? come la dat wedding dude dont mind if your car is not gannaz but u should be proud we own the suzuki da
sharkz_swift said:
candybluegt what happen da dude wat amat said da? come la dat wedding dude dont mind if your car is not gannaz but u should be proud we own the suzuki da

xganas mende? kete budak jahat!
amatabx said:
xganas mende? kete budak jahat!

Wey amat dont say like that, you made me feel guilty you know.

Ok no heart feeling, I'll go..

Wait at sg besi ok..:emoticon_U:

On that day dont drive fast ok coz I dont know the road.

And dont drink and drive. huahuahua...
wat u mean jahat bro u mean the car got problem or very powerfulla huhu im getting blurrr...that mean i should take some meaning from here..
Jahat means very lembab. Very old looks... hehehe

Is it what u mean amat.
its a long long time story b4 ull know about GTi, b4 ull not yet born, b4 swift b come cultus ee b4 ur family car b come urs..huh started from kramat all the way to UNIKL dengkil...:regular_smile:

1st crying til he meet smbdy..ophs cry & cry.:cry_smile:huhu..i want my cultus engine back.

2nd i kill u men!..i kill u men! back off! bharu

3rd 4wd mising in action.."desperado user error" bigin panas budak swift je!

4th story begin me & my wcs, jcp, bdj, wdj, wcc, nac, bcx, mm "i kill my gal fren..." haha one saga(mirage) doing some fun twist up in d air 360. Just imagine bro..:sad_smile:

that what amat (gombak backbone) try to say..understand??? hehe.
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I think candy is going to be clumpsy. Candy, I think you have to c the doctor and check your brain if there is one of your fuse burnt. hehehe why are you membebel like a mad man. huh, luckily I dont stay near your house. huarghhuarghhuargh...
I think someone here is trying to condem somebody with his dirty strategy..

Please do not try to disharmonised this thread..

Everybody agree with me..
just Meaning of ganazz..story behind ganaz
thats all..this is story among swifter from bangi, tmn tun, pandan, dengkil n cheras among swift poineer..sory syafique u not include.

my statement ddcate onli to sharkz_swift not u syafique or u SUZIMONSTER.
Sory cite takde kene mengena dgn korang..just ignore.
amatabx said:
:confused_smile: xde ekon ke? so hot !!

Come..come.. amat to my house got air con. Here is cool. heheheheeh

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