EVO Break IN

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500 RPM
Senior Member
Dec 6, 2006

Dear all EVO members,

This is the second time somedody has tried to break into my car. Well, I should say the first time they were successful. This time they just korek out my entire boot lock out.

The first time it happened in SS2.Now in Subang.

There was nothing in the boot area but they made away with the lock. My suspicion is that they would use that to duplicate a key and then either enter your car via key to steal meters & stuff or to steal the car. Now I got to change the entire car lock system. :angry_smile: I am only saved by my two way alarm. If it did not detect and alarm did not sound I believe I would have lost more.

So a word of warning to all. Hide your boot lock. Either disable it permanently, remove it entirely or something. I intend to have it removed entirely. Just dont understand?? Evo 9 out de..Evo 6 still wan to steal...Hahhaha ...OOppsss!!:X-:

So just a note of concern to my fellow members. SECURE YOUR EVO..Those BASTARDS are out there and they are always making sure we spend more money for security....*ouch on my pocket*

Where did u park ur car...in dark place ? i got fren he told me his client evo part in the backstreet near the shop houses for 1 hour...the intercooler also gone !!

Advise to all, park in the bright place.
just made like me...I cover the boot key with the plate no...hehe...plus some others security on it.....hehe..
Parked at bright place lah...Damn bloody sua ku these assholes nothing else better to do but to steal ppl thing.. Mahai gonna get me a police stick if I see them I hantam I dun care.
In my case, I disabled (remove the metal support) the boot lock and only use an alarm remote to open it. Safer too.
heard got a bunch of thieves targetting club TTs nowadays........few hotspots such as AS, TT,SH, MK.....so beware lor

What u mean targeting TT...usually if TT we all around the area how they wanna steal anything?
Good idea acbc...thats what I going to do. Bloody puki...damn pissed off.
got thieves coming into my house too..wanna break in my car..lucky i got my gsm alarm..and i went down to check. switch on lights and they will run...thanx to the sms from gsm alarm. just took my piaa carbon fibre wipers.
Damn thieves... while they are unable to pick my boot lock, they broke into my stock standard Nissan AD Resort and ran away with some power tools.

What? Not again... Oh man... sorry to hear tht... So better do it all 1 shot so tht u can hv peace after tht...
sorry to hear man!!!... damm those stupid uncivilised idiots!!!... thats y a two way alarm is a good investment.. so the car can communicate with owner of any sort of disturbance... lucky man!!!... in history myself was a victim of car breakins 4 times man!!!.. so i know how it feels!!! damm frustrating!!!
yeah , two way alarm is a good investment. anybody can suggest what's the best 2-way alarm in the market. Just thinking of what will happen to my immobilizer if I want to install 2-way alarm?
the ultimate clifford avantguard 5..........if u or anybody interested to ON this ....can look for me... :D
hey dd,
when you free ah? need to upgrade my alarm liow...
a question,if we hv gsm alarm,much better right? but sometimes annoying coz whenever the mechanic repair our car,our phone will kept on ringing with smss and calls..but safety comes first
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