Ditch NS programme now before more die

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1,500 RPM
Senior Member
Mar 19, 2005
Ir Lee LC
Feb 2, 07 4:05pm Adjust font size: It is sad and indeed distressing to find out that yet another national service trainee, Teng Shian Shen, has died two weeks after being asked to return home from her training at the Pasir Panjang national service camp.

Since the NS scheme was started in 2003, a worrisome number of casualties and deaths amongst trainees has occurred, totaling 19 in all. There are far too many deaths and drastic actions are urgently called for from the authorities concerned.

For the sake of comparison, all young males of Taiwan (with population of 23 million) undergo a full military national service training programme for two full years of service. The training methods and regime are much tougher than our three-month NS programme.

Yet, with such a vast number of youngsters undergoing military-style training, serious casualties are few indeed and very much lower there than our figures.

It has already been four years now since our NS programme started and yet serious problems still surface every now and then. Among them:
  • The transportation debacle of hired buses being declared unworthy to carry trainees to this year’s programme.
  • Frequent incidents of rapes and molest amongst female trainees.
  • Poor monitoring of the trainees’ attendance and absenteeism.
  • Failure in identifying a suitable and effective method to assess the physical health of the trainees before they undergo training and;
  • The improbable and desolate proportion of the number of Chinese trainees which constitutes only one percent of the total trainees number.
These issues arise time and time again due to gross human oversight and proves that the NS authorities have not learned or not trying hard enough to improve upon their past experiences:

I, therefore, call for the NS programme be abolished entirely as it has failed not only in ensuring the safety of the trainees but more importantly in failing miserably to achieve any of the noble aspirations that the government had originally intended for the programme to achieve.

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like the government care.........anyway....cant these people see that NS is going full NS in couple of year.....i meen the real NS.......they cant go full fledge because lacking facilities and objections by parents.....and they are building so many camps even as we speak so when this all ready......those lads will discard their stoopid blue camoflage uniforms for the real Malaysian army TIGER uniforms.....rather then doing community services they be learning bout platoon deployments and tactics.....rather then some shooting lesson they learn to be precise and accept the weapon as projection of their body.....instead of threee month they make it 4....then 6.....then a year.....then two.....

would u guys want ur children to face this wasted two years of their lives?.....and to answer the bugle call when it is necessary........and as the topic says to die in the process?.......

well....seriously...if they make it real NS....i dont mind......im a wataniah regiment soldier myself.....so why my son cant be....rite....
today's paper oso reported a indian gal died.....
say she was accompanied to toilet (its a rule)....
after 10 mins she never came out....
then her fren go call the officers or watever.....
found she's unconcious....
send to hospital.....
the next thing known....
she's dead......
dunno the reason....
need to wait for postmortem.....

wtf la.....
if they r unable to take care of ppl's child....
then just abolish this program la.....
mayb the intention is good....
but then its proven they cant run this program properly.....

in the future.....
if i hav children....
i'd never wan my child to join man....
anytime will receive call sayin my child in hospital.....
next thing u know they might b dead.....
even b4 u can see them.....

imho, abolishing the NS is a bad idea. It really helps teenagers ALOT.

It just needs to be managed properly (which obviously seems hard in our country).
bogg: gives u d opportunity to peep at young virgin bodies when they shower aye?
It's the system's fault, plus kids nowaday lack of curriculums and sports....... SG and Taiwan take care of NS seriously, and every death and mismanagement will be condemned to hell, some parents even sue the G for compensation......
the bloody govt is doing this NS thingy due to onli one reason....

Take more black money (Bribe)........wat they care bout the life of the NS trainee......below shows the senarios they makan suap

The transportation debacle of hired buses being declared unworthy to carry trainees to this year’s programme. -->>> this shows internally hire non License bus to carry NS trainee to save cost........this is how it happen....e.g govt allocate RM1000 for transportation, the officer wan to make money out of it so they hire unLicense bus at maybe RM500 so remaining RM500 goes to pocket.....this is wat is hapenning....there is so many things like food, uniform, equipment etc etc....all are extra money taken by the govt lower officer.......

Then out of some dirty officer....rape/molest....etc etc......hope this type of officer get their dick cut off...... :angry_smile:

If i have my own kid i will not even allow them go for this kinda of stupid things....

Maybe this type of NS training can give to those bad discipline student or another word bad apple to go n get discipline and learn how to respect life and ppl......then i believe rempit / gangsterisim will reduce..........

I pray go bless those soul that have being parish in the NS training being send to heaven and pray those still in there have more stronger power n will to finish the training......haiz...............
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the NS programme came out with a good intention.
The only thing is the ppl managing the program is at fault.

Like highways and tolls are meant for good; but the management is at fault in rising ridiculios toll prices and not maintaining the roads.

So, you can't blame NS program for casualties and death. The only thing is the trainers at the training camp. What are they doing??.......how do they do their job??...

It's like you can't blame the course is too hard and u flunked. You could only blame the institition or the lecturers for not doing a good job in teaching.

Get my point?!

We do really have a typical malaysian mentality. We jump the gun whenever something happened but it seems that no one goes further by investigating the root of all causes.
I do love the ideas of NS reason like what Lennon has stated. Also it's supposed to teach discipline into kids nowadays which really in lack of it. The solution has to be taken by the government to review the NS training facilities and facilitators.
With proper planning all would be well.....but knowing M'sia.......hhhhhmmmmm....
if u read NST.. another gal had an unfortunate incident.. she's paralyzed waist down...
I do support the NS program.... Those countries that embrace NS show their new generations are being well taught and trained to be independent, healthy living with exercise, socializing with new frens, teamwork and etc....... Media always concentrates on bad news. Nobody give a damn about the bright side, but when a person was death, he/she will be at the front page.

NS still need to improve their camps' facility and food preparation.... Not everyone eat the same thing..... Hopefully death won't be the next agenda again....
My brother is in NS camp now, all i can tell u some off their activities are total rubish, wait till you see their course structure you would laugh man, as for the physical activities some of the trainers are not even fit for their job..

Take for instance training for water confidence,
man they expect you to go inside the murky water and just don't move, suppose to train your confidence. ended up my brother just told his trainer he did life guard course and was a competition swimmer which he actually did and went back to the dom and sleeep.. hahaha
An ambition of Malaysia to be like Singapore in implementing National Service .. very funny activity .. I dont like a thing to be copied from other country. And now, the government should realise wat they should do, and should not do ..
i think NS is a good thing but the G should hired someone who is experience in conducting all this training and responsible....it seems that the G hired any tom,dick and harry for this job...
bogg: gives u d opportunity to peep at young virgin bodies when they shower aye?

Why do I need to peep when they invite me to join them?

*Disclaimer : Only applicable to girls aged between 18 and 25, and weight under 50kg
saga bro>>askar wataniah eh u?!! haha..me tak boleh la..i medic ajer

But honestly...if we talk about NS...Make it the real NS not highskool 3 month motivation camp to so called build confidence .If a tennager can be shape within 3 month..i wanna know how also

like taiwan,SG.2 years and only male,real military training.All must went through detail body check up before they got in like wat other country did.Here they just fill form or declare prior to it,most of the fatality or casualties is partially due to this.

But if all these can't work..just abolish it but i doubt it wont.Alot of money spended for this,gov wont just pull out.
i do notice that NS is to REVEAL who to die when...
before NS,no one dies of these freak accidents...
serious, if you were PM, will you close down all public road in Malaysia nationwide because there are 16 ppl died in road accident everyday averagely?

simon, your statement is like no car then no car accident, seriously...
imagine Tunku Abdul Rahman band all private car after several ppl die in road accident back in 1950-an when our private transport just started.

BUT It doesn't mean that I support the project. What's it got to do by playing gun with unity? I dun want to turn this into politics debate, but this is just Najib's politics show.

No family want to send their kids to NS camp happily but in return, NS army camp truck send back their kids laying there quitely with black plastic beg (this is just an example, I don't know how NS handle the death body)

They need to sit down and review the entire NS Project, if they can't find a way they shall stop the project, let the money channel to buy more advance weapon, we don't even have a submarine (thanks to the white elephant project), but Singapore, the tiny island have 4 submarines in service at least.

If Japan would like to attack us again, there will be no much different compare with WWII battle,where [SIZE=-1]Tomoyuki Yamashita (a.k.a Tiger of Malaya) sapu Malaya with the army travel in bike.


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