Cops out there are looking around for their "bonus'!!

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Talking about these pigs, I once kena tahan for lepaking in front of a friend's (girl) house, outside, in front of her house, and her parents are in the house! We just talk2, not sit close or anything. It was 11PM+, these fucktards came and ask my IC, I say why? They say can't lepak at this hour.

Then they check my tinted, say "This tint x boleh". I just ignore these stupid fucks. Then they go. Wasted 30 mins of my time.
satria_95 said:
yeah, I agree. No point crying over spilt milk. But how many more milk must we spill when we know we don't need to even spill a drop?
I'd still say we should defend our rights, if we don't fight for it.

And speaking of pigs, I was driving just now and there's this 2 pigs crossing the road. A few cars was already approaching them and they still cross so slowly like there's nobody else on the planet. When I passed them, and almost bang my side mirror on to them, I saw a police badge on their belts. They're off duty pigs. Those 2 bloody fucking pigs think they're the sultans.

Haha go bang the pigs down and make char siew pau...heheheeh
You know, now that you've mentioned to bang them and make char siew pau, you'll be surprised about something. When a pig get's knocked down, the first people you'll sure to see at the scene is chicken rice sellers. They will quickly take the pigs to make char siew and siew yoke. hahahaha So... if those chicken rice dudes are seriously desperate to get some cheap/free pork, they'll usually wait for friday. hahahaha
these kinda sohais treaten ppl also kena b4 la but more then holding hands la mauahahhahahahaa...but still kena 20 buck cos only 2 cops came, take our IC then pretend call balai, hq hq over, tolong check ini nombor IC..okok roger out! then say "i bawak korang pi balai sekejap untuk tulis report, sebab kelakuan tak bermoral" mauahahahahhaa...niama only kissing only ma not gangbang in car also...then i say "tuan, ini first time gua bawak date ma, jangan bagi malu la tuan" "OK BRAPA MAU SETTLE?, ini masuk court boleh denda 500ringgit!!!" ok lar 100 ringgit saya bagi laluan. (my pocket only left 25buck) tuan, i ader sajer 25ringgit lar BOLEH? " BROTHER LAIN KALI ****** BAWAK BANYAK SIKIT DUIT, INI 20 RINGGIT NAK BUAT APERR?? BELI CONDOM PUN TAK CUKUP LA"!! i say - itu saja saya ada, kalu nak ambik, tak masuk court dan u berdua takde duit minum kopi, ok la JALAN...lain kali jangan bagi saya jumpa korang lagi!!!

mauahhahahahahhhaa....20 buck also they wan, u see la how desperado they are lar :biggrin: aftet they all cabut we move on to another secluded spot but this time more brighter in front of kommuter station sure no need worry!! ahahahahhahaa..
satria_95 said:
That's the thing that I've been trying to stress for the past few years to people. They complain about cops taking bribes but if we look at it from the top of the line, it's the citizens who show fear and start giving bribes. Of course, if the citizen has already done wrong, then just face the music rather then give bribes.
If the citizen has not done wrong, then they have TOTALLY NOTHING TO BE AFRAID OF. The problem lies in the damn people who just wants to solve things fast and easy and thus, give bribes. Not surprisingly, there is a LARGE number of malaysians who just give bribes without thinking about fighting for their rights.

- You don't even need to leave your car if you're NOT doing anything wrong.

- You don't need to surrender any documents to the fucking police.

- Lock all your doors at ALL times and just open the window enough to talk to the police nicely.

- Challenge those fucking pigs to talk at the NEAREST police station if they insist that you get out of the car.

- If the police insists to see your documents, take it out and hold it against the window. They just need to LOOK at it, not touch it.

- write down the police ID number, those number that is stuck to their uniform. This is to file a report against him/her should they be abusing their power.

And please don't spoil the fucking police, for Malaysia's corrupted sake. Stop breaking the law and thus, stop giving bribes and challenge them. We, the citizens, build the country. Not the damn police.

most of the citizens out there afraid if those dogs just simply draw their gun and shot em.
later the dog can make story.
thats what we call malaysia style.

and yes, Subang Jaya/USJ have a lot of bogus/fake police around, especially on motorcycles.So please beware.If suddenly they appproach you ( normally during daylights ) just start your car and cabut! if possible go to the place where they are many people like mamak/pump station/ or staright to balai polis.

i knew this because i have encountered twice, one in usj 4 and another one in usj 22.
satria_95 said:
That's the thing that I've been trying to stress for the past few years to people. They complain about cops taking bribes but if we look at it from the top of the line, it's the citizens who show fear and start giving bribes. Of course, if the citizen has already done wrong, then just face the music rather then give bribes.
If the citizen has not done wrong, then they have TOTALLY NOTHING TO BE AFRAID OF. The problem lies in the damn people who just wants to solve things fast and easy and thus, give bribes. Not surprisingly, there is a LARGE number of malaysians who just give bribes without thinking about fighting for their rights.

u should really apply to Tom for a stickie of that post. i didnt include it bcoz its not nice to make forummers scroll down twice for the same thing.

u should keep the size of the font if and when u get that post into a sticky. good advice. we gotta educate everyone if possible. :)
fstrader said:
these kinda sohais treaten ppl also kena b4 la but more then holding hands la mauahahhahahahaa...but still kena 20 buck cos only 2 cops came, take our IC then pretend call balai, hq hq over, tolong check ini nombor IC..okok roger out! then say "i bawak korang pi balai sekejap untuk tulis report, sebab kelakuan tak bermoral" mauahahahahhaa...niama only kissing only ma not gangbang in car also...then i say "tuan, ini first time gua bawak date ma, jangan bagi malu la tuan" "OK BRAPA MAU SETTLE?, ini masuk court boleh denda 500ringgit!!!" ok lar 100 ringgit saya bagi laluan. (my pocket only left 25buck) tuan, i ader sajer 25ringgit lar BOLEH? " BROTHER LAIN KALI ****** BAWAK BANYAK SIKIT DUIT, INI 20 RINGGIT NAK BUAT APERR?? BELI CONDOM PUN TAK CUKUP LA"!! i say - itu saja saya ada, kalu nak ambik, tak masuk court dan u berdua takde duit minum kopi, ok la JALAN...lain kali jangan bagi saya jumpa korang lagi!!!

mauahhahahahahhhaa....20 buck also they wan, u see la how desperado they are lar :biggrin: aftet they all cabut we move on to another secluded spot but this time more brighter in front of kommuter station sure no need worry!! ahahahahhahaa..

20 sikit? I once kasi RM13 all RM1 sheets wakakakaka. And then I saw them enter caltex to buy food.

Sticky the post up in this thread is rather enclosed to forum members only. If I had the way to do it, I'd get The Star, New Straights Times and Malay Mail to sticky it up in a corner of their front page every fucking day.

I have always opt not to be lop sided when it comes to issues like this but it's just too bad, the pigs have made me lop sided entirely already.
Today, I saw lots of pigs in ss2 pasar malam, those bandaraya pigs. They were there to sapu those pasar malam traders without licenses. I wonder why can't the traders just get the license and just be legit. Then I talked to one of the very long time traders there. She said that years ago, licenses was affordable to many traders, only about RM1000+, for a stall that occupies probably a space of 5meters x 5 meters, or something like that. Now, it costs a fucking RM5000 for the same space!
No wonder many traders there didn't get the licenses. Cos it costs so much to get the license.
When they construct mosques in chinese area, and the chinese protest, the pigs just go on building the mosque and complete it, saying it's tradition and whatever crap. When chinese fight to remove the ban on fireworks, they just give reasons saying it's dangerous and stuff. As if chinese fire works isn't tradition.
ambayah said:
20 sikit? I once kasi RM13 all RM1 sheets wakakakaka. And then I saw them enter caltex to buy food.


13 bucks also boleh jadi duit kopi ahh?! Wah shit didn't know people can get so desperate..I think they are more desperate than those beggars out on the street now..
satria_95 said:
You know, now that you've mentioned to bang them and make char siew pau, you'll be surprised about something. When a pig get's knocked down, the first people you'll sure to see at the scene is chicken rice sellers. They will quickly take the pigs to make char siew and siew yoke. hahahaha So... if those chicken rice dudes are seriously desperate to get some cheap/free pork, they'll usually wait for friday. hahahaha

Haha seriously?! Wah hopefully the place where i normally eat chicken rice doesn't get his meat from how u mentioned !!! Sorry lah dude but i don't get it ,why must wait till friday??
justin_vspec said:
13 bucks also boleh jadi duit kopi ahh?! Wah shit didn't know people can get so desperate..I think they are more desperate than those beggars out on the street now..

They dont know look like a lot, selit at their report book or what you call that, they wont count it on the spot right? They say go. lol

All because my exhaust, I was parking at caltex also they come. So desperate la. :thumpdown
ambayah said:
They dont know look like a lot, selit at their report book or what you call that, they wont count it on the spot right? They say go. lol

All because my exhaust, I was parking at caltex also they come. So desperate la. :thumpdown

Wah like that also can ahh...Sad case them people..
justin_vspec said:
The cop then asks for his driving license and IC.Next thing he knew,the cop accused him of RAPE!! WTF?! My friend is well above 18 and so is his girfriend.

i cannot believe if the noob is your friend, nobody can make "rape" call stick unless the girl say so...unless the question of being caught with an underage girl with his pants down. :secruity:

or if one of the other is not muslim & too close for proximity!!
Cos friday is the day their day of gatherings. Lots of pickings for the chicken rice dudes. But worry not cos pork makes people smart, albeit they gain higher chance of stroke, heart attack, bla bla bla. hahahahah

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