>>any Seremban People<< N9

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:dong:what nice?ur 800hp evo X nice?:idea:

woah lan... :banghead::banghead::banghead: nabeh this really kua cheong weh....

dun put me on table la.... later ar start jokes ar... then those cant take jokes one will get offended :banghead:

---------- Post added at 09:39 AM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 09:38 AM ----------

:rofl::rofl::rofl::smokin:early morning i sambil drink nescafe n laugh at monitor...:smokin::rofl::coffee:

bro khoo, dun la like this... i dun wish to read newspaper ar.. saying
Seremban: A guy who drink nescafe has been choked to death by looking at unknown website bla bla bla...


dun take it series bro :listen::listen::listen:
ok...DD,around 11am like tht....:itsme:

thanks bro.... muah muaxxhh muackk... :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

i'll be coming down seremban this saturday for Crab ler... since no respond from you all..

sendiri go makan... if you wanna join come ler.. joseph is coming i guess since he said as long b4 kismas
U guys are funny la..
What time u guys went back la...? we left i think at 11.45 still saw ppl coming in...
real malaysian timing la.. say 10.30... :p hehe.. jk jk

Well, I'm sure there's another time right?

we left at 2 am before we burn some tires at the SAINS complex....Hahahaha
Nice one bro SF.... hahaha...........
:thefinger: "ko cheung, ko cheung" Just trying to share and exposed something good to ppl nia haha!
Can't join u makan "hai" lar cuz going for a trip this saturday lar..next round lar bro...but gonna see u this thursday anyway...

we left at 2 am before we burn some tires at the SAINS complex....Hahahaha
Hopefully can TT with u in seremban next round..sounds so interesting and fun yet FOUR Tables...So far me TT KEPONG only 1 big table also consider a lot liao...
SF, will have chance one....don't worry..I'm not gonna run away...
TR,he might want to propose next time when he see u...

i better hide now

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