Idiot Drivers

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Jin...relax relax...its almost end of workday aredy...dun go back in anger...wait kenot sleep tonite leh.

if the feller drive slowly..u overtake n pump the guy la. let him know he's hogging the road n pissing ppl off...female or male?

JIN got his ways to release stress & anger geh :rolleyes:

He got his wan seik handphones. One call, Stress Release Numbers...

I repeat is HANDPHONES with a 'S' not Handphone alone :laugh:

It's about Your Shots !
not Your Comments or Your Reply...

wakakakaka...kidding...:burnout: :burnout:

Anyway ... keep the photo coming !

Cheers !
*today..presenting you....another BEST OF THE BEST IDIOT DRIVER on Friday morning blues......

-typical gangster ettique....
-race: no need to tell...every race got person like this...
-age: around 50's
-body type:small-short (around 160cm)
-car type: P2 ViVa ( gangster drive small car even with "P" sticker)
-2person in car...maybe his wife....
-weapon: retractable aluminium rod (cotar)

the fairy-tales:

-as i was cruising on my bike on peak hour of traffic to Hubungan Timur-Barat Expressway (cheras to federal highway) usual traffic was quite heavy after desa waterpark intersection....

-and normally all bikers would choose far-left lane (emergency lane to be exact) as their route to avoid car on the other lane....

-and as usual...there's also some stupid idiotic car driver who feels like they was riding on 2wheel..(taking that far left lane and almost hitting several bikes)...

-and me watching from behind....without any pause..hit my horn and rev my loud bike to warn him that ill-manner.....

-but from that action what did i get???he hog that lane...hit brake purposely to make me crash onto his car....

-so i take his left...knock his window to ask him go back onto car lane (there was 3lane still not enough for u???as$h0L3).....*and i'm giving him the magical finger :thefinger: also due to his effort to get me crashed...

-in return...he become mad and ask me to stop....

-i stop...he first still he blocking other motorcylist from riding thru that lane....

-later he move his car to roadside an confront me...asking why me knocking his window....i said...if u don't push other bikers aside and make them almost crash i wound't do that....there was 3lane for cars...still u want to block other bikers???....he still want to be mad because me knocking his window.......did the window break???nope...did i broke the sidemirror??nope??did he bully other bikers??yes...

-if u think i'm gonna be afraid with your short "batang" u were very wrong.....i'll fight u with empty hand if u wish...and we'll see who got who....

-finally after several argument he said sorry for "himpit"/blocking other bikers...then we go off...simple enuf....apologize then we're good....not admitting your own mistake was the biggest mistake u do on the first u were reading this....think back....i know everyone was in hurry...everyone want to reach own destination fast....still...u were a good driver....those bikes doesn't even disturb u own their left lane....instead u be the a$5h0L3 to disturb them.....when bikers go weaving through your lane u become mad...when bikers "himpit" u to the side u when bikers told your wrong doing u oso become mad ah???very good of u..hope your son/daughter learn the lesson.....

here's the picture....
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nowadays,this kind of people never think about the other people..their selfishness made them very proud of what they have done...
at least he did apologize.....but its ok bro....kena byk bersabar bulan pose nih....
at least he did apologize.....but its ok bro....kena byk bersabar bulan pose nih....

yes he did apologize...i let him go because of this....

still his manner not good leh....if he think and drive properly i wouldn't even bother to knock his window in the first place.......all other bikers also would enjoy passing by him without any drama..... :burnout:

-if not fasting today i already give him eat my arai fullface helmet....buat salah still have guts to beat me with that "poyo" stick......
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u meant he took out his retractable rod or just show it & wanna scare u?
Ya, as long as bikers keep to the left and not hogging lanes, I fully respect that at least we are considerate to other road users as well...:adore:

Maybe he thought he is driving a 4-wheel Bike gua...:rofl:

At least he is man enough to admit he is wrong :top:
pomen_GTR, what is ur bike's number plate? Cuz I'll know which is u on the road in future :laugh:
or maybe he just upgraded to viva, last time using biasa wid emergency lane edi..haha.

SF, if u c any motorcyclist wearing black ARAI full face helmet, should be pomen GTR lo...ehehe
u meant he took out his retractable rod or just show it & wanna scare u?

he pull out that rod on his hand and ready with im just ready with my bare hand...(i put aside helmets bcoz ppl would accuse me bullying old ppl if i use that helmet to beat him) << if i really have to fight him...

(*note that our mouth fight wasn't long...but still enough to get understanding between us...

Ya, as long as bikers keep to the left and not hogging lanes, I fully respect that at least we are considerate to other road users as well...:adore:

Maybe he thought he is driving a 4-wheel Bike gua...:rofl:

At least he is man enough to admit he is wrong :top:
pomen_GTR, what is ur bike's number plate? Cuz I'll know which is u on the road in future :laugh:

-yep...because i ride and drive as well...and i really aware advantage/weakness for both rider/driver.....thus this teach me to be more aware whenever i drive or ride..... i couldn't stand if i encounter any rider or driver do things like this.......

so enjoy drive n ride without harm others.... :nurse:

if give u no. plate oso u wouldn't even realize it was me...coz mostly i'll just zooming by...just remember my avatar....only 1 helmet in KL as far as i know..and kapcai rider with fullface oso u can count with your finger rite???if u see my helmets with this backpack riding a kapcai, most probably it was me..>>

(so sad most motorcyclist love to use "Mah Sing 88" bucket pail plastic helmets instead a proper helmets with enuf pad and good strap on their beloved head) :hmmmm:
Pomen...good show. whos the guy standing next to the car? dun understand how come car wanna hempit into emergency lane...even here when the bikes use the left most lane(not emergency lane) the cars all stick to middle n fast lane n dun kacau the left most lane...understood mah. hard to elak bikes when there r a lot of them so better keep yr distance wat.

eh the hardpack damn chun..can keep notebook n waterproof also rite?
arturo, thats pomen GTR le...

---------- Post added at 12:09 PM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 12:06 PM ----------

ahaaha.where u got that pic from?
Pomen...good show. whos the guy standing next to the car? dun understand how come car wanna hempit into emergency lane...even here when the bikes use the left most lane(not emergency lane) the cars all stick to middle n fast lane n dun kacau the left most lane...understood mah. hard to elak bikes when there r a lot of them so better keep yr distance wat.

eh the hardpack damn chun..can keep notebook n waterproof also rite?

that guy was another riders watching if anything become too serious then maybe he would join....

at that time picture was taken after he apologize and go back in the car..and the "other rider" just go to double check with him...maybe to get things cool down a bit more la....

-ya normally when on busy multi-lane expressway sure cars would stay on middle and right lane....(bikers on the left lane and sometimes pushed to emergency lane)....if them have to use emergency lane its not a big deal....but when those who was already riding in the emergency lane and being pushed to the roadside anyone would be angry right???

-i mean....yes small bikes do have smaller amounts of roadtax....(excuses from arrogant driver) but roadtax still a involved....bikes do have right to use that road....and manners to push them aside for own advantage is a BIG MISTAKE

-if the rider do hogging overtaking lane/middle lane then it was different story.....different wrong-doing....(even when i was driving i'll honk them not to play2 on the road)

*if big bike that pays almost triple roadtax price can use all 3 lane and push cars to side sure driver angry also rite????(600cc bikes roadtax value rm600+-) who says all bikers enjoy low-roadtax.... :biggrin:

arturo, thats pomen GTR le...

not was another guy....(*me taking the picture so i can post in this "your shots" thread) :burnout:
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