STARCRAFT II 2010 Release date announced

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Senior Member
Jul 24, 2009

Official Worldwide Retail Release: July 27th, 2010
Part I: Wings of Liberty

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fuh! can't wait for StarCraft II
by the way, which clan you prefer? I personally prefer Protoss, keep on build Protoss Cannon to defend my base :biggrin:
fuh! can't wait for StarCraft II
by the way, which clan you prefer? I personally prefer Protoss, keep on build Protoss Cannon to defend my base :biggrin:

i also prefer protoss, but if wanna do fast attack i will choose zerg ..:biggrin:
I agree with you, Zerg at early stages very fast at building their armies. I saw ppl within 5 minutes can sapu their opponent's bases already using Zergling.

Protoss Cannon very powerful: Attacks Air and Land, detects invincible / burrowed units, can't ask for more :biggrin:
I agree with you, Zerg at early stages very fast at building their armies. I saw ppl within 5 minutes can sapu their opponent's bases already using Zergling.

Protoss Cannon very powerful: Attacks Air and Land, detects invincible / burrowed units, can't ask for more :biggrin:

ya protoss cannons very powerfull, and their army also have more hp compare to other race army.
will u buy the original version starcraft 2???

and i saw somewhere in other thread u mention that u play counter strike??? counter strike source?? ori version ??
if play protoss, just need to build things right (the best, even focus playing on dragoon also can win game!)

if play terran, have to play tactic and build alot things (means must play every units) damn mafan

if play zerg, have to be very fast (also depends on luck)

I wonder hows the SC2 will turn out in the game play.....damn waited so long liao @.@
where got money buy original? only can afford a RM 5 CD from outside :mad:
yup, protoss units have longer hp and it is rechargable from the battery. just that once the unit hp reaches below the shield hp, the base hp can't be healed.

Yup, I got play CS, also not original one. :biggrin:
just old CS lah, CS 1.5 and Condition Zero. Last time got enter a 5 vs 5 competition, but still lose :rofl: Spend some $$ on buying better headsets to listen better :mad:

Protoss: the unit I like the most is Dark Templar, as it is invi :biggrin:
if merge two then get a unit which can perform mind control. What name already? forgot :hmmmm2:

Terran: I like to use the Ghost and detonate enemy's bases :evil:

Zerg: I like to use Lurker, burrow and spike enemies :evil:
Protoss can mind control.. ~~~~~
if mind controlled builder of zerg and terran and mange to build and control 3 race army together then will be more epic...

this only happen during play with AI..haha
DARK ARCHON......hhehehehe

Starcraft all character name cannot forget, fave game since form1 back in 90's.....muahahahahah

The best best best part is, u build 2 troops of Dark Templars, then while enemy is busy attacking with ur team mates, fly a dozen of Arbiter above the nexus/commandcenter/hive, then using teleport ability to transfer all Dark Templars and destroy all the minerals collector and the base.....

consperm instant economy crisis and 80% the fella will likely to lose.....

if your teamates are terrans, can also do the same by teleporting all the Siege Tanks (deployed mode). Teleporting one troop can already do BIG damage to enemy base liao.....hehehe
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The normal templar when do the fusion come out the Archon (blue and white color unit) that one not bad too.

fuh! you remind me of the siege tank. Massive damage can be done once it is in deployed mode, damn scary. The only weaknesses are the reloading phase and not close range unit when in deployed mode.

By the way, I like the Goliath too: "Goliath Online" :listen:
yes, if able to build dozen of Goliath troops with upgraded Hellfire missile, is damn powerful attack againts air. Is very good to destroy Battlecruisers and Carriers. But attack on ground is less powerful.

Normally, when got alot of $$$$, I build like 5-10 Warfactory, then keep building Goliath and Vulture like mad, and keep rushing the enemy (macam play zerg pulak) heheheh

Coz this 2 units is very cheap to build. Just build and attack, no need to think :P
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StarCraft I was my 1st computer game and I played it when I was standard 3 .. My fav is PROTOSS !
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I remember Mighty Tassadar sacrifce himself by kamikaze into the Zerg's nest, respect :adore:

Kerrigan is being infested into Evil :mad:

anyone here played this game alrdy????

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anyone here played this game alrdy????

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