World's Oldest Car Worth A Million

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Senior Member
Feb 6, 2007
The world’s oldest car is going to auction and is expected to fetch a cool £1million.


La Marquise, built by French manufacturers 'De Dion, Bouton et Trepardoux' in 1884, is a steam powered four seater that pre-dates the Daimler and Benz gas powered prototypes by just one year.

It won the world’s first motor race - from Paris to Neuilly and back (19 miles) - in 1887 using its devastating 38mph top speed.

After doing a bit of maths here at the office, we worked out that (if you stumped up the cash) you’ll be paying £26,316 for each mph you get out of it or £8,130 for every year it’s existed. You never know, it might be worth double that in another 123 years time...

p/s:so keep ur old car, u might not know what will it worth one day!

PistonHeads Headlines
how can this car be the oldest car ? I thought Ford made the first car ? No ?
henry ford made the first commercialised production car. he didnt make the first car
Still have arh....
Good man...worth it for this kind of price....

Actually Henry ford is the first one who invented Petrol power car not the 1st one to invent car...
The 1st one whom invented car is Benz where it uses steam like train.. where been mention by Meraboy...
correct, that's y i like to post "this kind of interesting news (sometimes controversial & kena bambooed)" - hey, never mind, GET THE RIGHT INFO.
I got a die cast of that, how much would it worth? haha. And mine is in really bad condition. Lost front wheel... hehe.
I got a die cast of that, how much would it worth? haha. And mine is in really bad condition. Lost front wheel... hehe.

...maybe u can ask Smithsonian how much it can fetch? or maybe they will ask u do for charity...donate hahaha.
I guess he rather trash it... hahaha... really really bad condition... chain also rosak... haha... I'm a second owner... hehe
I guess he rather trash it... hahaha... really really bad condition... chain also rosak... haha... I'm a second owner... hehe

Dun la like that... trash it??... Boleh-land can produce 120tons of trash oh...
Recycle it la...still have some to get back ma...:biggrin: hahahahaha
Dun la like that... trash it??... Boleh-land can produce 120tons of trash oh...
Recycle it la...still have some to get back ma...:biggrin: hahahahaha

ya loh,, environmental friendly mah, some more recycle can some $$ mah. But how much, hv to ask potong leh.
Hehehehe... netmatrix... there's one year 1888 merc in PS2 GT4... similar to this
- That car's top speed??? hehe... only 16km/h... and 22km/h when you are going down small slanting.
- 1HP only... it CAN'T go uphill... it will fall back. haha
- 2 gears only...
Aiya... 18XX time very good lifetime one.. have this kind of speed consider very fast already... no pc, no internet and no phone (mayb) somemore no tv...
I think out current marathon runners can go faster than that! But then again its not about speed and more about historical achievement i think. hehe. I wonder how many of these things are still around? 10 units?
Hahaha... just imagine the braggin' from the owner at that time.. when was it? 1884?.. ha ha...

"Gentlemen, may I present u my CAR,.. u guys know what is a car?... C-A-R ! CAR! From now on, I can go to places without even walkin' nor horse ridin'. Kill all those stinkin' horses, lets hv 'em for dinner. I dont have to clean their shit no more"

ha ha ha...
Tamahagane, do you know that when you drive those year 1884 or 1888 car at that time, you are allowed to travel at maximum of 6km/h only. Beside that, you must have a guy waving a red flag walking in front of your car when your car is moving... haha... this is what i got from a mini book...
So, the differene is this time you don't need a horse saja ma... haha... that car also very very noisy oh...

netmatrix, world fastest man run at 37km/h... if i'm not mistaken la...
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