Products with wrong spelling?

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China product makers don't give attention on the spellings. The quality is bad too. I always avoid buying China made products.
Some ppl consider buying china made products are solely due to the LOW PRICE.
Label or no might be another matter to them.
Some ppl consider buying china made products are solely due to the LOW PRICE.
Label or no might be another matter to them.

Most China products usually the grammar is bad, but if main title is wrong that is bad.... :banghead:
Here i found somemore..




If u guys talk about bad china spelling stuff, i can share a youtube video made by this British guy

Here is the link
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A few years ago when Dato' Seri Hishamuddin wanted to stress more on English language studies in schools, many people including MPs objected him. Now you see what happened! Hehe!

This one is good......:biggrin:

---------- Post added at 03:40 PM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 03:39 PM ----------

A few years ago when Dato' Seri Hishamuddin wanted to stress more on English language studies in schools, many people including MPs objected him. Now you see what happened! Hehe!

Good, Now can join China mah!.....hhahhahahahhahah:biggrin:
Why so much discrimination against China? You do realize they have Cambridge graduates as well right.. Wondering if they have English teacher in China? Seriously? Really "katak di bawah tempurung".

China's got the largest number of Ferraris, Maseratis, Porsches etc. on the road.. I've not seen Bugattis yet.
That is correct about the huge ownerships of Supercars in China. This tells that China's economy is growing leaps and bound.
But I can't understand why......that they have "neglected" English, so important in business transaction big or small?
Don't they know that business deal can be made or broken due to poor English??

If they could afford big cars (oversea birthgiving, lavish holiday trips, staying in million dollar residence), I think they could afford hiring someone with decent English command to spell-check and correct their product's label, advertisment, right?

Heck, Spelling-check is even available in Microsoft Words? Simple use of English-dictionary?, and free-endless information from World Wide Web??
If spelling wrong or grammar can understand, but as for topic was not spelling error but wrong word being used......Angle and Anger.....:sleep::biggrin:
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