Painting Service , Art Graphics for helmet , cars, bike etc

Car Shops and Services

Painting Service , Art Graphics for helmet , cars, bike etc


Known Member
Senior Member
Feb 13, 2008
Helo how are you .

Would like to share my skills with those
interested with having a hand painted work of art
onto their helmet , paintball mask , automobile
bodywork , bicycle etc .

Material - oil paint and technique which will
create striking textures .

And if you want something like this you name it
and I'll do it .
Since this start out as a hobby and I'm just doing
it at home , it will take around a week to finish
the helmet shown .

Price will be RM50 for that helmet size and for
example full face will be RM150 but price depends
on what kind of graphics you want .

They don't fade , weather resistance non stick and
won't melt as long as you take care of it .
So call me 016 2597879 .
After sales services provided < if you ever accidentally scrape the paint off >

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