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1,000 RPM
Senior Member
Jan 31, 2004
I was with Tom yesterday, first to login at this forum.

Go vBulletin!

Hi ambayah, you're the first to notice the activation of the site at 28/04/05 0610hrs. Right after that so did other 41 users at 06:38 AM.
Some of them were earlybirds that had reset their passwords: agasl, calvenevo, crxr, freundlich, kapitan, puffcurry

congrats everyone

Hi all
I have to apologise for the downtime that you've experience for 12 hrs each for 2 days. The conversion was pretty though and tedious for a database of this size. plus, many errors and "back-to-the-drawing-board"s.

The first downtime and work and progress of 12 hrs of 26/04/05 was totally wasted which has to be restarted on 27/04/05 at 1200hrs.

The whole progress requires the duration of 20hrs to complete which is what you see now before you.

It is time for me to get some rest. Please do enjoy the new experience and please do not forget to:
-Check and report any errors to the enquiries forum
-Update your profiles
-Update your avatars
-Update your signature (note HTML is prohibited)
-Get used to the new system

Thank you for all your loyal support all these years.



Tom, the adverts at the top of the page aren't very well aligned and long messages tend to scroll to the right of the screen. So it tends to get a little annoying to view each time I see a long message.

I'm currently on 1024x768 which should be standard size nowadays.

All the subscribed threads are gone

All previous PMs gone too (Luckily I saved the phone numbers separately). Also, it is saying I have reached my PM quota even tho I have none. So mabbe something isn't turned on?

Oh well. Nice board :)
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well, this new version for me is LOUSY!!! :mad:

avatar and signiture cant even benn updated.... stupiD!

eg: signiture 100 x 100 pixel or 60kb... whichever is smaller...

Noticed the OR there... CEH! But the truth is must fullfill both of this! 100x100 and 60kb! impossible for those who has long pic as signiture...

also no avatar and signiture displayed in posting... Pm all gone... contact all gone... wihout warning asking us to save... Bookmark pages all gone...!

This is SO LOUSY!!!!!

i rather stick to the old forum version......:mad:
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Well.. the idea to control the size of the signiture is to prevent people from putting hugggggggeeeeeeee signitures that sometimes slows down loading time for the thread. I dunno.. my guess.

I like it. Smaller sigs means faster loading times and so far everything loads bloody fast man.

I can see the sigs and the avatars wot.. in fact I can see everything and do everything and everything no problems. :D

For those who're familiar with IASCAR forum.. then they'll know this format very well :D
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where the icon for pm?

Btw, to PM a person, just click on the fella's nick and you can see the option "Send message". If you don't see it then the person hasn't logged into the new forum yet.

Oh.. and the member will need to enable it in their options menu.
LOL, I must say InvisionBoard is much more user friendly :)

Maybe need a new style/skin.
hmm.. The forum design is ok. Good work Tom.

:eek: but I really hate the thread design. I like the older version more.
this is still a Beta right. So please , if can, change the location for our avatar to the side(like old one).

Just my 2 cents. la.
I think this new forum is better, alot of new functionalities that the user can customize to his/her needs. The best feature i think is that you can disable avatar and signature viewing, great for 56K modem users. :) Must admit that it takes a little of getting used to but I think everyone will soon get the hang of it. Plus i think the security now should be much better and less chances of being hacked eh? And i guess it makes maintainance much easier for Tom. Give him a break guys :D
Previous forum also can do la...?

Go to your UserCP -> Options -> Enable Signature

Anyways, if warning first better, all my PMs are gone :(
cybernation said:
how come i din see any of my avatar or signature after i've edit it??!!!!

You need to enable avatar and sig viewing.
Go to edit option.
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