VS150 parts to sale....

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VS150 parts to sale....


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Senior Member
Feb 2, 2006
NEW PRiCe!!!!

blue cover set rm80
full black body cover rm150
bearing engine rm150
grandshaft with the rod rm150
block + piston rm130
fork rm150
( full with "batang" + front disc brake)
handle rm20
"smile" light" rm20/each
(2 set = at the front cover set )
meter vs125 rm20

can nego if u really interested!!!
PM me or better call me straight away 0129362442 (mie)
the stuff is mine's ..coz i alredy modified the skuter..put the block n piston 180 ( racing block )..for vs150 must change all the rod and grandshaft if u wan to use the vs180 block racing..b4 dis i dun want to sell scared wan to standardized my skoter back...but,now really wan to use money...so,sell it cheap2 lor...
the blue cover set and full black body cover also is mine,i already change it to vs125r body cover which is grey in colour...and my set already change to grey colour ( wan make it sepadan.. )....ok,now u already satisfied wit my answer...why? u think this barang curi ar?? dun worry la,i also have akal wan....
if i curi motor,one day confirm my motor also ilang wat.... :) sumore,x kanla i put my number in this forum.... :) so,if u r interested juz call me ok... :)
thanx for the info..:)biasa lor....coz u oso sell the ngine part ma...mesti ingat barang panas punya...where are u done the moddy?
sori lambat reply... :)
erm,wat kat bengkel emmbe jer....dulu la main skuter skrg pakai ikan kelisa jer... :)
heheheh.....dah serik jatuh time lap jer....muehehehe :p yerla,org nak lap kite pun nak merasa gak kan..last2 kiter jatuh org lain ketawa...hahahaha
main skuter gak ker ?
ade nak beli barang tak ?
beli ar..nak pakai duit skit la...hehehe
nope...just askin for my fren ma..sama la..dulu pun main skuter...but now ex5 je..hehehe..
ex5 ..really save budget ma on petrol..
sumore if sukter rosak,menangis ma.....cost hunred ringgit woo...
so,ur fren wan the stuff ar?
still can discuss if really wan....
bro, ade mangkok standard / ekzos standard tak? nak convert balik stock nie.. tak main dah.
sorrrila...mangkuk ngan ekozs standard xde la..
sorri beb..
better sell kat skuterama la... cni byk bdk keta je.. aku pun dulu je guna vs.. xlarat beb... trs tukar rxz.. lg shiok!!
lar..yer ker ?
aku pun tak tahu ade wecsite dier ?
aku tukar kelisa terus..heheheh :p

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