TTT on 26th May 2006


1,500 RPM
Senior Member
Feb 9, 2004
Tokyo, Japan.
TTT Schedule
Date: 26th May 2006
Day: Friday
Time: 8.30pm onwards
Venue: Restoran Syed Ariff, USJ 9 (Behind Tai Thong Restoran)
Dress code: Smart/Casual/Formal/Informal/Nude/Semi-Nude/etc... ahahahahaha!

Confirm List

(1) TRD16v @ Mike

FFK List

me cuming........

gurubesar mike......this sunday GRA clinic joining or not???? good for practice........
sifoo TOMS ... u joining or not 1st ?? hehehehe .. :p
huh ????????????? spectator ????????????? mana bole ????????????
like that i oso maybe spectator kua .. huahahaahahahahaa
huh ????????????? spectator ????????????? mana bole ????????????
like that i oso maybe spectator kua .. huahahaahahahahaa
errr dis sunday GRA clinic is wat actually arrrr.. me onli know R3 and SIC la.. i 1 2 ask u dis clinic clinic all got chicky chicky girl there one arrr.. afaik clinic must got clinic nurse there so i can c them in white skirt ma.. got arrrr.. waaahhahaahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!

called ian just now......this clinic is good for ppl who wanna learn to control their car with instructor teaching u in the car......ian n ivan will be the instructor........ 8 girls already sign up........make sure u guys dun loose the the girls..... as for me i'll loose to the girls and pretend tak tau ask them to teach me......muahahahaha......
it gonna be something like advanced driving......learn ur braking point, take the corner, etc......... heard most of the sifoo sifoo joining and only limit to 40 cars.... already 30+ car sign up........ me n sifoo alan gonna be there standing close to the girls like a nerd....... hahahahha.......mike come tag along.......tomolo last day to pay up......
errrr so sorry loh i kenot join la.. wahhh sayang la got chicks sign-up.. aisehhhh rugi but no choice loh coming weekend mau pigi tengok gambar kahwin mah.. wahahahahaahahahahaaha! i know i suppose 2 join dis as advised oso previously by yoga san.. but will go one lah no worries.. jes a matter of time onli la... eheheheheehe! u guys enjoy la!

advanced driving? where can i get the information eh? interested here....
lama sudah tak pergi subang usj. i'll try my best to cum... but if didn't cum, dont marah lorrrr
i won't be going to the clinic as well..........pokai liao.........
de SIC one u try call de CEO or SIC chairman see got event or not.. den let us all know ok.. ahahahahaahahahaha!

TTT not as popular as it used to be liau maaa ... hehehehe
so more most of the older ppl oso not responding much in here anymore ... dunno hilang where liauuu ...
yalor.. de TTT no more like old days liao.. where it is so famous, full of excitement, fun, full of cock session, etc.. now so diam oredi.. aiiiihhhhhh very sad la.. :(

all the sifoos oso gone liauuu ...
this place now became a tok kok place(very little nowadays) .. and oso FOR SALE place .. hehehehe ... most of the remaining threads oso old topics being continued and dragged up liauu ones ... see u guys tomoro laa .. i oso long time never TTT liauu ... hehehehe
any update? jadik ke tak jadik? sifoo allan, going or not? mike, u sure be there right?
i going laa .. will be there early but will oso cabuts early laa .. hahhahaaa
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