Random Car Pics Part 2

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i dun see anything wrong with UE7's post....nor the pics that he post..
be it the same car OR THE SAME PICS!
i still enjoy looking at them....and i saved most of the picts that he posed...
i hardly come in to here now days as noting much to attract me
until if i see there's thread notification of a reply post by UE7....
then i will squeeze a lil bit time to come in and glimpse about wat is new and wat is big by him again....

360 : no offend yah...please leave UE7 alone.....just like those magazines in the book stores.....most of them publish the "lebih kurang" almost the same thing and same type of cars....ie; zonda, ferrari, porsch and bla bla....noting much...u can just leave those mags and dun buy them....
u cant call them up and make complain.....same case here...if u tink that his picts is bored, then just dun come in...
or if u tink his picts stink, u can try post sum picts that out beat his picts.....that simple....
wah... the dai gor speak liao... ah lam gor! long time no c u posting liao... hows ur monster? post up da pic n share share here la...

relax guyz... after a day of work itz good 2 c c car picture here... so no matter wut car is it, jz njoy... as the topic "random car pic" ma... *cheers*
ok...heres my car....painted a layer of premiere coat...
whole car not smoothen yet....gotta rush it out TEMPORALY for this coming Japan GT event....from pics look ok....u'll like "yeakss" if u get to see the real car...alot of wavy surface and unfinish joints.....the whole conversion bodykit is not molded yet....

so, if u get to see this car during GT event, pls dun kutuk me ok? :X-:
haha.....now is about 2.45am...this pics is oven fresh from the paint shop...the bos rush it for me....

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dun rush rush la teamadvan .. later not nice leh.. miss one event nvm wan .. hahahaa..
umm sorry for being ignorant.. but what car is it? some sort of hybrid? sorry :P the roof/door looks like and RX7..
yup... the last thing you need is a rush job. better miss the event than wasting your money on a 50-50 job... anyway, may i know what ride is that? It's looking real sweet and monster garage-ish... ^_^
UE7, ignore that 360. Just continue posting those exotic pics.... :) keep up the good werk. Maybe u always spotted those exotics while he can't thus he try to pick on you.
Stalking? You call that stalking?
Just go to hotel and happen to see a Ferrari there, you call that stalking?
I mean WTF, just because someone happens to see Ferraris everyday, you call that person a stalker? You would understand if you were in my shoes man.

hey bro...y u so tense....i'm juz joking with u man....i'm juz here joking around and making frens...i do like ur posts dude....come chill..:regular_smile:
ya other members see my post as joke...u should too..i dun intend to cause ur fustration...i juz wan to bring laugher..ok...peace ?

i'm not in 360 shoe ok...so even if u r "stalking"....continue on...i like the pics...more exotics la...
everyone can c tat jack-jack's jk....wonder y ue7 reacted like tat...hmmmm....
word of the day-chill....no point getting mad like tat...
just continue posting exotics

hey man...i noe u r not in any side...but thx for clearing my name up dude...cheer:regular_smile:
ok...heres my car....painted a layer of premiere coat...
whole car not smoothen yet....gotta rush it out TEMPORALY for this coming Japan GT event....from pics look ok....u'll like "yeakss" if u get to see the real car...alot of wavy surface and unfinish joints.....the whole conversion bodykit is not molded yet....

so, if u get to see this car during GT event, pls dun kutuk me ok? :X-:
haha.....now is about 2.45am...this pics is oven fresh from the paint shop...the bos rush it for me....


What car is this ?
ok...heres my car....painted a layer of premiere coat...
whole car not smoothen yet....gotta rush it out TEMPORALY for this coming Japan GT event....from pics look ok....u'll like "yeakss" if u get to see the real car...alot of wavy surface and unfinish joints.....the whole conversion bodykit is not molded yet....

so, if u get to see this car during GT event, pls dun kutuk me ok? :X-:
haha.....now is about 2.45am...this pics is oven fresh from the paint shop...the bos rush it for me....


izzit tat the colour? nice eh~
Teamadvan stole the Batmobile lah ok?

eesh, no wonder batman text me that day and ask me to pass the word that his Batmobile is missing from his garage.

Hailat ady u teamadvan, watch your back, Batman is looking for you.

hahaha....everyone : its not a soarer 430 or LEXUS 430....
its a .......ok...let me start my short story first....
i'm a fans of GT cars....i won a toyota supra....
last year, the SARD and ECLIPSE team is still on the supra....
but this year, all of them changed to LEXUS/SOARER 430 ady....
i dun wan to be left out....but cant sell my supra as i had spent too much on it.....and wont be able to sell it at good price ....
so i went back to MONSTER GARAGE and tell the boss wat i wan....
work starts at 28th of april.....and its about one and a half month now....
since GT event is round the corner, i have to rush it out...

oh yah.....answer is,..... its a supra....

and yah.....i tink UE7 is at the top of the heat.
thats why he is a little bit sensitive....try tink of his situation....
always snap cun cun car pics, take times to load it here and share...
but kena cucuk...sure fire up la.......

and dun forget, some of us (especially me) get to see nice exotics car....
but infront of the owner or somebody around us, we dun have the guts to snap it...sked others tot we village boy never see nice car b4....
so, we shud have thank UE7 to do such a gutsy job.....instead of critics and complaints....

Thanks for all the photos.. Ive enjoyed browsing through this thread. Kudos to your hard work.

You really made all the supercars/exotic cars like a daily driven cars around and I have always got to come back to my senses and face reality that I dont have any of those under my porch.. :sad_smile:

anyway, going astray from the exotics, this is a bad shot i took of I would say, 'not so tastefully done' C-Class?

wow.. a supra.. nvr tot of that b4... damn cool Teamadvan seriously gud job.. i wonder if u got an updated pic of it.. would b gud to see it.. damn cant get my eyes of ur ride man..
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