Part 2: Any Lancer A172 Or A174 Die Hard Here?

wahhh bro danpendek banyak barang....
bro ko duduk penang ke? area penang banyak lagi wooo keta lancer ni,
anyway anyhow...want u guys punye opinion la...if lancer want to convert ca18det..usually it would cost u how much ha?including engine and installation...juz planning lor...can prepare the money...ready the umbrella before it rains lor..hahahaha
hahhh if u want advise n budget for transplant ca18 dett, better u ask joey vadder (nazrul) coz now ca18 dett is he project for his lancer.
haah..aku dok png..keje cni..
byk brg? huhu..tuh pun nak berdarah otak aku gi carik...bro limau lg byk brg laa...
mintak tolong sifu2 lancer. masalah ngan g62b ni masalahnye bile keta jalan rpm4000 keta lemas.rpm takmau naik lagi.boost dah plak cepat jer full keta tak pegi2 cam s**l jer kena potong kat kancil standart..tolong la tunjuk ajar ku sifu
aku rasa problem ni banyak terkena kat g62b owners.. si Limau ada solution dia.. most of my friends kena camni..
JiMaN[KilleR];2243781 said:
weh keta aku hilang lah.. petang ni nak kena cari.. missing in action lah..

macam mana boleh hilang........kena curi ke?????? aiyoyoyoyoyy.
huhu..nak tuh mmg nak..tapi jauh la...
tggu bulan ogos nih la..konvoi merdeka pi melaka..
insyallah kalau takde pe2..
hahahha.. dah jumpa.. according to my mech.. my car kat rawang.. so limau.. tomorrow x jadi lah.. apa mau bikin ar esok.. aiya.. lancersr20.. nak amik gearbox and head x?
JiMaN[KilleR];2245032 said:
hahahha.. dah jumpa.. according to my mech.. my car kat rawang.. so limau.. tomorrow x jadi lah.. apa mau bikin ar esok.. aiya.. lancersr20.. nak amik gearbox and head x?
laaa.. dah boleh jalan dah kee? dah start dah ke?
jiman ajak membe-membe semua melawat keta ko kat rawang tu,..
korang usha-usha la skali port yang sedap lepak kat sana. mana tau bleh dijadikan port sesi TT akan datang dan seterusnya.

amir dgn joey lama tak dengor crita? joey jadi ke amik bumper depan limau? memphis kalo ada TT ko join la diorang, diorang punya keta kaw2 punya gempak!
bro ecko nak join skali pun bleh, mana tau nak blajo serba sedikit pasal this legend car. hehehehhhhhh...
aku mau join tapi tak da berita pun........???? aku cari cari TT geng lancer utk setahun.....hehehehe.dnt know y PEMILANC CLUB no update for soooooooo long.pls inform.excited to c lancer enthuasist..........thank u.
hehheh... limau, keta tarik to rawang.. cant walk by its own lagi.. memphis.. soon we gonna do proper TT session yah.. no worries.. wanna see ur guy's ride juga.. gather gather.. talk talk.. teh tarik teh tarik macam lah!! heheheh

* Use proper gearing when connering..

the route - entering a stadium shah alam's round-a-bout
Cond' - mild wet
Car - A172 lancer, 1.5 cyclone twin DCOE 38, LSD full lock
tires - 16inch pirelli P6000
time - 8.49am monday morning (late to work)

both hands on steering, tap brake + 3rd to second gear (heel n toe) + steering swing abit , increase 20% throttle opening - feel the rear end loosing grip.. LSD kickin' (new signature - tire's skid marks on the road)... throttle control.. control drifting (steering plus trottle control).. defeating pushing.. racing line, see exit.. full throttle, engage 3rd and so on..

the feel u get just out of this world.. fuh syiok one!!! but still late to work :p
g62b S**t aduh mintak tolong lagi.. lepas problem 4000rpm problem lain plak hari ni keta aku jadi cam motorbot dah dung dung dung nak kata plug KO test ok lagi.. ape masalah ni... coil ngan distributur dah cuba tukar tak bleh gak..vacuum host semua dah ganti baru.pening kepala &@#@# senang2 jual jer enjin ni ade yg nak beli ker?
JiMaN[KilleR];2246439 said:
hehheh... limau, keta tarik to rawang.. cant walk by its own lagi.. memphis.. soon we gonna do proper TT session yah.. no worries.. wanna see ur guy's ride juga.. gather gather.. talk talk.. teh tarik teh tarik macam lah!! heheheh

* Use proper gearing when connering..

the route - entering a stadium shah alam's round-a-bout
Cond' - mild wet
Car - A172 lancer, 1.5 cyclone twin DCOE 38, LSD full lock
tires - 16inch pirelli P6000
time - 8.49am monday morning (late to work)

both hands on steering, tap brake + 3rd to second gear (heel n toe) + steering swing abit , increase 20% throttle opening - feel the rear end loosing grip.. LSD kickin' (new signature - tire's skid marks on the road)... throttle control.. control drifting (steering plus trottle control).. defeating pushing.. racing line, see exit.. full throttle, engage 3rd and so on..

the feel u get just out of this world.. fuh syiok one!!! but still late to work :p

tak sabar la for TT session .....gather gather talk talk teh tarik teh tarik semua ada.....test semua kereta pun ada ke.........? hehehe.

jiman ur engine use webber or solex? wat manifold u use? saga 1 can enter ah?.Full lock tu weld ke? weld kalau berapa ah? aku pun mau buat la...hehehe. sorry to hear u late for work tooo.
limau,tak da orang ambil bumper nya ke? kalau tak da aku mau.....

Semua Pengguna lancer Ambil gambar kereta letak sini la so semua boleh tengok.....actually saya mau tengok........kalau ada la.aku start dulu k.



dua saja ada.pls post ppl can admire ur cars.................:regular_smile:
guys....izzit gsr engine still easy to maintain rite now??n how about the spare parts??izzit still available or become rare species already hehe...
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