North Civic....Owner~~~!!!!

T T or ZZzzz hehehehehe, wey klower, f i got it for free ok lah damn cun, tapi give sumthing la,, not nice what simply taken for free,hehehehe,jealous ke
cipetz for the 2nd time...

hey check this out, a post from ZTH thread sumbody asked me,,,n it goes like this

" Juhari,

look like your avatar is k20a engine right?

Do you owned that engined? Do you know where i can find that engine and how much is the budget? You know?

Thanks for your reply.

Wanna tell him or not,,heheheheh
hehehehe....K20 ?? damnn....that's too slow for you la Joe.....hehehe....

"jangan main-main macha....i know those red seats, not all can have one" hahhhahahah tt la this pantai seagate, penang.:D car is done at woksyop today...dunno how much the damage i have to pay...damn funny 'conrod-look-alike' sound made me sent to woksyop..then end up open from bottom till head and never found anything weird/spoilt...huhu...abis la my gaji... problem not yet solve...huhuhu :(
probably after the 2nd traffic light(seagate) a few stalls with long stretch of roadside parking...should see a number of civics along d road...they want to discuss bout a trip to cameron on nx month..which i think hattech oso will be going...huhu:)
my GAB suspension oil licking!!!!!
cheap stuff!!!! only 1 year , any of you using the same brand as mind?
roger that...will make myself available for the TT in seagate;

yours is malaysian GAB or Japan GAB ? Thought of getting GAB but I heard simillar problems....
EKCrazy said:
where do you guys recommend to modify civic in penang?

EKCrazy...kl got handful of vtec tuner rite....y need to come up till penang?kekeke :_:
hwoaaa...kewl lah crower...sp to pg...lets meet other civics that day:X-: about to think on getting gab.lucky u mentioned this prob...maybe i just get gab spring only lah if like this.. izit only happen to gab that locally made aa?
albani said:
EKCrazy...kl got handful of vtec tuner rite....y need to come up till penang?kekeke :_:
hwoaaa...kewl lah crower...sp to pg...lets meet other civics that day:X-: about to think on getting gab.lucky u mentioned this prob...maybe i just get gab spring only lah if like this.. izit only happen to gab that locally made aa?

Albani: i am from penang,.where are you from & which part?
penang kia oso.... i covers from kulim till bayan lepas.....kekekeke sounds like taikor pulaks :D
Bani...does that mean BenQ oso aaahh ?? hahahahahahhahahaahha wink wink if cover oso then I follow you laa one of these days hahahah
miahahhaha...crower, that one not yet include into my coverage.however it'll be great la if i could cover that area....ahhahahhha...but we go there using ur car...mine could easily spot miles away at nite...kekekeke:D
bani taikor,wat time is the tt on this 22nd?
spoon3838,i'm planning to buy GAB adj absorber. Is it really no good?
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