My gf got strangled in the car.

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1,500 RPM
Senior Member
Oct 30, 2005
Hi this happen almost a week ago, my gf was in ulu yam, she parked her car tepi jalan after fueling up at petronas I guess, according to her she open the door to throw a tissue outside, then she shut the door, just after she shut the door, 2 mens on motocycle stopped next to the car, one fello got in the car punched her rite on her face, the guy jacked the seat back and kept on kicking her in her tummy, then he starting choking her until she vomitted, just as he took out knife to stab her 2 policemen in a wira patrol car came and the guy in the car tried to flee away with his buddy which was stanby on the bike, one of the policemen kicked the bike and both of them fell and they were arrested and placed in the partol car.

My gf was in terrible trauma and she was quite badly hurt due the fucking bastard acts. The police then asked my gf to follow them to police station, but she said not now as she need some time to calm down. They agreed and said they will take her statement/report on the spot, she handed up her IC to the police and all. Then the police insisted to navigate her back, she came to my place. While the police was navigating her back she manage to take down the partol car number.

Ok fine, I was surprised that Malaysian police actually is efficient. This incident took place roughly around 4.30PM, I took my girl for a drink and calm her down and I forced her to the police station (IPD Selayang), went there and asked to check on the case status, which the police already had taken her complaint at the crime scene. They said no such case is in their system.

I said OK no worries we will just make a new complaint to the inspector in charge there. After making the complaint, my gf even stated the partrol car number in the police report. OK done.

According to the police, the patrol number which my gf took down was not from their area. I went like WTF, do I care isit your area or your mothers ? :angry_smile:

After making few calls the inspector manage to trace that the police partol car was from Sentul IPD, I got shocked of my life, what is Sentul patrol car doing in Ulu Yam ? Why all of a sudden the police came and nabbed those guys ? Is everything planned ? Read up...

After all this question running in my mind, the police inspector said that he wants me and my gf to follow him to Sentul police station as the partol car that arrested those two guys is from Sentul, so me and my gf drove down to Sentul police station and the inspector told me this case is now handled by Setapak police staion and he said take my gf back and ask her to rest la, this la that la.... he told me there is no point me waiting there as there has been no arrest made in Ulu Yam the whole day today.

Huh, guys u tell me ? To all my suspect I think the police is involved with this snatch theif, break ins, armed robbery etc etc syndicate. You guys tell me what happen to the 2 guys which the Sentul patrol car arrested while they were caught red handed ? According to my gf the 2 crinimals were not even handcuffed. The inspector promised to call my gf up to keep her updating regarding the report but until today there is no news.

My question is, who wants to beleive the police after going trough this kind of incident ? I dont want to. How come Sentul police station took out such statement that no one was arrested in Ulu Yam with the patrol car which number which car gf provided. Was my gf dreaming when all this happen or the police is playing hide and seek ?

I wanted to bring this issue up to Bukit Aman, but the problem is the police will make my gf life horrible. They will start the threaten and all kinda non sense will come along for sure, so for now we cant do anything. You tell me, guess how will I feel ?


4,000 RPM
Senior Member
Nov 17, 2003

go to MCA, MIC or UMNO on this case.

It's like making the virus and the antidote at the same time.

Spread the virus, kills millions and then ppl begging for antidote, they came out with the antidote.

And the fella who has the antidote, get a famed awards.


please update me on your findings


3,000 RPM
Senior Member
Aug 16, 2005
man...sorry to hear bout that!!'s ur gf??
why was she attacked??....mistaken identity or kes rompak.....?

anyway, till today still not word on the 2 m0th3rf*ck3r b@st@ard ahh??
next time oso need to take down police's badge number. At least with the numbers written down, they wouldn't dare to play any tricks!!

that's what I did when I quarell with a traffic once in KLIA, I just asked him to give me a summon but I want his badge number...he even tried to hide his number but I insisted on it, so he got no choice to give me and also let me off. All I did was parked in the illegal waiting area ("sorry lar...yellow line") and all the other cars infront of me is not moving or intending to move away & yet he picked on me!!

cilaka betul the police force!


4,000 RPM
Senior Member
Nov 17, 2003
bro, after re-reading your statement, this line provoked me

"The police then asked my gf to follow them to police station, but she said not now as she need some time to calm down."

not to scare the shit out of you, prolly they are planning for "something else". Raping, robbery or shits like that.

Take pictures of the damages as in your gf's face, hurts, and bruises part. All this acted as a proof, not towards the police, but to the assailants. Also it's a concrete proof that the police wasnt doing their job.


3,000 RPM
Senior Member
Jan 13, 2006
damn..... felt sorry for her man.... hope can settle this case as soon as possible...


4,000 RPM
Senior Member
Jun 26, 2005
KL, Malaysia

take pictures down for proof..better still, when she go to the doctor and get the dr to write a proper report indicating she was attacked.

your only hope is to go to the public media with this. once the limelight is shining on you the gangsters in uniform won't be able to do anything to you cause the world is watching.


Known Member
Senior Member
Apr 29, 2005
Wau.... What a bad dayz gain....!!!!!!
What kind of world v r living now.....!!!! Me myself been so bad luck from the past few weekz....!!! Just hope u guyz can be more carefullll due to this coming festive season.....!!!!!
Just wonder how those police force can be so hardworking in catching those speed-trap, mod carz, yellow-line parking, etc....!!!!!
Y not they put those effort for those crime which happening every second.....???
I dun mind writting this out cos really immune n lose hope with those guyz(police force).....!!!! What the hell r u guyz doing...??? Damned....!!!


3,000 RPM
Senior Member
Aug 16, 2005
yeah....if your gf is ok with it...think it's better to let this case goes public!...
but dunno what the police will do lar....either they'll be good and "re-help" you guys on the case or find some escape goat (they're good at that....why do u think M'sia's "official" crime solving rate is high)


3,000 RPM
Senior Member
Jan 13, 2006
yala..... pandai tutup lubang!! then we cari lubang !! hahahahah


1,500 RPM
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Aug 30, 2004
Klang, Selangor
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Plz go to MCA n report this case to Datuk Michael Chong if u dun wish to c any of our members being the next victims.

I guess he's the oni 1 who can bring this case up to the public. Other than tat is report alr case will be closed back again n nobody knows wat is happening.


1,000 RPM
Senior Member
Jul 29, 2005
Cheras , Sel
Please Bro bring this issue to public as we dont want to see another of our beloved women involved in such horrible case . It's sad to hear that but hope for speed recover for ur GF .


1,500 RPM
Senior Member
Thread starter
Oct 30, 2005
No la i also dunno what to do, im not a big shot, i dun hv contacts with any dato, or prime minister or anything, im just a normal guy. What else u want me to do ? The 2 guys was arrested and was caught red handed commiting the crime and yet they were not handcuffed, the motocycle used to commit the crime was also just left there at the crime scene. Not even 2 hours after the arrest made I went to the police station the guys was not arrested, they were released. How were they released ? Again, money talks.


1,500 RPM
Senior Member
Thread starter
Oct 30, 2005
Thanks for all the positive feedback, my gf is now recovered. She had terrible back pain and traumatic experience.


1,500 RPM
Senior Member
Aug 30, 2004
Klang, Selangor
Visit site
rattan said:
No la i also dunno what to do, im not a big shot, i dun hv contacts with any dato, or prime minister or anything, im just a normal guy. What else u want me to do ? The 2 guys was arrested and was caught red handed commiting the crime and yet they were not handcuffed, the motocycle used to commit the crime was also just left there at the crime scene. Not even 2 hours after the arrest made I went to the police station the guys was not arrested, they were released. How were they released ? Again, money talks.
Refer to my above post. Seek help from MCA's DAtuk Michael Chong. He sure help u out. Nobody other than him can help u since u alr said u dun hv any dato contacts or etc....
Jan 26, 2006
email to PM

Just my point of view. Right now, we can make complain about bad police or any o ther government servant by just email to PM. U can complain about this there. This may take sometime before they entertain our complains but it works as I made a few complain and seen progress from our local newpapers. Our new PM Badawi tak makan gaji buta. There are some other website too. Please refer to this website.


Junior Member
Senior Member
Dec 1, 2003
not the world, just Malaysia.

Our Malaysian police force is an utter fucking disgrace, an embarrassment to our country and i'm sure that more than enough of us will agree with that. People all around the world look up to the police. They are considered heroes in countries like America, Australia, the UK. They see a policeman on the street and wave a friendly gesture or give a quick smile, knowing that these are the individuals that keep their respective countries a safe place to live in.

they've deemed themselves as 'protectors of law'. its exceedingly evident that they've got their definitions wrong.

PDRM. SDN. BHD thats what it should be called. it's more of a business isn't it? you have to pay the cops to get anything done.

All we Malaysians do is live in fear of the police. The thoughts of any Malaysian when encountered with a copper? "great. I didn't do anything wrong but I'm gonna get it for sure. for anything. this cop is going to inscribe me a summon for not brushing my teeth". anything for a quick buck. yes, thats it. anything for quick buck. (I can see those heads nodding). The modern day whore.

ever play the catching game called "police and theives" when you were younger?
they should rename it to "police, the theives".

Included in their job description should be 'accepting of bribes, and robbing of the poor.'

In our country there is no such thing as equality. You either have to know someone, or pay someone. What is the deal with that? Human rights are just non-existent in this land we call so proudly our home. Who are we of the common? We're not given the rights to speak our thoughts freely, because then its labelled as conspiring against the government.

it's aggrivating, abhorrent, and odious. but when you really think about it? it's just plain fucking sad. dead set.

p.s - I'm truly empathetic about what has happened to your girlfriend. I too was nearly car jacked on my own street. fortunately for me, my father is true pals with one of the head OCPD officers (for purpose of privacy, this individual shall not be named) in Bukit Aman and those car thieves were nabbed within 2 weeks of the incident. what made it easier was that the hammer they used to throw through my drivers side window had been left in my car with their fingerprints. I was given a certified note stamped by my father's friend himself, allowing me to carry any weapon as a means of self defence. I was also given the opportunity to head down to Bukit Aman with friends and weapons to teach those car theives a lesson. I was told nothing would be said, and no one would know. tempted was I, to tell those guys "what goes around comes around" and continue with a hammering of their brains , but I told myself that I was never to stoop down to their level.

You only get what you deserve

Kind regards,

Last edited:


1,500 RPM
Senior Member
Thread starter
Oct 30, 2005
Gene : Thats a very nice write up. Yeah you see, your dad had contacts so the theives were nabbed within 2 weeks and they allowed u to get yr hands on them. How about me where my dad dont have any contacts and he is an average man?

Even, I asked my friend who is a ex police officer, he said the 2 guys that did that to my girlfriend can be caught again, if I pay the police good amount of money. I just nodded my head and smiled, without anyone realising that a spear had just passed trough my knowing that my own country is ruined and police is no longer my hope for any threat that I have, all of a sudden I fell in a deep trauma of knowing that a poor and middle age man can never survive to fight the truth in Malaysia.

Just a short off topic here, I and my friend went down to Bangsar to meet up few for TT with few of ZTH members. As I was driving the traffic was slowed down just because a brand new 7 series was parked right in the middle of a road, when I say middle means a real middle in between the 1st and 2nd lane of the road infront on BSC (Bangsar Shopping Complex) traffic light. My friend said just knock his car from the back, I told him no, he will get away by paying the police force and I will be on the wrong cause I just drive a normal car and my wallet is not heavy like his.

Practically, before this incident happend to my gf I heard alot of graft activities here in my own residence country but still I never experienced it myself, but this time I saw if real time, real life in front of my eyes every single word been twist turned, every single officer says a different story to cover another officer ass. Very sorry to say, I will now no longer have no respect for a policemen. A policemen profession now is more like being a businessman rather then a protector.

Why is all this happening right infront of us and we allow this to happen ? I got my answer deep inside myself. What's yours ?

Yesterday me and my friend had a short discussion cum debate over the authorities in Malaysia, why all government sector big shot to normal clerk is dirty ?

According to my friend which is not residing in Australia, he said the Malaysian government is paying the public with a very low salary whereby its not sufficient for them to live a good live or raise their kids. A policemen in Australia in paid AU4000 per month on top of it there is also incentive and bonus if there is a positive feedback from the public for any police officer. I wonder isit the income that's driving Malaysian force to this kind of behaviour or its just the mindset of the public itself.

My experience,

I have been stopped on roadblock several times mostly at night. What I realise is, the officer are so rude when they speak to you, they ask u "Dari mana, pergi mana, IC, Lesen mana ?" and their face is such that says open your wallet and give me something la.... I think this is just the modern way of beggers being loose in a near uniform and well Bahasa spoken.

Back to Australia as my example, A police officer stops you on the road, he rushes to your door to avoid you being angry or impatient being stopped by a officer, secondly he breaks the ice like and speaks to you like he knows you for the past 10 years, he greets you, he talks to you about your day been at the same thing asking for your documents, if you have done something wrong, maybe speeding slightly extra then the speed limit, he will not even issue a ticket, he will just be slightly strict and warn.

Where is the police officer discipline ? Its basic for a uniformed officer to be equiped with. Why when we are stopped by a police officer we go like "aiyooo" ?

I am totally against graft. Therefor, I think Malaysia is just not the right place for me. Even for me I am planning to leave this country and reside in someother country with less of this plain asian non sense or shall I just say Malaysia non sense and the Malaysian way of doing politics.

Desert stranded man.
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