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Stormvolution 9

3,000 RPM
Senior Member
Jun 18, 2005
Kuala Lumpur
A good win for us at Old Toilet over Aston Villa and it is a come back win too... But we were shaky and that fucker Young was as bad as usual where he still thought he is playing for Villa, by making such a lousy pass that resulted us conceding the opening goal!!! I say Young and Moyes OUT~~~ Young, because he has been given way too many chances to redeem himself but failed badly in every single 1 of them... And Moyes, for consistently picking Young in our team over many other players... I would rather get frustrated with Nani than watching Young in our team then vomit blood!!!! =.="

I'm very happy for the win because Kagawa finally show the world what he is capable of if he is able to play in his best position!!!! He has been very effective playing with Mata right behind the striker!!! We and our attacking play can be much better if Young stay away from our team!!!! Love the way Kagawa always play... He created lots of space for himself and he loves short and effective passes... Pass and move... But he was caught for holding the ball too long at times but i believe if he is given more game time he would be better!!! He and Mata will be our future!!!!

Glad that Mata scored his 1st goal for us too!!! He has been working real hard in the team that is currently under pressure and lots of problems!!! Love his attitude - always positive and clear with his objectives!!! Hope he will be a great player for us!!!

Rooney is slowly getting into form now and he scored another brace over the weekend!!!! Hopefully he will get a say in the games against Munich!!! He might be the only player that Munich is having high regards...

Our problems keep occurring in the midfield and defence... Fellaini seems to be 'soften' abit after his good showing in the past few games... Maybe its lack of self believe... And what the fuck was Moyes and his Ford machanic are doing?! They should motivate all the players and make them believe more and more in themselves even under bad situation!!!

Tomorrow will be the big test for our team against Munich at home... I'm actually very worry about out lineup that clueless Moyes gonna play!!! Against a fast and effective B. Munich, if Moyes persist with the slow and steady Carrick in the midfield, we are gonna get slaughter!!! =.=" I have had enough of Carrick way of playing in our midfield!!! He can be great against lesser team but against such a top and pacy team, he will drag us down with his slow and steady play... He never put in tackles, he is slow and always chasing shadow, his positioning at times are questionable and he lack the fighting spirit!!! =.="

I would really think Fletcher partnering Fellaini in the midfield 2 will provide us a better platform than Carrick do... At least Fletcher fight like a ManUtd player all the time, chases all balls, put in tackles, support and make passes faster while pouring forward and most importantly he runs non-stop!!! This is what we lack in our engine room!!! Although Carrick can pass the ball better, most of the time he was just like a 'Pasar Malam' walker in the middle while the opponent pour forward onto us!!! Carrick left way too many spaces for our opponents!!! Its a shame that Carrick were the 1 who spent more time alongside Scholesy!!! But he learn nothing from the great man as our midfield dynamo!!! =.=" With him being 'rested' in the Villa game (he will not play if its not for Rafael injury), i think clueless Moyes will gonna opt for him in the middle~~~ God bless us for that!!!

Then in defence, we are still very shaky!!! I truly think Vidic best have past him as he seems struggling in his past few games for us... Its very sad to see that... He was once the ROCK of defence and the world fears him!!! And Rio isnt better than him as both of them lack pace!!! At the moment, Jones will be the confirm starter but who will partnering him?! Then we have a big big problem for our RB too... Rafael is out and Valencia is having a knee problem too... >.<"

So, i hope it will be Vidic - Carrick in the CB and Jones in the RB!!! Then let Fletcher partnering Fellaini!!! Our best available selection!!!

No matter how, its a great tie btw ManUtd - B. Munich!!! So i hope our team perform up to the expected level and do us all proud!!! Win or lose is another matter!!! We must fight like a ManUtd team!!! Go Go Go ManUtd!!!

Stormvolution 9

3,000 RPM
Senior Member
Jun 18, 2005
Kuala Lumpur
Here comes the D-day!!! Bayern Munich vs ManUtd!!! Will it be DM day as well?! Haha... ^0^ ^0^ ^0^ No pressure on ManUtd as even the best of SAF team might not be able to do the impossible at this stage of the ECL!!! They are the strongest favorite!!! But BM faces lots of suspension and injuries (Pep G complained that he only have 14 players to choose from for this game), and i truly think it will defo affect their game plan and tactical ploy as they left with mostly attacking players!!! So defensive wise, they might not be as sounded as usual!!! Furthermore, they have just lost their super unbeaten Bundesliga record too~~~ What does that means?! This means the ManUtd game is bothering them well and it affected every other things that they are doing~~~ So its a good news and this is making them nervy a bit!!! As for MU - Stay compact, keep our concentration high and fight with great spirit then we might stand a slim chance!!! Yes, we need at least a goal but if luck is on our side too, it will not be a problem!!! We need to play with cool heads and keep trying till the very very last end!!! The 1st goal of the game will be extremely important!!! Hopefully it will be us who will be getting that!!!

With just 14 players to choose from, it will affect BM and Pep and his game plan!!! But they are still the BM that won the ECL last season... We should play the hard and tough way, to tell them that we mean business!!! I think the dead ball situation and counter attack will be our weapons in this game!!! BM can be very sloppy in the defending the dead balls, so its a great great chance for us!!! Our players should try to get as many free kicks as possible near their penalty box... Then we need to play as an unit and defend well before we can move forward and attack them!!!

This is the greatest chance for us to make the impossible possible!!! We are in our best of form this season after all the mistakes that we have made and BM is currently in their mini crisis of form too... Let's make us proud again boys!!! Hahaha... We might not need to win the game to advance, 2-2 will bring us forward no problem!!!! ^0^ ^0^ ^0^

Go Go Go ManUtd~~~

Stormvolution 9

3,000 RPM
Senior Member
Jun 18, 2005
Kuala Lumpur
Been bery buzy lately!!! =.="

Okay, we are out of the ECL by now but we gave BM a scare before heading to the exit door~~~ So, bravo to all the players over the 2 games as they fought proudly as ManUtd players always do... But it was really a big let down that we conceded right after our goal in Munich!!! It was a superb strike by Evra but we lost our concentration right after the re-start!!! And it was Evra that unable to block BM to score the equaliser!!! Too bad... If we managed to hold on, i think it will be a different game altogether as we were growing in confident then!!! But its all in the past now!!!

Let's concentrate on the re-building of the team for next season!!! 1st of all, there were rumours circulating that Moyes will be sacked after this season and names like Van Gaal, Klopp, Simone and etc have been mentioned!!! Personally, i really hope to see the back of Moyes and let either 1 of Klopp or Van Gaal to manage our team as i think they are both very capable managers with lots of top level experiences!!! They should fit into our club well although they might take time just like Moyes!!! I rather pass on the 150mil transfer kitty to them than the clueless Moyes!!!

But frankly, i dont think Moyes will be sacked at all when the season end!!! I do think SAF still have lots of power behind the scene that will affect lots of decisions in our club!!! He would want the club to standby Moyes!!! =.=" So, hopefully Moyes will be good in the next season... But all this have to start from his re-building processes...

For the past 2 days, reports saying both L. Shaw and W. Calvalho are already in our bag in 2 mega deals worth total of 65+ mil!!! Then next up will be the major 1 in T. Kross where our club is willing to pay up until 260k a month salary for the player!!! Then news also confirmed that Gundogan have extended his contract with BVB so he will be no go for us!!!

For the coming season, we defo needs some big game players with bags of experience in the top level football!!! Buying for the future can come later as we have to get our priority right!!! If Kross deal come true, it will be great!!! We clearly lack a leader in our central midfield!!! And Kross profile just fit in well!!!

Both Shaw and Calvalho are young, promising and raising stars at the moment!!! I didnt watch them that much... So i hope they will be great for us if they really join us in the coming season... For me, Coentrao on the LB with experience and cheaper rate (around 15mil) is a very good option!!! Then for Calvalho pricing of 35mil, we can have few choices...

After that, we needs a very reliable CB too!!! A CB that can command our back line with composure and experiences!!! I hope Moyes will get the right player...

Stormvolution 9

3,000 RPM
Senior Member
Jun 18, 2005
Kuala Lumpur
I rather the club spend some money on the online shop to change the club hair style then letting that clueless guy change the club hair style himself... Both ways, the club have to spend $$$$!!! So might as well go shopping online and change the hair style straight away!!! Haha... If let the clueless guy change the club hair style, for sure it will not work as he do not know how to maintain the hair style, what tools to buy to keep it as good everyday, how to take care of the hair and how to make sure everyone respect the hair style!!! ^0^ ^0^ ^0^

So, what's your choice actually?! ^.^

Stormvolution 9

3,000 RPM
Senior Member
Jun 18, 2005
Kuala Lumpur
The NEWS of the moment - David Moyes will be sacked within the next 24 hours!!!!

Frankly, i'm not at all surprised about the news that i got last night as the writing have been very very clear on the wall that Moyes is not the right 1 to bring the club forward!!! Since day 1 when he decided to bring in his coaching staffs from Everton (Ford mechanics!!!) to our club (Ferrari factory), it meant to be trouble everywhere!!! =.="

After so many months on the reign, he just do not convince us that he is big enough for the toughest job in the world by replacing the great man SAF!!! His lack of top level footballing experiences, tactical inept, lousy motivational skills, bad sub decision, took way too long time in understanding his players, failed in 2 transfer windows, bad handling of pre and post matches conference and etc are few of his major weaknesses for the job!!!

I just hope the club will announce the decision soonest so that all parties will be able to rest well on it and get on with life after that!!!! Moyes is a good person no doubt!!! And i believe that he had gave his all and gave it a go at the job!!! So, thank you so much Mr. Moyes!!! But as 1 of the biggest footballing club in the world, we need something very different from what he can offer!!!

Klopps, Van Gaal, Simone, Pep G and even Mourinho names have been mentioned as replacement... I just hope we get the right 1 with the right CV this time!!! Klopps will be great as the brand of football he deploy in BVB is very good to watch - attacking football!!! But Van Gaal will be another good choice if Klopps doesnt work out!!! Van Gaal is a highly experience manager in the top level... He is a no non sense manager with strict rules... And most importantly he love attacking football too...

As for Pep G and Mourinho, i think the chances are not very high... And i'm do not know much about Simone!!!

Let's hope and looking forward to a better changes soon!!!! Cheerz to all ManUtd that we finally able to "Go online shopping again to change our hair style!!!" Yahooooo~~~ :party: :party::party:

---------- Post added at 11:58 AM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 10:15 AM ----------

Besides all the above, i think the Glazers are worrying to hand the rumors 200mil transfer kitty to a clueless man in Moyes!!! Which i think its right for not trusting him!!! With Moyes, even he have got few world class players next season, his tactical knowledge and sub decisions will still be letting everyone down!!! By then, he will be giving another diff excuses!!! If we have 200mil for next season, sack Moyes and pay him off from the post!!! Then get in a reliable and experience manager and hand him the whatever left in the transfer kitty after sacking Moyes!!! Maybe the new manager will be able to save us some millions too... Many regards that both Fellaini and Mata transfers were paid way over the odds, regardless whether they are the right type of player for us!!!

Other than that, i think the about to announce 600mil pound Nike sponsorship deal do play some part in getting Moyes sack!!! With such a huge deal, Nike might want to make sure ManUtd always stay at the very top of the footballing world!!! And that means ECL football and challenging on all fronts in England!!!! I think even Nike have doubts on Moyes with the way things happened this season... So the Glazers are under pressure to take action on Moyes too...

---------- Post added at 04:51 PM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 11:58 AM ----------

Its OFFICIAL now!!! Moyes sacked!!! Source: Manchester United statement on David Moyes - Official Manchester United Website

Yahooooooooooooooooo~~~ Let's celebrate!!!! :party: :party: :party:

Stormvolution 9

3,000 RPM
Senior Member
Jun 18, 2005
Kuala Lumpur
What a turn around and what a lift up performance after Moyes being sacked!!! We are back to our attacking play once again although there are still areas to be addressed in the summer... But thankfully no more negative and small club mentality!!! Its a big win for us as we really need the boost to keep all fans believe and enjoy after a tough week within the club!!! Great to see Giggsy in the suit as our interim boss together with Scholesy and Butt!!!

Overall, our performance are much better than the Moyes team... But Rooney was still very bad with lots of mistakes in his play!!! Too careless... I'm very surprised that Carrick was like a totally different player!!! He ran a lot and cover lots of the pitch and his movement was very fast and stay very alert too!!! From a 'Pasar Malam Walker' to a better player!!! But i do not think Cleverley have done himself any good!!! Maybe his has got no confident at all now... But its just Norwich for us at Old Toilet!!! Do not read too much into it!!! Next up will be Sunderland at home for us and it will be a tougher game i think!!! I hope we will be able to defeat them so that they will be going down!!! Still remember that their players and fans celebrating together with Shitty 2 seasons back... Pay back time!!! Haha...

I hope we get a reputable manager in instead of Giggsy being offer a permanent role!!! I do not think Giggsy is what we want and its way too big a job for him at the moment!!! But his continuous contribution in the club will be crucial and important!!! Lots of reports are saying that our board have tied Van Gaal up as our new manager with Giggsy as 1 of his assistance together with Kluivet!!! It will be a good team up and i hope Scholesy will be offered a job in the coaching team too... Then both Butt and P. Neville will stay back in the youth team... I have read a lots of articles this few days regarding LVG and his managing styles!!! Goods and bads.... I think he will be a great manager for us in the coming seasons with the way he handle his team... He emphasizes a lots on attacking football, studying opponents well, very hard working, very astute in tactics, always willing to give chances to youngsters, discipline, able to handle egos and pressure... All in all, i think he will be great for us...

Due to his involvement with the Dutch team, he will only be coming in after the World Cup + his holdiays... But it will not be a problem as reports said he have already drawn up a plan, including players in and out, to the board... So, Giggsy and co will be able to assist him on that before he comes in... Hopefully it will works well according to plans...

But the club was said to be waiting for the RM vs BM game before officially announcing the deal with LVG as they wanna to final check on C. Anchelotti availability and interest!!! If RM lose the game, things might be very different according to some source... That's why the club decided to wait for another few more days...

As for the transfers, i just do not quite understand the fuss about L. Shaw!!! I have watched him few times but just do not think he is worth that 30mil!!! Yes, he is young and promising but will ManUtd be too big a step for him?! English player always over priced too... With that amount of money, i would rather we go for the experience F. Coantrao for just below 15mil... And we will have another 15mil budgets for our RB!!!

As for The Saint Lallana, i like him as a player and yes, he is a great player too!!! This season he have been fantastic for his team... But he play behind the striker as the attacking midfield... So no matter how well he is, we just do not need another No. 10 at the moment!!! Not our priority as we have got other areas to spend our transfer budget on!!!

The C. Fabregas link have re-emerged!!! And with LVG coming in and encouraging words from RvP, i do not mind us getting him all out this time round!!! 3 main choices for us now, Fab, Kroos and Calvalho!!! It will be great if we can get all 3 but it looks impossible!!! So, either 2 will be very good for our team!!! So, let's hope!!! Haha... As for Rues, I'm not too sure... Another attacking player...

Besides the players in, i hope LVG will be clearing off some dead woods in our club too... I hope he knows who to let go and who to keep.... Looking forwards~~~

P/S: Glad that Chelshit have bottled kao Loserfool... But on paper, Fool still have a big chance... So hopefully they will drop more points in the last 2 games!!! Hehehe... I remember well that few season back a purposely Gerrard back pass have handed the title to Chelshit!!! Hopefully his karma comes back to him this season with what happened yest in the game where he slipped and allowed Chelshit to score, then the tittle goes to others as well!!!! Pay back time~~~

Stormvolution 9

3,000 RPM
Senior Member
Jun 18, 2005
Kuala Lumpur
Since nothing much to write lately, so i would like to touch on some rumors about our club!!! Anyone heard about Rooney having fear that with the appointment of LVG, RvP will be made our club captain and not him?! I hope this is pure paper/rubbish talk!!! But some reports even saying Rooney is doing his best to force the club to not appointing LVG... Cos to Rooney understanding, when he sign his new contract under Moyes, he will be the main focus of the club and our future captain on top of that fat weekly salary!!! If this is true, then many fans will be very disappointed about Rooney!!!

If things got worst and the club sell off Rooney, i dun think its all that bad!!! Just a thought!!! Haha...

Our club can now keep both Mata and Kagawa now as the No.10 is their to rotate!!! Then RvP will be our main striker and perhaps Chicharito will have a great reason now to stay at our club for more game time!!! Other than that, with Rooney off, we can now think of Rues -another great attacking talent that we are being link to...

Other than that, our other youngsters who can operate in the No.10 role are Januzaj, Powell and Lingard! So, all in all with Rooney going its not too bad for us!!! The new manager will bring in 2 proper CM and our midfield problem will be able to solve!!! :p

Stormvolution 9

3,000 RPM
Senior Member
Jun 18, 2005
Kuala Lumpur
Hope the rumors are right that LVG will be at Old Toilet tonight for our last home game of the season and then will be appointed as our next manager on the day!!! ^.^ It was a very very disappointing performance by all the players over the weekend against Sunderland and it also shown up Giggsy inexperience in the management level too... But no pressure for everyone as we already know at least half a season ago that this is a written off season... So let's enjoy the remaining 2 games of the season then when LVG take over, the honey moon period is OVER!!!

Many players will have to go if based on thet Sunderland game... But hopefully LVG will be able to retain some that he might think useful to his team next season and get rid of the rest that have been wasting our club monies and time... I just hope Young goes!!!

And after many articles and going through forums, i agreed that LVG should get a clean start!!! Which means no Giggsy or any of the Class of 92 to be in the coaching team!!! No more unwanted pressure for the new manager!!! But i agreed that Rene Muelensteen should be call back into the management team in order to guide LVG during his time as our manager, as Rene have been at our club for more than 10 years especially on the management side!!! The different btw Rene and Giggsy is experience in everything in the management!!! So let's hope to see LVG tonight in the stadium!!!

P/S: Although its not all over yet, the sight where Fool team collapsed during the title challenge are great to watch!!! Hahaha.... Gerrard stoned face, Suarez crying inside his shirt and that arrogant BR sohai look after conceding 3 goals in 10 mins... Hahahaha... They thought they are already champions few weeks back and their fans had started celebrating!!! This is what i call super in-experience in title challenge during the run in!!!! Pressure can do wonders to teams involved and ManUtd are very experience in all this!!! But when i tell those Fool fans, they said I'm arrogant and not sporting enough!!! Sigh!!! Hahaha... But im happy now!!!

Stormvolution 9

3,000 RPM
Senior Member
Jun 18, 2005
Kuala Lumpur
What a game that was - ManUtd 3-1 Hull City!!! Not our best performance game at Old Toilet this season but many special memories for us for many different reasons!!! Hopefully our future will be as bright as what have thought!!!

1. Its Vidic and possibly Giggsy last match at Old Toilet!!! Vidic will be leaving to Inter after this season and we all wishes him well!!! What a warrior he is for us!!! Love his attitude towards the game and never say die spirit!!! Its not easy to find a similar player with such characters and we appreciate what he had done for us over the years and the glories that he brought us!!! As for Giggsy, he might end his playing career and start off his coaching life!!! So, it might be his last game at Old Toilet too after more than 23 years with us!!! Emotional farewell!!! Wishing him all the best!!! Now the latest news is that he might be taking as part of the coaching staffs with LVG!

2. We have 2 new young and bright stars to look forward to now!!! J. Wilson and T. Lawrence!!! Both have a good game given their age!!! Most importantly is that they are not stage fright and keep doing what they should be doing!!! And it is great to see Wilson got off with 2 goals in his senior debut for us!!! To be a successful striker at ManUtd, u need to be very very special in order to stand a chance!!! Many have failed to do so, hopefully Wilson will be different and be able to make it for us!!! But other than this 2 youngsters, there few in the reserve league are actually knocking the door for some time... So hopefully when LVG comes in, he will have a good look into the set up!!! Then there is away the likes of N. Powell, J. Lingard, W. Zaha and etc waiting on the wings as they have completed a useful loan season with experience under their belt!!!

3. Finally the worst season for the past 26 years are coming to a close!!! And we will have a new manager coming in and its defo LVG with the reports and TV interview that showing this morning with Sky... Strong character with bags of great experience and tactical knowledge!!! It was a disaster with Moyes and of cause the players have to take some responsibility of it too... But glad that its all over now and we can start anew soon... With LVG in, finally we will be able to watch some real passing game integrated into the attacking football... Ever since our lost to Barca in the ECL final few season back, we wanted those play but unfortunately we do not have the know how and players to do so... With LVG in, he will brings that to our club!!! Really looking forward to that!!! Yes, he might upset a few players with the way he handle things... But that's just what SAF been doing throughout his time here... I think we needs that rather than a Mr. Nice Guy!!!

Glad that RvP scored again in his come back too... Hopefully LVG will be able to think of a way to play RvP, Rooney, Mata, Januzaj and Kagawa... Attacking wise, we are pretty ok... Looking forward to LVG new players coming in too...

P/S: Shitty won their game against Villa this morning... So they are 2 ahead of Fool with just a game to go... They only need to avoid losing in their final game against WHU to win the EPL... So, wish them well although they are our main rival... Credit to where it due, as i have mentioned b4, they have the strongest team this season in the EPL so they deserve to win...

But never mind, we will be back next season for sure!!! And yes, i trust what RvP said!!! Haha... We will be back strong next season!!!!

Stormvolution 9

3,000 RPM
Senior Member
Jun 18, 2005
Kuala Lumpur
Here comes the end of the season and a very sorry season for ManUtd too... But all are gone now and we are looking forward to another new start and hopefully it will be in a correct direction!!!! Expecting LVG to be named manager soon and would love to know how his coaching team will be like, whether any of the Class of 92 are in it?! Then there are many players future have to be decided too... We need to clear some of them off soonest, so that all parties can start afresh again and look forward!!!

Its nothing to celebrate for us as a team as we finish 7th, the worst in 25 years!!! But glad that we are not being bother by the meaningless Europa League next season... Dont get me wrong that i do not rate that competition, but its defo a competition we have to avoid given that we are in the re-building process!!! We do not want any unwanted distraction!!! And furthermore, its a World Cup year... So many things will happen and we just want a clean start and have a great preparation for the new season!!! And i really hope that our top management do not go off to their holidays too long as they have got many works to do as in getting new players in, lay off some fringe players, help the new manager to set up his things, plans for the coming season and etc!!! Many many important things to plan and do!!!

Thanks for Vidic, probably Rio, Evra and Giggsy as well for their long services to our club!!! You are all Champions in our heart!!! And thanks for everything that you all have put in into the club and made us a very successful team over the years!!! But we have to move on and everything do have a cycle!!! We all wishes u all the very best for the future!!!

Ok, other that that I'm greatful that the season ended the way i wanted!!! Shitty the Champion as they have the strongest team in the league... And BEST of all, Loserfool failed to win anything again!!! ^0^ ^0^ ^0^ Fittingly, Stevie G is the 1 that bottled kao their season with that stupid slip!!! Karma Karma Karma!!! Hahaha...

:party: :party: :party:

Stormvolution 9

3,000 RPM
Senior Member
Jun 18, 2005
Kuala Lumpur
Now that Rio have announced his departure from our club after 12 glorious years at Old Toilet!!! Wishing him all the best in his future!!! Reports saying that he got the news from the management after the last game of the season that he will not be offering a new contract!!! Before this, Rio have voiced out that he think he can play on for 3 more years!!! But in reality, our club have to move on!!! Bravo to the management for the tough decision but not the timing of it!!! They should have letting this out earlier, so that Rio do have time to say Good Bye to the fans and the fans do have the chance to thank him too!!! For this, i think the club have made a bad move...

Other than that, i expect Evra to make his announcement soon too... I guess he too, will not be offering a new contract to stay! And on top of that, our club are close to sealing the L. Shaw deal with the fees have been agreed by both teams... Only formalities before the deal can be made public!!!! All in all, it means Evra will go... Thanks to Evra too as during his peak years with us, there are hardly any better left back in the world than him!!! So good luck too!!!

Back to our transfer front... If the L. Shaw deal can be closed soon, then its a BIG thumb up to the club and Ed Woodwork!!! I think they have learn it the hard way from last season... Tie up all the targeted players soonest before they go to WC... Besides, would love to see LVG being name our new manager soonest!!! The longer it drag, the more rumours will be circulating the club... So let's announce it soonest and go on with all the new players that we are targeting!!!

And i read from somewhere that a close fren to SAF tweeted that the 2 definite players that gonna come in are L. Shaw and T. Kroos!!! L. Shaw deal to be done soon so next up might be Kroos... Maybe the club are waiting for the German Cup final to be over this weekend before we start the formal dealing!!! Then i hope we get someone like W. Calvahno, the defensive midfielder that we desperately needs... W. Calvahno fees will be very expensive but he is 1 of the main star in the Portuguese League this season... Or maybe LVG might have a similar player in his mind that he wanted to bring in... Heard that he is considering K. Strootman!!! But with a fee of 25-30mil!!! =.=" We could have get him last summer for 17mil!!!

Then for sure we need at least a CB with both Rio and Vidic leaving us... Not so sure what type of CB that LVG would like to bring in... I defo hope its not Vlaar from A. Villa who is now playing under LVG in the Dutch team!!! Haha... I really do not think he is ManUtd standard!!! Hummels been mentioned and Garay have been linked as well as Banatia from Roma too...

On the other note, good to see that Rues and Mueller both decided to stay at their respective clubs for the coming season... Not that they are not a good players... They are both great players but attacking wise is never our priority... And we have to spend our monies wisely in order to get the balance of the team... Just like Lallana, good player but we do not need him or another No. 10!!!

If LVG can fit our players like RvP, Rooney, Mata, Januzaj, Kagawa, Welbeck, Hernandez and some of the up and coming young stars into our starting team with the attacking philosophy, we will be 1 hell of a great team!!! So again, really looking forward to next season under LVG!!!!

Stormvolution 9

3,000 RPM
Senior Member
Jun 18, 2005
Kuala Lumpur

Stormvolution 9

3,000 RPM
Senior Member
Jun 18, 2005
Kuala Lumpur
Still waiting for ManUtd to announce LVG is the new manager for the next 2-3 seasons!!! And hopefully it will be done over today as its the Holland team last break day before they go on for their WC preparation!!! Hmm...

And expecting to see few young Dutch to come to our team next season... 1. Jordy Clasie, Feyenoord’s highly rated 22-year-old playmaker ( The Dutch Xavi!) ... 2. PSV Eindhoven’s Memphis Depay, 20... 3. Bruno Martins Indi Age: 22 CB/LB - Feyenoord... 4. Stefan de Vrij Age: 22 CB - Feyenoord!!!

Do keep an eye on these youngsters when given chance on the WC... Pretty promising lads...

Stormvolution 9

3,000 RPM
Senior Member
Jun 18, 2005
Kuala Lumpur
Finally the club have announced that they have hired LVG as our new manager for the next 3 years!!! So that all the transfer deals can go ahead without any delay especially that Giggsy have been named his assistant!!! Giggsy will carried out all the necessary activities that LVG instructed him to do while he is away for the WC... And most importantly the transfer targets that LVG wants, Ed Woodwork and SAF will be helping out to trash out the deal and get the players in...

And looking forward to LVG coaching staffs too... So far, he has only named 2 of his exiting staffs that he is bringing in... Frans Hoek and Marcel Bout join as assistant coaches... 1 is goalkeeping coach and the other is a scout!!! I hope Rene Muslesteen will be recall back to help out as i really think he is an excellent coach!!! Surprisingly that P. Kluivert was being left out of the team... Looking forward to see how the development goes as its very crucial for our team that LVG got what he needs and a very supportive back room staffs for his liking!!!

Guyz, exciting times ahead of us!!! I'm expecting a very good summer for us on the transfer front!!! Then looking forward to see LVG transform our team into 1 of the very best attacking team in Europe soon with his very sound attacking football philosophy!!!
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Stormvolution 9

3,000 RPM
Senior Member
Jun 18, 2005
Kuala Lumpur
With LVG in now, we have a great manager who are very sound in tactical knowledge and strategies!!! But I'm afraid that we do not have enough quality players for him to fully maximize his game plans!!! So definitely LVG will have to shop and buy!!! And for the moment, we do need few big name players especially in the midfield and central defense!!! So that will means we have to pay high price for those players... Looking forwards to those signings coming in...

I just hope in appointing Giggsy as No.2, it will not means we have to keep giving the likes of Young, Cleverley, Nani and etc many chances to prove themselves again and again!!! =.=" I'm sick of those performances!!!

Stormvolution 9

3,000 RPM
Senior Member
Jun 18, 2005
Kuala Lumpur

Stormvolution 9

3,000 RPM
Senior Member
Jun 18, 2005
Kuala Lumpur
Looking forward to a brand new era of ManUtd under LVG!!! All negative thoughts about LVG aside, he is a super tactical genius no doubt!!! Exciting time ahead us!!!


And this is a great great quote from LVG:

“Lots of coaches devote their time to wondering how they can ensure that their players are able to do a lot of running during a match. Ajax trains its players to run as little as possible on the field. That is why positional games are always central.”

Very very confident manager!!! Haha...

This is another good reading material regarding LVG and his footballing philosophy!!! Very informative into how a new ManUtd will be in the coming season!!!


Below is an analysis article from a Spurs fan where they 1st thought LVG gonna head to WHL in the new season!!! A very details article!!!

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