LED for Eagle Eye

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hi all, I wanna see the pictures also.....so siok aldy read the forum leh...cant wait to see DIY angel eyes on waja..
Cool man......

Just wondering what colour of LED you are using? Blue or white?

Can fit into original projector lampfor wira, waja, gen-2 or perdana?

Hi there, the LED that i used is called the super white. But make sure u got them from the same shop coz i accidently blow 1 then get from another shop. Although it is super white but the result is slightly different. The size of the LED has nothing to do with ur lamp (wira waja or others). As long as it can fit into ur rod then will do...make sure u use resistor... if not it will blow as maaaaannyyyyyyy as u try...
Thanks Joseph. I'm also gonna DIY on my waja. thanks for the info guys! post them up in few days time..

Joseph, your waja head light is the original reflector light or already change to projector type head light? Just wondering can I fix it to original reflector light?

Got a lot of questions to ask, hope u dun mind...

1. Wat diameter of the rod u r using?
2. urs is round or hexagon in shape?
3. How to take the headlamp out from the car? Need to take off the bumper?
4. how much you have spend on this mod?

Very interested in doing this mod~~
waaaa....joseph astrada...
suddenly bcome famous ar/.......hehe!nice work man......
i also got question to ask......can u please story here about this project from the first u step out from ur house to buy the things needed!!!hehe!!!!
Just want to share to Sabah KK modders for making the angel eyes.

the arclic rod buy in damai - homey interior - 1 batang = rm9 (3 feet plus)
super white LED also in damai - electronic shop- syarikat radio electric .....ayo only one la there in damai
resistor also same place where I buy the LED


Hi there.... below is the list of item that u need for the angel eye
1. Rod (9mm diameter) round type (got this from acylic shop in KL Jalan Pasar). If i'm not mistaken is Rm28 for 2meter... damn long

2. wire (simply wire will do. i got it from my store room....hahahah) about 1.5meter in case.

3. resistor 560ohm x4. A few cents only for 1 (1 ring 1 resistor. i got 4 then use 4)

4. 1 small saw (this is to make a cut on the other side of the rod to reflect the light.) Got from SKL 9ringgit++. the holder is yellow in color.

5. heat shrink glove (to cover up the resistor leg and other parts not meant for expose)

6. LED (super bright). 1 ring 2 LED. I make 4 rings then 8 LED. RM1~RM1.60/pc depends on which shop u buy.

7. Glue for re-tape the lamp cover. Got it from ACE Hardware (RM7.90)... oh ya also a transparent glue for glueing the ring to that silver cover (RM7.90)

8. Normal black spray (RM7.90) DOVE brand (written there heat resisten) this is to blacken the inside silver cover, not the reflector part ya. Once u buka the lamp then u will know what i mean.

1. For waja there will be 4 screws if i'm right (forgot di). unscrew it. then u have to take off the black cover where u insert the bulb into the projector. If not the cover will block u from taking the lamp out. Then there will be a rectangle plastic about 5cm long, remove it. (not sure what is this for but when i take out my lamp it fell of. after complet then put it back). after all these steps then u can remove it simply by turning and pulling and pressing some parts in order for it to come out. (Do it gently. if not u will scratch it badly This is the way to take it out. This will not damage anything.). Oh ya remover the connection cable to ur head lamp as well.

2. after remove the lamp..... this is the fun part.... since i don't have heat gun.... so i use my mum's hair dryer..wow.... good idea ya... well think again man.... i sat there for 2 hours to completely remove the glass cover le...bare in mind that 2 hours is only for 1 le.... so seat tightly for 4 hours la bro..... (i finish 2 movies while i was doing this.) While u heating it use a big screw driver at the same time to help pull the lamp cover out as the glue in my lamp cool down quite fast. Finally ur lamp can buka then u will see some cheese like glue whie opening it...

3. Then the inside cover.. the silver color one u can either leave it or sprat it black like what i did.

4. try to use a can of anything that is about the size of the ring that u want to bend the rod while it is hot.

5. i cut the rod into the length of 20cm x4 batang of the rod then put it in the oven. there is an uneven part on the plate of my oven then i just put my rod there. This can help u to determine whether the rod i ready for bend or not. When u see the rod starts to bend, that is when u only got 5-10sec before it actually melts. So by the time i saw the rod bend then i stop it and then took it out, round it around the can that u have choosen to make the round shape. Then repeat for the rest.

6. after that u can start making the cuts on one side of the ring. Drill the hole to fit the LED. My LED is measuring 6mm in diameter. Luckily my father got a wall drill... then i get i driller head 6mm and drill it. Must be careful with this step becoz if u drill it too fast or to rush or....... then consequences is...... BROKE. then u will have to start all the cutting again.

7. then connect the 2 LED + with - and left 1 LED with + leg and the other with - leg. The + leg which is the longer one, connect it to the resistor. To hold the LED to the rod i only use the heat shrink tube incase the LED blow then is impossible to remove it if u use SUPER GLUE.
*Test ur blub first before doing this to make sure it works. Bulb can be tested not more that ~3v.... lebih then blow.

8. Next cut a part of the small lamp wire (the lamp which will turn on when u turn on ur car head light once. The second turn will be the main head lights on.) So i connect to the small lamp and the other end connect it the LED and the resistor.

9. Next u will have to think of some way to make this connection part fit in ur lamp (to make it more tidy).

10. I glue the ring on the silver cover which i have spray it black........

11. Lastly test it again by connecting it to ur car to make all connection works...

12..... then........ enjoy ur ANGEL EYE lo................... oh..... make sure u glue the lamp cover back ya...if not u have water vapour...

Wah.... just like writing another essay

hi bro.... my waja lamp is original projector type di.... all original waja got 1 part is projector then the inner part is reflector...
wonder if u guys plan to do this diy again .. as i oso intrested to fix my waja
congrats bro..i failed my attempt to make the eagle eyes..the LED is too big for the rod to go in..but i managed to make my rod go around...wat is do is to put the rod above the hot stove..slowly it will become soft and easy to bend..need steady hand here...i use 220ohm resistor each rod...

can u help me to buy the rod?
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