Klang Anyone?

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hahaha... project-kirk-2007-may... not yet... keeping low profile... hahaha
eh sorry 2day was bz wif short meetings and also solving the problem on network as well for the erp system and also de wan router... i tried call u but kenot get u on de fon so jes 2 let u know 2day no cheong club darul ehsan but will cheong TT session loh.. hheheehehehehe!!! no la not all RIP la.. be careful de newly soon emerge blacktop20v liao.. oooooooooo scaryyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!

hahaha... nabeh i tot u went barli cheong liao... hahahaha...
Latest discussion from klg TT update semalam.....

Klang team will form a MME edition 2007 racing for this year....

So the chosen car was LE with blacktop20v and fully lighten lightweight plus single seater and all carpets and spare stuff out. Full roll-cage spec and also engine tune to the best performance.. Hope can masok mme and hantam all others car in Class C (except toyota) and become champion....

Ok, next klang TT we discuss about the budget and cost and sponsorship ok? heheheheheheheheh!!!

jr got project-S-2007... hahahaha... keeping low profile...

tat LE lighten until can take off like 747 already...
seng chai,
its ok la cause de matter must be resolved also mah no matter how sooner or later loh.. eheheheheehe! the LE siapa lagi yr one la.. aahhahaahahahahahaha!!! We were discussing mah see if can get sponsorship for yr LE den masok MME 2007 loh.. later la when i back from bali trip on tuesday next week i will plan a line up team for our klang MME 2007 soon.. ekekekekekeekekekeke!!!

Ok la guys see u all next week! Captain! Captain! We are ready for take off flight AK007 to bali island.. wooooohooooo!!! see u guys and see if got nice souvenir buy for u guys when i am back.. chow! yahooo!!

dont go cheong until forgot to come back ... hahahaha... remember Project-LE-2007 hahaha
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hahaha... dont la like this ma... all LPPL only wan... we all klang thread member... all like to talk cock sing song wan... hahaha
dont la blur.. apa u dont understand then just speak out ma... then we do some research for u...

btw... ur avatar... tat one ur car ar? got rev cut kah? hahaha... why until 8k only wan... not like jay chow 11k wan meh? hahahaha
datsun 11oy ... less than RM 500 ... hahaha.. if u could find any ...

eh guys... better becareful nowdays... nabeh just now i come back from subang... i saw at least 3 road block... all under the bridge... subang damn jam liao... now kasi road block lagi jam..
wira vs lambo kah? hahahaha... des... is that ur wira?
yo guys!!!!

I'm backkkkkkkkkkk!!! wahhh bali dem siok and nice place... ehehhehehehe!!

Dem tired now after washing clothes and all.. wahhhhh time to tidor d.... good nite brothers all!

hahah... welcome back our cheong brother from bali island... how many indon u saw there? or maybe lamb chop... hahaha...

kazami - u driving woc wira with bomberman behind ur windscreen kah?
wahhh man...welcome back ler.....so im sure u got souvenirs for all of us from Klang members la.....hehehehe!
wahhhh betol la jinkl's wira so keng man!!!!

seng chai,
no la din get anything for klg member's cause barang tak sesuai but over there they also got sell cock as keychain la.. dem batang besar also loh.. ahahahaahahahahahaahahahahahahahhahahah!!!!!

aiyoooo wat chick chick later i kena whack by my wife got la.... chick nabeh leh.. ahahahahahaahahahahaah!!

kirk de man,
indon dem a lot but all also makan babi guling wan.. wahahahahahahahahahaha.. there they accept rupiah and usd also la.. no worries so my usd dollar are safe now.. wahaaahahahahahahaha!

that's the lambo takumaz mentioned dat onli manage one lap from SIC race and den masok to pit stop duno wat rosak d.. aiyaaa jes lambo de name + look onli la reliability also fail liao.. ahahahaahahahahahahaahaha... i also saw a AE92 spin off la.. wahhh duno whose car is dat.. hmmmm.. ah chang or ah chu's car? kenot be.. mebbe it's member hitz car? hmmmmmmmmmmm...... during dat time i recall i was on honeymoon i guess.. kekekeekekkeeke!

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