me out with my jpj summon..plsssssss

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Nov 6, 2008
hi guys..i dont know whether im at the right section..but i really need some help here..yesterday i kena stop by jpj for my plate number..its smaller than the original size..i have to go for an inspection but ive done my exhaust and air filter edi..will they kacau if i dont change back to the ori one because its stated my offense is my plate number only?the worst part is i dont have the ori exhaust..haih..any suggestions on what i should do?i thought of changing my plate number to the original size n go for the inspection but im worried about my exhaust..haihhhh...ur help is much appreciated..pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee and thank you guys
how big is your exhaust bro? can fit a coke can inside? if yes, better change to
stock ones then go for inspection....or u could hire a runner to do it for u without bringing your car to puspakom...but its gonna costs u....

u tarak give kopi money meh?
hey bro..thank u so much for replying..i think can either ngam ngam fit a can of coke or maybe slightly smaller..haihhhhh..the idiot jpj dont want kopi money..n the worst part is i dont have the original muffler la how ar?haihhh..tension la..what original muffer can satria gti fit ar?i dont know any runner also..
beter chnge da number plate to da normal spect
then if u using dark tinted,beter take it off
sure itu jpj staff pok..pek..pok..pek.. when inspect ur car even in da summons jus stated FANCY NUMBER PLATE
try la search standrd exhst at da exhst shop
sure got 2nd punye
wish u luck :biggrin:
hahaa..thank u bro for ur tint ok..that one they shop claim that jpj lepas wan..hmm..exhaust shop got sell 2nd hand exhaust kar?didnt know..haha..roughly how much do they cause ar bro?thanks for ur luck..haha..
roughly how much??
i cant figure it out
total with UPAH PASANG and bla2..
bter spare around rm100
hope so
aiya...u get satria 1.3 exhaust pon cukup....or u borrow from yr fren...
just pasang, go for inspection, come home change back to your sports exhaust.
if u're lucky then they wont kacau ur exhaust 1.... but mostly they will check... that runner i know he only do tinted 1 only.... sorry bro...
ahh..icic..i dont wanna be lucky..i wanna confirm tak kena kacau..haha..its ok la bro..thanks alot anyway bro..i guess ill follow like what danzterna bro advice la..
kenzui...attach some pics of your exhaust, c how is it like....if not too big maybe
can lepas jpj....

if your exhaust like below, conpem cannot lepas jpj ahahahaa....
hahahahhahaha..funny la u bro..i can fit inside that exhaust also la...hahaha..ok..ill upload pics tonight when im home..
haha....can sleep inside the exhaust summore...
ok bro...will check out your pic tmr.
Is your exhaust set up goes through the original route (not going under fuel tank)?
if its not n it goes under the tank it is illegal.... and if yr exhaust too loud also illegal without proper bullet...?

But dont worry... they wont saman u if you change ur plate no according to JPJ regulations.... they will check ur car and try finding other faults when u go for inspection... but usually they will give out another inspection letter for other matters...

usually Jpj will saman for exhaust if the piping goes under fuel tank... and if they have the decibal sound device they can check the loudness as well, but very rarely, only on operations with alam sekitar they do..... only police issue summon for loud exhaust on the spot... coz police measure using their highly sense tuned ears...
Is your exhaust set up goes through the original route (not going under fuel tank)?
if its not n it goes under the tank it is illegal.... and if yr exhaust too loud also illegal without proper bullet...?

But dont worry... they wont saman u if you change ur plate no according to JPJ regulations.... they will check ur car and try finding other faults when u go for inspection... but usually they will give out another inspection letter for other matters...

usually Jpj will saman for exhaust if the piping goes under fuel tank... and if they have the decibal sound device they can check the loudness as well, but very rarely, only on operations with alam sekitar they do..... only police issue summon for loud exhaust on the spot... coz police measure using their highly sense tuned ears...

haha "highly sensed tuned ears" like they superhuman or smth lol:biggrin:
thanks for ur advice luka bro..i have no idea about the exhaust setting s i bought this car 2nd hand n its already done..haihhh..but what im gonna do is im just gonna rent a normal exhaust n just go for the inspection..the reason stated for inspection is just my number plate..i hope everything goes well la..haihhh..
this is using std piping, bro...if u could find ori gti exhaust it would be better bro......
i will help u search..if u manage to find ori R3 ones lagi cun...
icic..damn terror la u bro..just look once can tell standard piping if i just change the muffle temporary only n go for inspection they wont kacau ar?cause the rest all standard only..
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