Complaint From Gti89

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3,000 RPM
Senior Member
Dec 1, 2003
(qoute from GTi89)
"Stan, read this if you are free. Since installing the TITAN I was satisfied customer because it solve my suspension problems, great ride, comfortable and all. But noise started to crips in and out of the shocks - rear and front. Call stan and ask me to go the garage and fix it. Whats the problem ???? Not sure but maybe its custom made, it needs to be retune or just making the car a guinea pig. I am not sure. After that things was fine no noise what so ever, but at high speed what shocks noise can you hear except the perfect alfa engine music !

Now two weeks after, went to PD and of couse followed the KL-seremban highway. OOOOOOO man.... was the ride bumpy, like proton with potong shocks !!!! I can see my front lights like .... what ah...going up and down. Reallly annoying lah. My wife also can feel the VIBRATION.... ok ..lah to please my self I said its maybe it because of bad road condition... but this is the kl-seremban highway, can it be that bad ?? Ok safely arrived at PD around 9pm or so.

But in PD, the shock noise starts to emerge again la. this is at low speed, ting ting crack crack........... hai ya... what else to be adjust , I wonder. I was annoyed actually because thinking of going back to TITAN garage and fix again and gone half day. Is it fix, touch up or change the whole lot I wonder .

How many times do I need really for TITAN to ** fix*** this problem and make the shocks really suit to the car ??? But every time like this terok lah, every two week that is . Money back guareented huh ??? or is it beter to future date my warranty period , each time masuk garage, can ahhh?

What is actually wrong with the shocks ???? Explain why please ..."(qoute)
okie guys

now's my explaination for the things that happened today.

1) i deleted the 1st comlaint (now posted above) as i've no time (StreetShootout 3 preparations..) to reply appropiately. And it's doing us (TiTAN) alot of damage when the post goes unanswered by me, who represents TiTAN online.

2) could be someone who wanna tarnish TiTAN's good name online, as your post has no specifics. Had to 'investigate' who's this phantom customer. Didn't have a clue until Mr. GTi89 called.
(i do know it's an Alfa though)

i've read it, but no time to reply, so here's it:

Mr. GTi89,

i'm sorry that it has ruined your holiday.
the noises shouldn't have appeared, as we've experience in building sets for the Alfa 156s. (we've done a few, no more complaints)
i've requested that our technical director to resolve your annoying problems once and for all, as we've pledged to give you a quality ride AND product.

PLease come and show us your car + any complaints, we'll fix it for you until you're satisfied, and even after extensive effort, and after all that you're not happy, i would prefer to refund your money, as promised and advertised. (retainer fee for labour of RM200-400) We don't want an unhappy customer.

i'm sorry the damage control was crude (deleting your topic) but i thought at that time (in my haste as well) it was neccesary to do so.
Let's hope we could resolve your problems ASAP, and effectively.

hope to hear the good news from you soon sir,

his nick name is damn original .. hmmm ... <_<
nick, u bought an Alfa? since when u are married? barger never invite me also.. :P
thats my brother .. haha
Mr ninja_iga Sir,
Thank you for the re-posting . Well as per our phone conversation, you are well aware that I am not MPD rival what so ever. Just plain customer who support local product fullstop

ok your answer are well justified except

'.... We don't want an unhappy customer'

I dont actually agree with this argument because you are implicating

1) The customer totally dislike the product for what ever reason
2) The product is NOT at fault altogether -
dont you think it may not suit the car and you consider this customer unhappy ?
3) as in business, to maintain CURRENT customer is more difficult as to win
POTENTIAL customer.

You decide which falls under your quote above. Multiple answers accepted ! ;)

Mr ninja_iga Sir,
This morning went to the garage approx 9.50 am and met Mr TD. By the way, a TITAN fitted Fiat was also there and his groused are same as mine ! Went for a short ride with Mr TD, explain to him (car floating,noise from the front shocks and shocks unabsorb after driving through an uphill slope) and he understood my problems. Explaination completed, gave the car key to TD and I went for my breakfast - Roti Telur and Nescafe Ais --- Best in the world !!!!

I did not wait, not until 6:00 pm I was at the garage again. Just about to complete the re-installation. New coils for the front and Mr TD change or add something to the shocks (not sure how to explain and what was done to the shocks - very technical stuff). Then we went for a ride and he explained what was done. I can still hear the noise as I turn left and right but i dont have the heart to tell him :unsure: ! Then I decided to test myself and drop off Mr TD at his garage. Air Cond off, no music, wind screen up. Mr Stanley Sir, I dont know how to say it but :huh: :( :blink: . pls call me. fyi, l Mr TD aware of these.


wah nick such a coincident someone use same nick with a different number eh....hehehe
Ooooooooooooooooooiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I also want to complain...............

but before that, got to settle my tires 1st. Don't know what to change....... more like not willing to spend the money :(

then have to settle the brakes also........... aiiiiiiiiiyyyhhhhhhhhhhhhh

suspension wise................. good................ don't dare to make changes....... until the above two settle, no point re-setting for better performance.......

BTW guys. My time in SS03 is at 50% - with lousy tires, lousy brakes. TiTAN really helped... else, sure die :(

Thanks to my new front strut tower top

actually my time lousy lah :( - no skill - never practise - like that lor
Yeah the noise is still there. with this distraction, no way I can test bumpy ride.
Tide up at the moment, so have to bear with it.
Stan, thanks for calling . Meet you sometime nextweek then. Cheers !

i'm curious to know, why did you choose your nickname ? :)
Stan, thanks for verifying me :D

Gti88, you want to know why huh ??? Its a sad story lah :( but its all in the past. People must get confuse huh, a gti (thats Proton Satria GTi!) nick but driving a romeo. so you guys want to know huh? ok here goes.

Well I like the car , the sportines, the great silver colour, the interior, the handling, the speed and above all the gti was registered with the no 89 !. Yes. I own a gti once, that was in 2001. Love the car so much and the best among protons fleet of cars ! But luck was not on my side, the gti was stolen , towed away I believed! Thats 11 months of ownership and about 11K kms ! I curse like hell!!!!!!! Gti was never recovered. Thats how Gti89 was born !

Anyone here got their car stolen ? Just wonder why does the insurance pay below the premium car insured? If the car insured for eg 67K should I be getting this figure ? According to my friend the insurance co should honour that amount and can check with Bank Negara. Whay do guys have to say about this?

ok gti88, ninja_ija your curiousity answered ! By the way gti88, you drive a gti ?
hi gti89! mine got stolen 2 weeks ago. My insurance company said that they will pay 100% of the amount insured provided

1) the car is total lost. Proven with police statement.
2) and the seocnd hand value of the car is more or equals to the amount that you insured.
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