Are You Ah-Beng or Ah Lien...??

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1,500 RPM
Senior Member
Nov 18, 2003
Got This from Another Forum

1.Hair color. Hair not in their natural color, extremely shiny and eye sore. Apply to the whole head. Example of colors: Gold, Green, Blue, Yellow, White. Accompanied with bad taste 5 dollar haircuts that means to look spiky but ended up flat, to look like Jay Chow but end up looking like William Hung. Favorite hairdo : middle parted shoulder length hair.

2. Voice. 10 decibels higher than normal speaking volume. Can be adjusted to another extra 15 decibels when in coffee shop or mamak and boasting about their dumb achievements such as new hair color or new shiny shirt

3. Clothing. Very very tight shirt with medium length sleeves, ultra shiny material, and very high probability of containing mystical creatures such as dragons, tigers, and phoenix. Bell bottom pants that can be used to smuggle 5 live chickens. Ah Lians are well known for jeans or shirts with Pikachu/Doraemon/Minnie Mouse.

4. Musical taste. Only interested in 'feng tao' songs or those available in Warp. And only knows Chinese songs but not a single English song except Venga Boys, Cheeky Girls and Dr.Bombay stuff. Blasting stereos with Venga Boys cd in it can be heard from 1km away. Classified as hazardous noise pollution material.

5. Girl/boyfriend. This unique species obviously have a very bad eyesight because their significant other is normally at the bottom of the society's beauty food chain. Also known as : rejects, garbage, unwanted materials.

6. Cars. As unique as their owner can be. Prefers modified Kancil with ultra eye-catching-till-eye sore colors such as lime green or pink or yellow with multiple stickers of rejected tribal designs. Sound system is enough to enpower a whole apartment's electrical appliances to get extra bass that will probably cause their SLK's
(small little kancil) rims to fall off.

7. Shoes. Ultimately high shoes to add extra inches to their height. Sub species Ah Beng prefers flipflops/sandals/slippers in white or other highly insulting colors. Their partner the Ah Lian species prefers their 5inch high platform shoes ala Spice Girls. Shoes comes in metallic silver, black/white, or bright colors such as red/orange/green/yellow mixtures. Caution: Stepped on by one of the members of this species can cause grevious harm to your leg.

8. Hangout place. This species prefer to dwell in feng tao clubs/pubs. A very good example is Warp in KL. Ability to rotate their highly durable heads at 180 degrees for 5-6 hours. Needs medication to train this modern form of martial art which Bruce Lee will surely fail in mastering. Caution: medication may cause babbling and making the members looks like an idiot and end up in lock-up during a bust.

9. Language. Highly colorful language. Preferred language is Mandarin/Cantonese/Hokkien/Foochow. Very very strong words used by this species such as "lim pek" due to singapore comedy series' effect. Favorite lines may include " tonite we go where pou?" or if he/she dare to come ma come lar!" Caution: this unique language by this highly mysterious species can cause normal mothers to cry and normal fathers to be hospitalised.

10. Bravery. This species is known to be brave while in a pack and a chicken when alone. Prefers to threaten old aunties and ah peks rather than heavily tattooed youngster. Can be heard boasting of their achievement/failure in fights with the normal species or involvment in a Perang Saudara within their own species. Usually ends up dead caused by the ah peks (low profile triad leader/loan shark).

If you have more than 6 of these attributes, you are classified as Lala/Beng/Lian Sap

I post this not to start anyflame or to start of a racism topic... just forwarding something i found...
let me see first

i fit into Voice, Musical Taste, Shoes
3 only ... hey ... i not a ahbeng :lol:
eh...i think i'm in 6 category...
been stickin number of sticker at the back..although i'm using those brand
damn, hair wanna spike but end up flat? that's kinda stupid, cause most japanese are into this kinda hair style nowadays.

and this post has been in friendster for quite some time, i find it quite stupid, it's like mocking ppl who are into cars, why don't they specify something like super loud but no performance exhaust?

and i speak hokkien I'm not an ah beng....or am I???? :(
:lol: :lol: Haha..ha
hehehe..i wear slipper....i like Techno .... and i speak hokkien... am i ah beng?
lim peh not ah beng...... ;) but lim peh like Ah Lien........ :lol:
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