4G91 Gang..

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Jiwey,i did change my piping using 2in piping,(outside) so i wud think the inner diameter wud be around 1.9-1.8in..first drive after changing the pipe,kinda feel sluggish...low rpm's. But after abit more of pedal,mid- high rpm,it does improve abit. Not so much,not what i was hoping for. Disappointed,a little. But cud be due to my original muffler..still using stock..hahahaa..headers using 4-2-1 from powerzone..Clutch slip?? change ur clutch yet??

Al,hehehe....belongs to my grandad..so,since he cant drive anymore,i decided to look after it.
Condition when i last check,still in good condition.Colour looks exactly like Mr Beans...hahahahaha.. Car not with me yet,only change name,coz dont wana take it when he is still around.Might affect him,something close to him suddenly gone,..so..u know la..just did the change of ownership b4 it is to late and leceh..
Btw, is 10W-40 to thin?? Engine oil??
10W-40 ar? Ummm... okay kua. Engine oils i not that expert... haha. My myvi currently running on Greddy synthetic =) Can't remember the rating... but I think it's 10W-40 also.

I guess I can understand regarding the name change... but on the other hand, there's nothing some 'undertable money' can't settle. When my dad suddenly passed away (not expected), I paid runner to kautim the name change for his car to my name.

Let us know how's the maintenance for the mini when the time comes for u to take over and look after it lar. I'm curious to know if parts is easily sourced and if they're expensive. =) Unfortunately I'm not quite into classic cars... else can join u sama gang. hehe...
Hi....May I know which places can I go to install the exhaust piping that you guys mentioned?because I can't really found a shop that expert in doing all these stuff....thanks yea....
hrmm,..coz was wondering if the oil im using is abit too thin,..oh well,just have to live with the tapet sound for the time being..hehehehe..
Hehehee,under table money,..heehe...but wana try do it the 'correct' way while we still can.If cannot,then,what to do kan...was thinking of an Evo 3 engine..but $$ to approve...woooooo....
Will post a fw pictures when i have it,..together with my 91 ride..hehehe.need some picture to spice this tread up..something that we can see and look.. :P
Mini still using the original engine,and yeah..am wondering if parts are easy to buy..have been looking thru some forums etc...first thing first,..the stock rims..hehehehe

Exhaust shop eh?? hrmm..bought my piping readily made..duno what brand though..but did mine in Bintulu,Sarawak..so i cant really recommend any good exhaust shops in / around KL...did not really mod my car when i was there..no kaki that time,and was kinda bz with a girlfren..so,hahahaha..we all know when that happens... cant spend alot on 2 'ladies' in our life... no earn big bucks yet.. :P
hahha... yea dei, need to maintain 2 gf memang susah... if u have a gf and 2 cars... LAGI WORSE. LoLz...

EVO3 i don't think can register anymore... gotta do it with a 4G67 block (1.8 liter). Otherwise JPJ will never approve... coz' already got black+white stating protons cannot transplant 2.0
hahahaa,dah la that time when i was working in KL,just started... so,u know la how it is...maintain both,very hard..but once broke off..hahahahaa.... 17in rims d first month,the next,got myself a manual box...baru puas hati... :P
Owh ya kan..a fren did that on his SGTI... using a 4G67 block..hrmmm.... or,sud i save and get a proper 'sport car'??? evo 7-8, GTT34, or a DC2,5....but that will be in the next 2 years time la..not so soon... unless something came up,which is good for my finance..hehehe
hi guys, was wondering if any of you have the gear ratios for 4g91 gearbox?

I was not able to find it thru search engines, and this thread has 700++pages,

So any kind soul out there?

tune,well,you can always start with those basic upgrades... extractor,..intake..servicing, check plugs and timing, fuel pressure reg...clean throttle body..just to get ur engine healthy.. then start from there... :)

Abt gear ratios,am not too sure myself.. hope other s can help.. hehehee,yeap,,u might need 1 month to read thru all those ages..
What do you want to tune?

I have searched it before somewhere... but forgot where. You try to google see lor. You ask me now I cannot remember di lu. =p hehehe...

LoL... spend according to ur own budget lo. Which ever is more financially suitable. Okay lar, since you got mention about the mini... to tell u the truth I let go my satria coz' it was time to change la... play my satria for 8 years already =p Now getting a 'proper sports car' =)
I think i know what to do guys....thanks yea...by the way where u all staying?why not we all having a gathering in KL...How is sounds?.....

wazer,i know a tauke workshop in desa cheras,tuning 4g91 and turbo not bad wan...if wanna try then PM me here yea....cheers...
if u guys want hotbits extractor for 91 u guys can pm me. used item. rm100 only. wanna clear my store room.
Tune engine also got a lot of different type of tuning. The question is what do you want to tune and what do you expect from it? Do you have a piggy back ECU that you wanna tune? Do you want to tune idling? Do you want to adjust cam overlapping (assuming u have adjustable campulleys)? Do you want to adjust idling?

Tuning is a very general term. It's like saying you want to modify car... but what exactly do you want to modify? =p
hehehe,true..there's lots of things that can be tune.. just need to know what you want...
Al,any hints on what car ur gona get next?? hehehehe... i think i might be hanging on to my wira for a few more years..still serving me well.. :)
Joe,have PM u about ur extractor... :)
how high is your fuel consumption right now? 4G91 stock should be able to touch 500km on full tank of petrol when running 97 ron... IF i remember correctly. Modded ones then 400+
What downpipe are you referring to? Usually downpipe is a term heard for turbo cars only.

hahaha... wait I collect the car first then only I tell lar... just in case the sale don't go through. But if otherwise, I should be getting it in this week. =)
downpipe i mean exhaust pipe between extractor n rear muffler...and nak tnya u,if 4g91 use gearbox 4g93gti..ok ke?sebab now my car at 4000rpm only go 120kmh....why eh?
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