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KE70 very a lot loh...Blank....no TA22 there ar?

i keep hearing bout this blue eyed apam...sounds scary ler. macam antu polong oni?

5115...wats this i hear about camel toe again? camel toe got taste ler...like udang basi taste. very nice 1 :rofl: ....eh...i just refreshed DCM there n yr best fren got reply again ler..reading now...

SF....wat pic u post up in FY ar? can open not here? 2 apams at my back aredy come in ler..

Arturo, come to TimeAttack this sunday...really time to meet liao haha!
Ermm...depends on your 2 cha bohs colleague lo...if they think swimsuit is a bad photo then hard to say la haha!

Is mostly Swimsuits. No lingerie photos at the moment. Just Kimono and Swimsuits...Enjoy but prepare some tissues to stop nose bleed :biggrin:
Anyone interested in sucking something glowing? :laugh: :rofl:


RM3/piece and RM54 for one box consist of 20 piece :rofl:
for those who want to join the event this sunday,pls come to tt this friday to discuss.

arturo:really?can tell which restaurant serve the best camel toe?udang basi?i always encounter udang sebalik batu only (like the femes thread i edited yesterday,who knows the udang start jumping at other side pulak once it was edited)

femes thread? yr best fren issit? u wanna try not sup camel toe? :biggrin:

I taught is 'udang di sebalik mee '? :biggrin:

didn't know got episode 2 pulak on the other side until arturo mentioned, I taught close case already initially.

i oso didnt check but this morning pc had to be restarted...then firefox reloaded all my open pages mah...then oni saw the thread updated liau...dun think will stop. DCM members seem to be enjoying themselves.

udang disebalik mee...udang disebalik batu...i think both oso can pakai la...so long aredy since SPM. any fresh spm leavers here ar?

Arturo, come to TimeAttack this sunday...really time to meet liao haha!
Ermm...depends on your 2 cha bohs colleague lo...if they think swimsuit is a bad photo then hard to say la haha!

Is mostly Swimsuits. No lingerie photos at the moment. Just Kimono and Swimsuits...Enjoy but prepare some tissues to stop nose bleed :biggrin:

this sunday i got a little date with my missy ler...if i change plans later will have a hurricane katrina in malaysia. summore timing very not ngam..last week b4 gaji. aredy running low hehehe. savings cant touch cos a lot of thing need to pay up.

the 2 apams behind me look very decent type la..i think anything smaller than a full sized swimsuit is scandalous to them...talking bout swimsuits...u got browse gutter lately? i saw got the HK girl? daring siut. when here oso will have such thing ar?
femes thread? yr best fren issit? u wanna try not sup camel toe? :biggrin:

lol..my best friend...i think he would want to punch me on what i did and kill me for what im going to do....:biggrin:
this sunday i got a little date with my missy ler...if i change plans later will have a hurricane katrina in malaysia. summore timing very not ngam..last week b4 gaji. aredy running low hehehe. savings cant touch cos a lot of thing need to pay up.

the 2 apams behind me look very decent type la..i think anything smaller than a full sized swimsuit is scandalous to them...talking bout swimsuits...u got browse gutter lately? i saw got the HK girl? daring siut. when here oso will have such thing ar?

suspense man...can imagine yr face like mini me when u said that...


Ya, don't change plans once you have promised a girl. Is real bad and it will apply a big impact on yourself. Trust me. Experienced it before but due to some emergencies also kena adi. Well, actually don't break any promise be it girl or guy. No one likes it. :top:

But made it back to her so settle liao :biggrin:

Swimsuits of FY got full body and bikini also got but is just swimsuits ma...decent type also shud understand is not lingerie or bras ma...just a swimsuit or seductive swimsuit :rofl:

You adjust your seat higher then put on a jacket la...then the cha bohs can't see what you are doing there adi :rofl:

Just keep the 11th finger in low profile will do :laugh:

BTW, don't look down on this Mini Me leh...he got quite a hot wife leh...he may be short and not good looking but have a tall model like wife/GF can't remember...

So, this has proven is not the looks that counts...but money :rofl:
Monaro....nice vid...

5115, the event you talking is TTA??
your best friend is $$$ money $$$, and it could be your worst enemy too especially when it is not there when you need it :biggrin: :rofl:
my best friend is yeehau86 and yeehau86 always borrow me money when i need it coz he striked RM1000 big and RM1000 small
khoo, later I pay you back 1.98m, ok? Balance still got 4,274,433.206 :biggrin:
I thought MR. TOMEI is your best friend? :hmmmm2:

acting like my kids doesn't mean i want friend with him.i will forgive my kids when they apologized and ask for forgiveness,punish them further won't make you any better than them.just make sure you get to know what tricks you need to make them listen will do.

but if they keep coming back with same attitude,then different story
remember donate $200,000.206 to charity association wei,and $74,433.00 to Datuk......i mean tokong natuk-gong at Paroi 1.....:biggrin:

don't forget donate to PDRM uncle too...RM179.67 just the best
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