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can we meet this Saturday 11am @ Papa rich @ Kota Damansara? anyone up for it? we can discuss how to approach Nissan
i normally visit sites like www.my350z.com for technical information but what i really want is our own marketplace. i prefer to buy locally than to import something similar from US and paying a high shipping fee.
Mazranz,Hardee,Beautle,Lord1700,Nicole,Z-Ice,Katzman,cwf86,& few other old group/old kakis....when we going to have another TT...???

Alll Z sleeping already...Every friday always going to aman suria & there is no sign of Z club at all...
Hi All..a few member already sell off the lady..any tt please let me know..make the Z club happen again..a lot of new member asking me y Z club so quite de..maybe our president not here de.
sorry for being insensitive. maybe we have a breakfast meeting after raya then. for all my muslim frens. happy ramadhan!
agreed... lets do another TT...

during fasting month a little hard la... KO already! A breakfast after raya would be perfect!
That is why the Z idle in garage while the RX8 actively doing a carbon cleaning activity during friday TT....:D

Lfgoh...this Friday can arr...I try to come down to Aman suria like usual,only abit late because of fasting month prayer.
& just like you...I hope to see the club getting more active like its heyday last 2 year.That was the time the club fun filled with activity,some midnight run & TT.Miss the old day...
used to own a Z, and TT session were once in a blue moon, midnite runs were once in a blue moon as well.
The number of Z is increasing, i think should form a more active club.
i may not be drivin a Z now, but i will gladly join.
lets spread the word around and see what is the response of other z owners.
me n my frenz are goin 2 have a run to genting this friday, any of you interested?

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