Warning !! Number one Car Paint damaged in Malaysia


1,000 RPM
Senior Member
Dec 2, 2009
Kuala Lumpur
I receive a distress call & message

My buddy Ray could not rest, as he found out that there is 3 part of his ride was severely KEY scratched

I always mentioned this - in My clinic or meeting with any enthusiast..... 2nd most damage is birds pool although you cant avoid but you can minimized.......BUT however not KEY SCRATCHs!!!!!

the last time someone did it to our car - i couldn't sleep for 2 weeks, what a night mare of losing my factory baked paint...

Left side passenger door (1st scratch)

after spot polish & compound

Visible trails of scratches is seen as it is too deep to be leveled

moving on
left front panel above the wheels
after a gentle polish

visible depth is still seen

a deeper compound was use to even out the surrounding areas

ta da

Last part Front bumper

polish with OPT Hyper spray Polish


PREVENTION is always better than CURE!!!! by all means find a proper parking & dont park at our convenience at others inconveniences!! otherwise 'the Teach you a lesson' * will abuse your investment

Factory paint is still the far best !!!! Don't Repaint Panels to Cover Scratches!! Don't touch the paint! as collectors wants to do a restoration he's going to do it his way and not our attempts to repair!!

many painter tries to achieve a factory original paint job but, as it is baked under around 1,500 degrees to a rock hard finish.

Cars Collectors will pay you far above book value for your car the authenticity of your ride

Have a great weekend
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How about scratches from our beloved cats? Got plenty of it on my car
KC, key scratch is either by accident or pure vandalism. Just removed a long key scratch on a car from rear fender, 2 doors, and front fender. Don't think it is accident in this case as it goes over 4 panels. Manage to fix yesterday with Optimum poli-seal and LC white pad. Luckily not deep. The other problem that I hate is fingernail scratches behind the door latches. Any good remedy besides using sticker (hate to put sticker on paint) and fingernail cutter...?
thanks to all my buddies
ehdrian (Today), eohl79 (Today), muyo (Today), pangyau (Today)

KC, key scratch is either by accident or pure vandalism. Just removed a long key scratch on a car from rear fender, 2 doors, and front fender. Don't think it is accident in this case as it goes over 4 panels. Manage to fix yesterday with Optimum poli-seal and LC white pad. Luckily not deep. The other problem that I hate is fingernail scratches behind the door latches. Any good remedy besides using sticker (hate to put sticker on paint) and fingernail cutter...?

be a gentle or perhaps chauffeur them in,, at the end of the day its your car

another suggestion...try to do spot correction rather than your big woofer pad machine polishing , as the none affected area will be endangered also

have fun detailing


my friend confirm this is USA

FUNX said:
{Note: There has been a couple of horror stories of vehicles being keyed on this forum lately.....Along with suggestions on what to do to the "keying-culprits" if caught!}

You're correct about the importance of vehicle authenticity. I've noticed the value of Unrestored Originals have risen to the heights, and beyond in some instances, of many restored classics lately.......Even being recognized as a 'Class' for Bloomington judging of Corvettes.

Excellent work on removing/lessening the blemishes on the keyed areas of the vehicle in your thread!


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another suggestion...try to do spot correction rather than your big woofer pad machine polishing , as the none affected area will be endangered also

Sifu, only use small LC 4" white spot buff CCS pad. Need to save $$$ for your OHC/OHP + double side wool/foam later and join ur detailing clinic in the future :biggrin: Now want to get Optimitt from Mun first to cut down my ONR time.
Sifu, only use small LC 4" white spot buff CCS pad. Need to save $$$ for your OHC/OHP + double side wool/foam later and join ur detailing clinic in the future :biggrin: Now want to get Optimitt from Mun first to cut down my ONR time.

No worries buddy
but what i meant was...you could gently use a spot polish rather than 4' pad, as our scratches hardly a 5mm wide...less is more

see u in our next clinic
No worries buddy
but what i meant was...you could gently use a spot polish rather than 4' pad, as our scratches hardly a 5mm wide...less is more

see u in our next clinic
KC, OHP can use with MF or Megs applicator sponge foam? I thought for use with machine only.

Anyway here is the long scratch line from rear to front of car. First tried with Megs Swirl-X and Megs sponge applicator foam by hand. Very tired to level the scratch out. Also tried to make sure there were no product filler/oils within the scratch I used OPC to clean it out. Sorry no after pics of the correction. Heartache when I first saw the long scratch, got it at a shopping mall :bawling:

Rear left fender

Rear left door

Front left door

Front left fender
KC, OHP can use with MF or Megs applicator sponge foam? Heartache when I first saw the long scratch, got it at a shopping mall :bawling:


sorry to hear about it & I am glad you take up the challenge & restores your own car

Keep it up buddy ...time for you to train others ya

---------- Post added at 12:27 AM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 12:12 AM ----------

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one of the most wonderful friends i ever known, my friends mum who cook for me & pack for my wife.... while i detail her ride!!! who has the heart to Shepheron an elderly couples (without children ), who cooks for them & care for them.... & when i saw the car today

my goodness!!!!


damm sakit hati (AKA Heart ache) when I heard my friends e60 factory baked paint scratches from bonnet to the roof & bumper

she parked her ride in her own lot & discovered this


damm cruel.......what have the ride or the owner has to do to deserve such a thing


just plain cruel....


look at the scratches


the rear bumper


it cost so much damaged to the ride, environment, value & time !!!!

how can it happen? I wonder what is the building security for.........!!

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