The best piping size for 4G61T


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Senior Member
Oct 25, 2004
i want to know what the best piping size can be fit for 4G61t engine....i plan to put 2" piping size with one it ok?...i dont want too loud noise on my car...any suggestion....
2" is ok.....but if u wan it to be bigger then 2.5" .....
Its better you get 2.5 inch exhaust piping. And 2.5 inch mid bullet and 2.5 inch DRAGGER.... Shouldn't be noisy..
hey bro im driving a saga and thought of converting to 4g61t may b in a couple of would like to know how is the performance and also consumption of ur engine?sorry if im out of topic..thanx bro
Originally posted by Monstabishi@Jan 11 2005, 12:35
performance.... VR4 better... fuel consumption ok.. not that thirsty.RM10 from subang to serdang with normal driving .
subang to serdang how many km?
monstabishi...subang to serdang is less than 30km rite?correct me if im wrong..
For turbos, the bigger the better. Go 3 inch if your budget and chassis allows.
The best exhaust is no exhaust for a turbo car. But we all know that's not possible. Realistically, 3 inches lar.
Originally posted by sagamann@Jan 11 2005, 11:47
hey bro im driving a saga and thought of converting to 4g61t may b in a couple of would like to know how is the performance and also consumption of ur engine?sorry if im out of topic..thanx bro
my saga saga 4g61T can go up to 70+km for rm10 petrol.....KL driving....
if using big exhaust but small muffler eg: piping 3" but the muffler inlet onli 2.5...izit ok? any effect to the engine ka if use smaller piping like 2"?
me use 2.5in all the way. still 1595cc, unlike others who rojak vr4 block but still claim using mirage block. :P
thanks for the going for 2.5 inch piping, center bullet and muffler....

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