Standard 4g63 camshaft


500 RPM
Senior Member
Jun 21, 2004
Can we grind a standard 4g63 camshaft to 272or something like that??
means that from standard one to a racing one. :o
Can la I think. I dunno! maybe a std cam can be re-grinded to a slightly hotter one, duration slightly longer than normal one kot? but dunno abt lift changes.
okei okei .. cancel grinding the cam. better buy a new cam.
soo anyone want a used vr4 220 standard camshaft can used on 4g61t gip me an offer. :D
can be regrind,what spec do you want? i regrind mine into 272 but standard lift,port n polish all rm 1800 in bangkok,thailand...
like that better just get REAL 272 ma. OR 260 LAGI better...ganas.
Originally posted by keong_MIRAGE@Oct 11 2004, 13:37
can be regrind,what spec do you want? i regrind mine into 272 but standard lift,port n polish all rm 1800 in bangkok,thailand...
keong ...
what did u mean by "272 but standard lift" whats the different with the aftermarket one??
rm1800 including p&p is a good deal ... but in bangkok u can la got lot of kakis. :D

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