Real CAI


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Nov 17, 2003
Sometime JB
Just a tot. Since every car here in malaysia have to turn on air cond. Why not connect a pipe into cabin to suck real cool air into engine? Anyone tot of this?
but we have to drill a BIG hole ar the firewall there right?

this will make the sound proof become worst... :(
then ur car not cold anymore... la..
wats de point...
Originally posted by Seabiscuit@Sep 5 2004, 04:19 AM
Just a tot. Since every car here in malaysia have to turn on air cond. Why not connect a pipe into cabin to suck real cool air into engine? Anyone tot of this?
Well.. actually we thought of that before..

No harm doing so.. If you can stand the Loud Air Sucking sound and the smell of petrol once a while..
please don't do that

the amount of air the engine can suck at say, 5000+rpm is enormous! about couple hundred LITERS per minute!

you'd die from lack of air pretty quickly..
Let say your cabin got 1500 liters air.

Engine capacity = 1.5 liters

Engine rev = 6000 RPM

Suction efficiency = 0.7

No change in shape of vehicle
Sealed Cabin
Constant rate of suction

Then, you will run out of air in,

1500/[1.5*(6000/60/2)*0.7] = Less than 30 seconds

The new method to suicide in shorter time than those exhaust gas !!!
:lol: In taiwan got some fellow they route the air con piping to cool down the air intake.
Just using the piping( the one in the engine bay0 which normally u will see got lots of water condense there one....
effect? dunno oh...they claim got effect oh
Originally posted by Seabiscuit@Sep 5 2004, 04:19 AM
Just a tot. Since every car here in malaysia have to turn on air cond. Why not connect a pipe into cabin to suck real cool air into engine? Anyone tot of this?
someone at nismo done this before, on a 1000hp R33 GTR, that faced temperature problem. but they are engineers, we are potatoes...
Probably will work during low rpms, when air flow is low. Car aircons are not designed to cool the volume of air large enough for engine's intake.
But then it will be a big project for malaysian car to route the air con piping oh.....its on the other side of the air intake. <_<
Actually it wont serve the purpose. As i know, 'cool' air means more dense air. More densed with oxygene molecules and all, which promotes good combustion. The air in the passenger cabin is very dry, like how an air-conditioned room air is dry. So it won't serve the purpose.

Just my 2 cents. Correct me if I'm wrong.
U means dry then got no or less OXYGEN molecules???
Yes, cold air more dense, got more air molecules.......but then....what does it related to the dry or not woh.... :blink:
Actually low huminity air will enhance more oxygen in the air. The water molecule in the air condensed, and air sucked in to engine will have higher percentage of oxygen.
hmmm...this one make sense....less H2O got more air molecules....also means more O2.....more other gases as well lah.... :)
hmmm...this one make sense....less H2O got more air molecules....also means more O2.....more other gases as well lah.... :)
hmmm...this one make sense....less H2O got more air molecules....also means more O2.....more other gases as well lah.... :)

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