nissan march max boost??


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Jul 14, 2004
hey friend has a nissan march K10 super charger turbo...n currentlly boosting at question is what would b the ideal boost to obtain the right ammount of power as its a daily use car?? basically what i want is jimat petrol n powerful...:)
there is no such thing as jimat petrol and more powerful. The more powerful, the more fuelling you will need. There is a way however to minimise petrol usage with proper engine management like mirotech/haltech/motec etc.
u want more power,u gotta feed it more fuel to burn la....though the rite A/F ratio will optimize the fuel tht u pump in,but for more power u still need more fueling mah,tht's y all these sifus here always mention,if change bigger turbo,must have bigger fuel pump,bigger cc injectors etc...
anyway,wats a supercharger turbo? :blink:
engine with super charger and turbo charger
basically low rpm is supercharger and high rpm is turbocharger
best of both world
im using a march spr turbo's true that the more power you need,the more fuel you will burn bro...i suggest that for daily driving and some power while maintaining a bit fuel savings...try to increase boost to 1.0-1.2 bar...taht is the safest bro....u can also increase your supercharge boost you know
keep the stock boost level to maintain low fc.....dun touch anything is the best..keep all stock.....

my 2 cents...
farouk_gto said:
im using a march spr turbo's true that the more power you need,the more fuel you will burn bro...i suggest that for daily driving and some power while maintaining a bit fuel savings...try to increase boost to 1.0-1.2 bar...taht is the safest bro....u can also increase your supercharge boost you know


supercharge how to up boost a? sorry to ask...dunno..hehe...coz las time saw my fren changed to bigger pulley to get more response...
increasing the supercharge boost doesnt need any pulley change....just put fish tank to one of the vacum hoses somewhere near the throtle body...that's all!!!!and it cos RM# i guess.....kakakaka

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