Mitsubishi L200 Turbo


500 RPM
Senior Member
Aug 6, 2005
Thinking to add up some boost to my L200. Anyone know what is the max this engine can stand?? :_:
Anyway,its a diesel turbo:confused_smile:
go mod ur diesel injection pump..
theres a spring in the governor that u can mod it...but im not so sure which one.
or maybe u can jsut change bigger turbines?
oversize ur pistons? or shorten the stroke of cylinder?
but remember one thing..all the while storm is under powered. try lighten the vehicle and see the difference.
I just want to add some boost only la. If mod so many thing better drop in 2jz isn't better:_: :vroam:
bro...i am sure that it will cost much much less than a 2j it me.
why dont u ask arnd in segambut..theres a lot diesel injection pump service centres.
no need tyo mod lahhh.
just open ur front bonnet and look for the fuel pump.
then look for the screw that attacth with the safety fuse.
cabut the safety fuse then tighten the screw by a bit.
A BIT mean A BIT.
if u tighten it too much it will blow the engine.
tighten the screw is actually to let more diesel go in to the piston.
u know too much the engin will kapoooo:cry_smile:
cant fit bigger turbine coz no space ma..

space very limited n the design for the intake n exhaust r too close to each other..

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