Looking for GT-R33 Fan Shroud


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Feb 3, 2006
Hi All,

Anybody know where i can find a used fan shroud for RB26 (GT-R33) ? I am not using the stock radiator, would the stock fan shroud still fit anyway ?

Thanks ~
custom bracket from ur original shroud. Make sure there's enough clearance for the fan to spin. Normally it will fit nicely. If not, custom bracket.
Thanks reintel !!
Any idea where can i find a used fan shroud in Malaysia ?
chop shop loh.just drive ur car there, open bonnet, few screws/clip to test fan shroud. worse case unbolt radiator and loose 1 litre of coolant only mah.
reintel, R33 and R34 ones are different. If you are keen I have a used BNR34 GReddy aluminum one for sale. Condition A1!
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lets talk business! hehehe... I thought BNR and ER34 not the same since the bumper is different? I know that kouki and zenki bumper on ER34 has different length.
Not 100% if the BNR34 ones will fit the ER34 bro.

There's no ER34 versions me think.
Since u mention that u will be coming down again to KK. Could u also bring down the item together? hehehe....

Bump: V-Spec,
Since u mention that u will be coming down again to KK. Could u also bring down the item together? hehehe....
Ok, Remus, if want to buy your air shroud, will definately give you a buzzz .... thanks !

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