Boost COntroller Connection...HELP..


LB Performance
Senior Member
Feb 24, 2005
Kota Kinabalu
juz now passby fish shop n bought a fish valve.....tot to put it to adjust boost n play play..

but i never did this before so wanna aks senior-senior here to confirm about this before plug it to my car...

see the photo....

wat is the correct way to connect?

A - B?
A - C?

both way r same? or got OUT and IN?

sory for asking this kinda noob Q...pai seh...
hehehe okie
u connect A-> B laaa the rest is for valve laa
so u can open or close C using the controller on top
if u want to use this
one advise
keep this far from heat and maybe wrap it up properly
bt oso make sure the C hole is not closed if u want to gate it out la

and if ur car is on WASTEGATE then settings are diffrent
do bump me if u r using wastegate,
wastegate setup is abit diffrent
jinkl said:
hehehe okie
u connect A-> B laaa the rest is for valve laa
so u can open or close C using the controller on top
if u want to use this
one advise
keep this far from heat and maybe wrap it up properly
bt oso make sure the C hole is not closed if u want to gate it out la

and if ur car is on WASTEGATE then settings are diffrent
do bump me if u r using wastegate,
wastegate setup is abit diffrent

no wastegate i try to play this 1st..see how is the result
must try and try by wackking ur car rite...
then u can see how much ur boost up to....

open 1 from 3 valve i think can reach 1-1.2 bar from standard boost...but its all depends on ur vacuum..said some of myfren foreman..

correct me if im wrong..
Go Get a proper Boost Controller, be it manual or electronic. I prefer Manual. This item is much more important than BOV.

It should be a constant pressure holding. Fish tank valve is a bleeder valve which is a wrong application. if some day one of the bleed got plugged by dirt.. bye bye engine..

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