BMW Heritage Race Cars in KLCC -Kuala Lumpur

ace79 said:
McLaren F1 GTR ... phew! Remember the days McLaren flown in a McLaren F1 for pre - approved list of interested buyers at Batu 3 when I was in my teens ... the noise! the interior! the golden engine bay! the luggage compartment! the price!

yeah u rite bro, everything just awesome but ........ finally u did mention the point ' THE PRICE' ! hahaha :Not_Impressed:
kei-office said:
yeah u rite bro, everything just awesome but ........ finally u did mention the point ' THE PRICE' ! hahaha :Not_Impressed:

ya la that time ( mid 90's ) the asking price was a million RM plus, but you get special support from McLaren lah. Everytime you need your car serviced, they'll fly in their mechanics and parts to you. You can even download your car's current conditions ( can plug in from the left or right luggage compartent, i forgot ) and send it thru the Net to them, to let them see how your car's health is. this car is way rarer than a Ferrari, Lambo, or Porker! it's a pure, unadultered supercar that is custom - sized for every buyer...and until today, it's the best supercar of all time ( yep, over 200mph standard way back in 90's ) to me. come i didn't aware bout it...'s hard to see BMW official gathering like this in Msia
simonchangwaimun said:
as greedy as i may be
i only want the E36 320td
the turbine sound really turn on

Then you will be glad to know you can buy a motorsport package for the 120d - 95,000 Euro will get you 245bhp and 450Nm of torque and loads of suspension goodies. Mind you, that's ON TOP of the price of the road going 120d.......

See here
let me share my experience how did the showdown went:

1700 : just arrived at the towers, managed to collect all the goodies ! but the bmw flags are finished though. damn ! nevertheless the nice girl rep managed to give me one anyhow.. she's cute ! kirim salam to her if anybody knows her..

1730 : took all the pics of all the cars exhibited at square . i'd like the classic silver 328 ( i guess ? correct me if im wrong ) . that is THE car to take for a spin in european country roads .. sigh .. technology ? what technology ? those are for geeks ! managed to listen the warm up of all the cars .. damn ! some people call it loud, but i call it an 'sweet ochestra' . next time i'm going to install straight line piping for my satria ! ahahaha.. untung sikit sikit lama lama jadi bukit.. gerenti tak tipu customer ..

1740 : walked to the 'circuit' where all action is going to began. the crowd was fantastic ! never thought so many people are into this .. but the clouds looked like it's going to rain.. and it does .. dispersed the crowds anyhow.. what's left there are only the enthuastic ones.. that includes me ! now i can have the chance to witness wayyy up front .. yeahoo.. !

1750 : the rain just pours and pours .. but the crowd is still intact ! it's one in the million chance to witness races like this , for heavens sake, no rain or thunderstorm would stop me .

1800 : and so it begins ! first it'll start off with the classic one .. just so happened it parked just in front me .. argh .. orgasm alert... hahaha...the other cars are starting to warm up as well.. dun forget that these machine do not have reverse gears ! they have to call upon the manpower to push the cars behind..

1830 : road conditions , totally wet = drifting possibility ? yes ! i managed to observe and took a 'm3' cls actually freaking drift .. wargh .. and the sound of the exhaust tune ? marvellous ! even the bank bsn building alarm went off .. that's how noisy it was ..from jalan pinang, u can actually the tires and the engine screaming all the way back to jalan p.ramlee ! damn.. i wonder if jpj would penalize for that .. i dare you !

1900 : sigh .. good things lasts for a very short time. it would include this one as well.. such things would never last .. but it was worth every minute of it .. and honestly, it's better compared watching the f1 .. i guess it's because it's FREE and i managed to actually touch the car .. haha ..

1915 : oh i think that's all.. dah tutup kedai .. now it's time for me bail off.. but first i must stop at burger king.. free refill drinks ma !

cheers !
polePosition said:
let me share my experience how did the showdown went:

1700 : just arrived at the towers, managed to collect all the goodies ! but the bmw flags are finished though. damn ! nevertheless the nice girl rep managed to give me one anyhow.. she's cute ! kirim salam to her if anybody knows her..

1730 : took all the pics of all the cars exhibited at square . i'd like the classic silver 328 ( i guess ? correct me if im wrong ) . that is THE car to take for a spin in european country roads .. sigh .. technology ? what technology ? those are for geeks ! managed to listen the warm up of all the cars .. damn ! some people call it loud, but i call it an 'sweet ochestra' . next time i'm going to install straight line piping for my satria ! ahahaha.. untung sikit sikit lama lama jadi bukit.. gerenti tak tipu customer ..

1740 : walked to the 'circuit' where all action is going to began. the crowd was fantastic ! never thought so many people are into this .. but the clouds looked like it's going to rain.. and it does .. dispersed the crowds anyhow.. what's left there are only the enthuastic ones.. that includes me ! now i can have the chance to witness wayyy up front .. yeahoo.. !

1750 : the rain just pours and pours .. but the crowd is still intact ! it's one in the million chance to witness races like this , for heavens sake, no rain or thunderstorm would stop me .

1800 : and so it begins ! first it'll start off with the classic one .. just so happened it parked just in front me .. argh .. orgasm alert... hahaha...the other cars are starting to warm up as well.. dun forget that these machine do not have reverse gears ! they have to call upon the manpower to push the cars behind..

1830 : road conditions , totally wet = drifting possibility ? yes ! i managed to observe and took a 'm3' cls actually freaking drift .. wargh .. and the sound of the exhaust tune ? marvellous ! even the bank bsn building alarm went off .. that's how noisy it was ..from jalan pinang, u can actually the tires and the engine screaming all the way back to jalan p.ramlee ! damn.. i wonder if jpj would penalize for that .. i dare you !

1900 : sigh .. good things lasts for a very short time. it would include this one as well.. such things would never last .. but it was worth every minute of it .. and honestly, it's better compared watching the f1 .. i guess it's because it's FREE and i managed to actually touch the car .. haha ..

1915 : oh i think that's all.. dah tutup kedai .. now it's time for me bail off.. but first i must stop at burger king.. free refill drinks ma !

cheers !

wahh...u were there aa bro...
what a great experience
I was there also. Im all for the M1. hahaha When they push the cars around. Their diferentials was almost full lock!! i also noticed that their wheels aren't that big at all. Just wide.

The rain was a bummer though.
i like this M1 PRO CAR so much..dam i missed out this event :cry_smile:

netmatrix said:
I was there also. Im all for the M1. hahaha When they push the cars around. Their diferentials was almost full lock!! i also noticed that their wheels aren't that big at all. Just wide.

The rain was a bummer though.

how to check whether the differentials are full lock bro????

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