Apexi AVCR or HKS EVC 5 or other brand?


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May 28, 2006
got my bov questions answered edi. thanx to all sifus here. 1 more question. which boost controller is good; Apexi AVCR or HKS EVC5 or other brands? any answers n feed backs will be highly appreciated.
got my bov questions answered edi. thanx to all sifus here. 1 more question. which boost controller is good; Apexi AVCR or HKS EVC5 or other brands? any answers n feed backs will be highly appreciated.

For me it is all the same. They are used to control the boost level electronically. Do some search, i remember last time jinkl did discussed about boost controller before.

AVCR or EVC5, depends which display monitor you prefer..hehehe
AVCR and EVC both also not good
it will blow up after few weeks of using , the selenoid also same
please search for the old thread okie :P

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