Anyone modify 4G18 engine to 4G18 supercharged a not ?


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Jul 6, 2006
Anyone see this kind of modification before ? I jz thinking n wondering got any supercharged for my 4G18 engine a not .. :mouth_closed: Turbo car high maintainance .. So I'm looking for supercharged :X-: Anyone know about it ? what kind of supercharge can fit in my Lancer .:retarded:
yea.. is there any way to supercharge it rather than turbo charge it?
I've doing one of my business project paper on s/c application back on 2005 during my uni studies. that time there is one of my friend driving GTi with s/c. The person who run that business, Gerard of Voltz Hybrid is closed already but I think the only left is turbo sang sifu, the famous Dragger shops. and yup 4g18 can s/c, but never heard on any local 4g18 yet even waja (waja with turbokit from dragger ada laa I dengar). s/c is famous at aussie & US but for turbo sang is custom one. complete custom kits with 0.6 bar boost is 6.5k (2005 price) if not mistaken. If you want to go to dragger do pm our mr P hehe :_: yeah s/c is one of very2 good alternative forced induction application.just imagine, at idle 1k rpm sudah kick power already.hahahaha.:X-:
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Why is a supercharged engine lower maintenance than a turbocharged engine?

You do realise that they are essentially the same thing, right? With the only difference being that one is gas-driven while the other is belt-driven?
I read online from a company selling superchargers that superchargers do not require as much technical knowledge to install compared to a turbo charger. But it drinks more fuel as your engine has to work harder to crank both the engine and the supercharger. Superchargers have much lower rev response, so they are great for drag racing.
I read online from a company selling superchargers that superchargers do not require as much technical knowledge to install compared to a turbo charger. But it drinks more fuel as your engine has to work harder to crank both the engine and the supercharger. Superchargers have much lower rev response, so they are great for drag racing.

I think it's only to be expected that a company selling superchargers would say a supercharger is better :)

The only kind of SC that is less technical than a turbo is a positive-displacement supercharger, because of its integrated design and lack of intercooling.

For a centrifugal supercharger, which is what most people do when they rojak/custom a SC setup, there is no difference to a turbo: you need oil lines, you need intake hoses, you need an intercooler, etc. Only difference is you don't need a turbo manifold, but you do need a pulley set.

Fuel consumption is about the same, the SC introduces parasitic drag, but this is minimised some by the fact that the engine makes more power now anyway. Besides, turbos also have to put up with turbine backpressure. The real downside is the loss of potential top-end power on an SC.

Superchargers have less lag, yes, but that doesn't make them ideal for drag racing. You launch at high revs anyway, and most draggers runs launch control so sitting at the line, they have full turbo boost already.

My point is that an SC is not a magic power potion. It's almost identical to a turbo, in mechanism, in maintenance, in complexity. Today's turbos are so high tech that a properly designed system can give you the same kind of response as a supercharger at the same pressurisation.

So if there is a turbo solution readily available, don't go and kill yourself for a supercharger instead.
Singapore got lot's of Turbo kits for Stock Lancer, VIOS, and search in google for more info ...last time i found is about SGD 3k + if i am not mistaken ......cheers
the s/c kits developed by gerard last time if not mistaken the blower type.unlike centrifugal config,blower is easy to maintain.
Actually, if you think about it, the centrifugal supercharger, like a turbocharger, requires no regular maintenance.

The Roots blower, on the other hand, has its own oil reservoir, which has to be changed periodically.

Out of curiosity, what is it about a centrifugal supercharger that is hard to maintain, or even needs maintenance?

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