When a company from Mexico called Mastretta announced that they are going to build a sports car, it was met with the cynical disapproval of the Top Gear UK chaps. Pointing out that the car is being sold “too cheap”, it seems that they would not have to worry about the Mastretta anymore as Mexico’s first and only sports car manufacturer is going to stop the production of the MXT model.
It seems that the problem here lies on Latin Idea Ventures who were supposed to be responsible with their calculations, but had burnt through all the allocated resources in a mere eight months. With their collective pool of funds goes down the drain, this could just spell the end of the firm altogether.
Even is such a situation, all may not be lost as Steve Hindle, Brand Manager for Mastretta Cars (Europe) comes out with a pretty optimistic response towards the situation.
“It’s not the end for Mastretta, but it’s going to take a lot of work, a lot of compromise, and some serious common-sense to allow us to move forward. At the moment, it’s like a couple going through the painful process of separation; each is hurting and each has their own version of why we’re now in this position, and everyone stands to lose! So we’ve all got to get over this pretty quickly and find a way to separate that will allow the best outcome for Mastretta Cars, the best outcome for Latin Ideas, and the best outcome for the people of Mexico.
We’re in the remarkable position of having a car that is already in production, and is ready to be taken into the testing process that will allow it to be exported into key markets across Europe, and then Asia. But we all need to put differences aside and create the platform for new investment that will assure the future of this unique brand.”
So will Mastretta be able to get back on their feet and show the world the Mexican’s capability on producing a sports car, or will it just die down and join the rest of the pack that did not manage to survive the test of time?