InternationalLand RoverManufacturerNews

Land Rover demonstrates their “Transparent Bonnet” Technology via the Discovery Vision Concept!

Land Rover debuts invisible car technology.mp4_snapshot_00.16_[2014.04.10_15.58.30]

Later this month, Land Rover will be unveiling their new Discovery Vision Concept at the 2014 New York Auto Show. Like most of the concept cars, the Discovery Vision will host a number of new technologies that one might be seeing in Land Rover’s future line up. But what we did not expect for them to include in this concept vehicle is a gadget called Transparent Bonnet.


Like the name suggests, the Transparent Bonnet lets the driver to see through the bonnet and having a live view of how the terrain is like underneath the vehicle. Using cameras mounted on the grille and a Heads-Up Display technology, Transparent Bonnet enables the driver to see hidden obstacles while climbing steep incline or manoeuvring in a confined space, capturing not only the terrain in front but also the angle and position of the wheels.

Land Rover says that the technology “shows how advanced technology will take Land Rover’s unrivalled capability to the next level”.

“As our vehicle become more capable and autonomous off-road, we will ensure the driver has the confidence to allow the car to continue to progress, over any terrain. We are developing new technologies including the Transparent Bonnet to give drivers an augmented view of reality to help them tackle anything from the toughest off-road route to the tight confines of an urban car park,” said the Director of Research and Technology for Jaguar Land Rover, Wolfgang Epple.



  • N
  • Apr 11, 2014
Wow... same concept with combat aircraft...