Here’s an interesting look at how to orchestrate a car-chase scene without the use of cars. Instead, it features men holding onto their precious pints of Aussie-brewed Carlton Draught running through the streets of Los Angeles.
It all begins when four Aussie ‘bogans’ happened to pop into a bar for a few pints, after having robbed a bank of their stash of Aussie Dollars. They don’t happen to look like the brightest of the bunch to have been able to plan nor execute a successful bank robbery, but they were smart enough to chuck their large open bag that’s filled with wads of Aussie dough right on the floor of the bar. A bar where the whole police precinct seems to frequent when off-duty (we assume).
But in any case, the ‘bogans’ decide to take off and head back to their car, whilst holding onto their individual pints of Carlton Draught and the bag of dough slung on the shoulders of the big bloke. A quick look at each other and then the car and it strikes us that the ‘bogans’ do actually have some smarts in them. You shouldn’t drink and drive – might spill.
And so, off they take to foot most post-haste with what actually seems to be the entire precinct – also holding preciously to their Carlton Draughts, in what looks like an 80s chase scene through the streets of LA!
How the ‘bogans’ and everyone else managed to keep their pints from spilling whilst running is beyond us and why L.A.? – perhaps for that touch of Police Academy? Oh well, everything’s possible in the movies mate!