Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen may not have lived up to everybody’s expectations. But that’s no reason to write off the series. Transformers director Michael Bay has confirmed on his official website that the next installment in already in the works and has been assigned a release date – July 1st 2011.
That may seem like a long time from now but isn’t that what we said of Transformers 2 when Michael Bay first announced the release date back in 2007?? Michael Bay has confirmed on his blog post that Megan Fox has already signed up for the TF3 project and though there’s no news on Shia LaBeouf, we’re not doubting that he too will confirm his presence. Bay is also meeting up with Hasbro to discuss new characters, so you can expect a few new transforming automobiles and perhaps planes as well.
Now we’re just hoping that it lives up to expectations.