
Stolen Today: R34 GTR from Apartment parking lot – Join the search

dsc002771A member for years, Russwestwood‘s R34 Skyline GTR was stolen just hours ago. Right from the comfort of the GTR’s parking lot at the basement of Russ’s apartment in Damansara Perdana. Russ is currently out of the country on business in Egypt.

At about 3:45pm today Russ’s spouse, Nicole received an SMS Alert from the car alarm company notifying of a rapid arm and disarming of the GTR’s security system.

Curious, Nicole rushed home and was shocked to find the GTR missing from its usual spot. Unfortunately the security guards weren’t aware of what happened. Coincidentally the CCTV system weren’t working at the time. Though other relevant people within the area are currently being interviewed for leads.

Do join the search along with the rest of the Malaysian Skyline Club and forum members.

You can help simply by: notifying the police or 012-6900120 or us or even trying to be a hero, if you do come across any hints, or better, a visual sighting of a:

  • Skyline R34 GTR
  • Colour: Bayside Blue
  • Number plate: JHM 35

Places to also look:

  • Industrial Areas, Warehouses
  • Backlanes of shops and houses
  • Doesn’t matter if you’re in Penang or Johor. Thieves travel. Fast.
  • Chop Shops / Junkyards
  • Suspicious Areas?

I can assure you, the owner will reward whoever that finds him his precious R34 GTR or even provides useable information.

Here are some Discussion of the Stolen R34 GTR created by the owner, Russ

Some of Russwestwood’s Posts:

If you run a blog, or website, and you’d like to help us spread the news, do duplicate this post.

Please take a good look at what the car currently looks like. Some shots of it blending into the public:









A Reward Statement from the owner, Russwestwood himself:

First of all I would like to thank Tom for placing this notice up so quickly, and to Remus as well.

Now, I want to make this clear that there is a RM52,000 (USD15,000) cash reward for anyone who can help me get my car back.

If you have any contacts or know of anyone or friends in the shipping line, customs, port authorities whom can locate and stop the shipping process, inform the police, help stop my car from being shipped out, the cash reward will be yours.

If you know anyone at the border checkpoints to Thailand also, there might be a chance of it moving across the border.

Personally I feel that the car will be shipped out, as the car was stolen whole with no damage left from the crime scene. And if it is shipped, it should be by container. Anyone with information on shipping especially with the regards to container shipping, please help.

The chassis number is: BNR34-004751
The engine number is: RB260725904

Once again, it is a blue Nissan Skyline GTR.

Should the car be found almost bare and stripped down, there is still a reward of RM30,000. So please, help me find my car.

  • 2
  • Nov 15, 2008
will try my best to look out in my area and incase it passes thru any illegal cargo or customs .
  • J
  • Nov 15, 2008
rott in hell the stupid thieves....hopefully the owner found back the car in one piece...
  • N
  • Nov 15, 2008
thanks tom for the post.. really appreciate it.. we planned to take our wedding pics with the cars as well but.. sigh...
  • N
  • Nov 15, 2008
the car means alot to us.. it brought me and russ together.. if not he bought the car, he won't be on zth.. and we both won't meet and ended up getting married.. i hope we'd get back the car in 1 piece *praying*
  • J
  • Nov 15, 2008
i saw the car on the north south high way yesterday around 650pm heading south, i was heading north........could recognise the car by the thing which next to the numberplate........the car was travelling slow though...hope you find the was after melaka
  • N
  • Nov 15, 2008
u sure???!!!
  • J
  • Nov 15, 2008
yup i bet this is the only bayside blue with the thing next to the number plates...btw wat time was the car stolen
  • N
  • Nov 15, 2008
almost 4pm
  • J
  • Nov 15, 2008
there were heavy traffic heading south while i was heading north.......btw wat do u call the thing next to the plates......
  • N
  • Nov 15, 2008
it is a badge for ex army forces
  • Z
  • Nov 15, 2008
those fucking thief...really asshole...never want to work hard but want too earn fast money...suxx
  • Y
  • Nov 15, 2008
Will try to help u find ur car as well...
  • A
  • Nov 15, 2008
so sorry to hear bout tis. if what jeffblazed said is tru, i'll try look around melaka. i study here.
  • R
  • Nov 15, 2008
First of all I would like to thank Tom for placing this notice up so quickly, and to Remus as well.

Now, I want to make this clear that there is a RM52,000 (USD15,000) cash reward for anyone who can help me get my car back.

If you have any contacts or know of anyone or friends in the shipping line, customs, port authorities whom can locate and stop the shipping process, inform the police, help stop my car from being shipped out, the cash reward will be yours.

If you know anyone at the border checkpoints to Thailand also, there might be a chance of it moving across the border.

Personally I feel that the car will be shipped out, as the car was stolen whole with no damage left from the crime scene. And if it is shipped, it should be by container. Anyone with information on shipping especially with the regards to container shipping, please help.

The chassis number is: BNR34-004751
The engine number is: RB260725904

Once again, it is a blue Nissan Skyline GTR.

Should the car be found almost bare and stripped down, there is still a reward of RM30,000. So please, help me find my car.
  • R
  • Nov 15, 2008
Tom, can you please include my reward statement in the main article? Thanks again my friend.
  • R
  • Nov 15, 2008
<img class="attachment wp-att-4969" src="" alt="bayside blue r34 gtr front" width="600" height="362" />

<img class="attachment wp-att-4970" src="" alt="bayside blue r34 gtr rear" width="600" height="380" />
  • E
  • Nov 15, 2008
wa lao. now GTR become target pulak. seems like the thief lost their taste on evo liao. lulz!

sorry 2 hear that bro. it seems now i need 2 think twice again b4 buying GTR in the future. the thief must be fucking lucky and the apartment admin should be sued 4 the stupid incompetence. i'll do my best 2 look out 4 your baby and good luck 2 others doing the same.
  • N
  • Nov 15, 2008
just make sure u have people looking out for u at the north border of msia and thailand. most thieves steal expensive cars and drive it straight towards the north border to be resold in thailand. hope u find ure masterpiece back..
  • J
  • Nov 15, 2008
Sorry for ur lost.. Myfriend car(putra widebody white colour) just got stolen last saturday.Still searching for the car until now.Will help u to search ur car aswell.
  • M
  • Nov 15, 2008
Damnnn....this news!
  • K
  • Nov 15, 2008
I already help to post about this in other local forum in Malaysia. Hope can recover the car soon. By the way, the alarm company cannot pinpoint the cars location?
  • R
  • Nov 15, 2008
We receive an sms on our phones from the car's GSM sim card. But when we tried to locate the car it was too late, the system had already been disabled. Thanks for all the info so far..
  • S
  • Nov 15, 2008
pray for you dude..
  • S
  • Nov 15, 2008
by the way, im heading south today, i will keep on my eye looking for ur ride...
  • L
  • Nov 15, 2008
Sorry abt ur lost...Got a msg from Nicole asking to take note of ur car. I don't think those idiot would be that dumb to drive that car into SG, ur GTR would be too eye catching on the road and they simply have no where to go. Car thief is very uncommon in SG, however you might wanna try JB.

I will help take note of your car in JB when i go in.

You might wanna post ur thread in these forums for more lookout

If you need any other assistance in SG, you can ask nicole to send me a msg in the 350z facebook. I will send u my cellphone number.

Good luck!
  • K
  • Nov 15, 2008
Already inform 2 people at port dickson , 1 in selangor and 1 in port kelang... hope can find ur car soom....
  • T
  • Nov 15, 2008
I just informed 3 shipping companies about this hope they will help to have a look out as they have contacts to other shipping companies.

Will be heading to Mantin area to search around the few chop shop &amp; workshop there. Might as well head over other remote areas.
  • K
  • Nov 15, 2008
  • R
  • Nov 15, 2008
Thanks for all your help. Obviously if Im in Malaysia I will be looking high and low, getting people involved. But sadly even if I come back, it will take me at least a week to get back and the car will probably be long gone by then, so I really appreciate what you guys are doing and helping me out. I will gladly give any one of you the reward with a big smile on my face if you can help me find my car in 1 piece before its too late.

Thank you again.
  • S
  • Nov 15, 2008
I put it on my msn pict and status, n hopefully my contacts will call u guys if they found any clue on ur car bro.. that the least i could do.
  • J
    Jackie Leong
  • Nov 15, 2008
i assume a police report has been lodged? and since jeffblazed mentioned it was seen travelling south, i think it might be possible trying to check the camera feeds from the highway concessionaire as my friend told me they have a camera every 2-4km.

i have placed a note on my blog to get the news out as well. will notify friends about it.
  • M
  • Nov 15, 2008
Your car's GSM alarm was disabled? Hmmm ....
  • D
  • Nov 15, 2008
i suspect...why didnt the alarm disable the car?
it just rang to ur wife and let her know the car was being hijacked???
what happened to the immobilizer?
  • M
  • Nov 15, 2008
No where is safe for our cars now...
The so-called "security" we have now are pathetically useless.
  • D
  • Nov 15, 2008
Hey Russ,
Dont feel too bad on this, will help to keep a lookout in Johor state.. Im sure you can find the car back.
  • M
  • Nov 15, 2008
sounds to me like either the security guards took it or they were involved sumhow.. it looks like its a very loud car, so they can't have not seen it leaving the place.. and was the cctv "coincidentally" not on, or "conveniently" not on?
anyways, good luck on finding it russ
  • L
  • Nov 15, 2008
will find it all around this peninsular
hard to belive if someone doesnt see it
  • A
  • Nov 15, 2008
Heading south, they might try to smuggle it through batam island?
  • S
  • Nov 15, 2008
i did contacted my click all staying nearby border of thai n m'sia (kelantan, terengganu, kedah n perlis). hopfully can help to locate if any. thats all i can help. BTW im from nismoclub malaysia..
  • B
  • Nov 15, 2008
Dear Russ and Nicole,

Sorry to hear about your skyline. Why don't you contact or their hotline and try to check each toll CCTV to find out where the car exited at PLUS highway. Or even any forum member who's in PLUS???
  • F
  • Nov 15, 2008
lol... wat the use of the alarm after all.. if it can be disable...
  • R
  • Nov 15, 2008
bro, this is sad news as we all know how much u love ur gtr , i personally will keep an eye 4 it , have called up a few people in shipping line and informed my uncle who is a high ranked policemen in Singapore to keep an eye, really hoping 4 u to get ur car back.
  • R
  • Nov 15, 2008
by d way can anyone inform the police force in thailand to keep a look out , i think that would be very helpfull, also bare in mind that the car could be shipped towards sabah/sarawak from jb, damn i am so pist at those thieves, they should be burned alive .
  • D
  • Nov 16, 2008
no jokes here plz........imagine wat if its ur precious car got stolen?

russ..ur car got stolen from ur condo's carpark???....every resident need a card or sumthing to pass thru the guard house right? can that a$$ hole thief simply just 'past thru' ??????

since 1 of the member above mentioned tat it goes "SOUTH" .....ZTH members from those area shud be informed bout tat....

anyway..i will pass this msg around
  • K
  • Nov 16, 2008
immigration and customs at kelantan borders has been notified about this news! hoping that u'll recover ur GTR asap..
  • K
  • Nov 16, 2008
Sorry to hear about ur car bro... i've contact some of my friends in JB to look out for ur car. you had informed the polis rite? just hope that they do a major search in the southern area.

And guyz, remember the last putra that was stolen from sepang and it was then found at johor? the thief might had bring it there as there were many stolen cars brought that area, and 1 more area i know of is at kajang somewhere....
  • R
  • Nov 16, 2008
Well, sorry to hear that ur GTR is stolen bro...pls do look at workshops coz they will strip stolen cars within 2 hrs, heard of it before so pls do look at "famous" workshops who perform such activities...Sorry couldn't inform my friends who are in the shipping line coz juz logged in, too late to inform...Hope that ur car can be found ASAP...God bless you bro!
  • R
  • Nov 16, 2008
Well, i will try to post in coz got alot of member from southern area...btw bro russ, pls do interrogate d ppl working at ur condo coz the chances that it starts from there is huge...hope its not too late to inform other members
  • K
  • Nov 16, 2008
I've been sending mms around..hope this helps..
Dear Russ,

I'm sorry to hear that . I'll try to help u out by looking around and I've posted about this news in my blog :

Goodluck to u and hope u'll get your car back soon. ^^
  • D
  • Nov 16, 2008
comeeee onnnnnnnnn...CAMERA WAS NOT WORKING!!!!! WTF ... you should SLAP the guard first..
  • O
  • Nov 16, 2008
there is a rb26 racing clutch put up for sale in wonder it belongs to your car.. hope it helps... good luck in your search..
  • J
  • Nov 16, 2008
So sad....Hope you find back the car..Seem today,even a Kancil will be their target..

Be carefull guys...
  • R
  • Nov 17, 2008
Thank you all for your help so far...

Here are a few more pictures to help you identify the car..


The engine bay should host a Nismo intake manifold, HKS intake piping, ARC radiator with 2 stage bubble tanks, engine damper and ARC oil catch tank. There should also be a HKS twin power unit above the intake pipings..



The interiour should host an FCon Vpro and Tien EDFC in the gearbox, Greddy boost controller above the steering, HKS AFK next to the multifunction display and F con navigator under the stereo head unit.


There should also be a SARD surge tank in the rear boot.

Please call 0126900120 for any leads... thanks again.. any input into newspapers or mags will also be appreciated.
  • S
  • Nov 17, 2008
the security guard was behind this all along. ask the police to catch and interrogate them until they open their mouth..
  • R
  • Nov 17, 2008
reporting frm southern...

will roll around JB....i did alert my guys bout tis...

will make sure u got it in 1 piece......

will do my best bro...

pray for u..

  • O
  • Nov 17, 2008
my evo8 also blue color was stolen at d'sara perdana about 6months ago while i was on business trip to europe.. might be the same gang again...

sorry for your lost man... i can feel u...
  • K
  • Nov 17, 2008
whats the big fuss bout car being least nobody;s hurt or died rite? this hooha seems like the world coming to an end..
  • S
  • Nov 17, 2008
Roger bro russ, I'll try to help u to find it. I predicted it still in Johore area or maybe S'pore.
  • X
  • Nov 17, 2008
If possible, you can try to settle via mafia, it's much quicker. If you know any bros who are from mafias, ask their help and they can locate which gang got your car. With your cash reward of RM52K, you can trade that with the gang and you might get your car back in one-piece. Since you like your car so much and how much it means to you, maybe this way can help you. Just take it as you're unlucky.
  • S
  • Nov 17, 2008
with mafia...the owner's life also at stake.
  • N
  • Nov 17, 2008
kongket: WHAT IS WRONG WITH U???!!! if u DO NOT like what u read, just don't.. YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW MUCH EFFORT, TIME AND MONEY WE PUT ONTO THE CAR.. obviously YOU ARE NOT A CAR LOVER.. this car is NOT ONLY A CAR to us..

oh well, it's a waste of time telling u all that coz U ARE NOT A CAR LOVER.. coz to u a car is just a mode of transportation to get u from point A to B
  • X
  • Nov 17, 2008
car stealing gang just want money... you get them the amount of money, they let go your car and no harm done! just like kidnap cases, alot of cases are not reported and settle via this style... My client lost 1 Evo 8 and Mini Cooper when the gang ambush his house via parang, and he get back the cars via mafia style also as he like the car so much.
Understand the risk of being rich in Malaysia. Hire more bodyguards and don't ever think living next to a police station is safe.
  • S
  • Nov 17, 2008 this mafia thing work well?
  • S
  • Nov 17, 2008
just to hows with jeffblades's info? got any news from that?
  • K
  • Nov 17, 2008
no place is safe to park my car d... better take off all the mods asap .. :-P... hope u can find ur car back in 1 pcs asap.. i'll try to look ard at p.klang area...
  • N
  • Nov 17, 2008
i notice this thing. ALMOST ALL car thieves cases happen in Condo/Apartment, ALWAYS the CCTV SO Coincidentally not working. GOt soooooo coincidentally one meh everytime?
  • R
  • Nov 17, 2008
kongket &gt; pls dun disturb this thread with ur lame comments, we seriously dun ned it. we are here looking for our members car. If u dun wana help , get lost.

by d way any update son d car yet , my boys are looking all over jb pasing the news to expand their search. on my behalf im still looking for my fav skyline.
  • J
  • Nov 17, 2008
"kongket on November 17th, 2008 10:15 am
whats the big fuss bout car being least nobody;s hurt or died rite? this hooha seems like the world coming to an end.."

isn't ur car get stolen, for sure you dunno how they feel ~
even is ur car get stolen, you also dont know how they feel, because you're not a car lover ~

the car is mean a lot for russ, and also for nicole, it's more than just a car ~
both of them have a lot of memories with the car, they build up together ~

i spreading the news using internet, post it at all the forum i know it ~
hope can get back the car to the owner ~
  • D
  • Nov 17, 2008
F@CK off la kongket...u know nothin but only know how to kongket ur mom...hope ur mom get kidnap 1 day and u will be the first to say...its only a 'mom' wat...wat so special..she die already also not end of the world...

and i bet mayb ur the car thief too

anyway russ..any latest progress on the search
  • T
  • Nov 17, 2008
damn and others, heard from Vlioxo post. His bro's friends might have found the car. According to his post the car is still in 1 piece. I'm so happy now. Will be jumping on my feet if they really found it. Yeah~~~Hooray~~
  • R
  • Nov 17, 2008

any news????????
  • L
    luke skywalker
  • Nov 17, 2008
Bro hopefully the car is ok and youll get it back... i think the thief realise better get the reward then disppose the car.... Bro but once u get back pls take care of it properly... get the car a personal bodyguard... or keep it in storage when you are away... hope everything turns out ok for the beast....
  • T
  • Nov 17, 2008
Come on....the car already has a GSM alarm system fitted in....I do not think there is any better alarm system you can fit it.
Im sorry bro to hear about your lost...but what I find ironically is

1)The car was parked in a High End Condo/Apartment 'supposedly' with security personnel guarding the the place and limiting entry to all outsiders.
I suppose you have stayed there for quite some time and the guards should recognise you with your car. They just couldnt let anybody leave with a car that? What were they doing? sleeping on the job?

2)The security cameras werent working on that day conincidently or incoincidently...are they cameras for show only?

3)The gsm alarm system could be disarmed so easily....

I know its useless to cry over spilled milk but one thing I want to remind of because I had the same experience like you. Luckily the car was just broken into and all the stuff stolen, the car was left to paralysed but still intact. The car was sent to a Famous Tuner in Sunway who does a lot of GTRs (Guys with GTRS should know which workshop Im talking about). After spending about 2 weeks in the tuners doing up the final tweaks and dyno tunes, the car was brought back home. The next morning, everything was gone, the haltech, the Defi's, recaros and the list goes on.
Im not saying the tuner or their mechanics has anything to do with this but looking at how professional and how well they know about the car, one just cannot leave out this possibility. How would anyone even know you have a GSM car alarm system in the car and they could disable it before anything.

My 2 cents.
  • S
  • Nov 17, 2008
me n friends in kajang will look for ur car in kajang area.
sory for ur lost.
  • D
  • Nov 17, 2008
to titanRev...u sure thecar has been found??&gt;..any post on tat?
  • K
  • Nov 17, 2008
guys dont flame me like dat la..y i say this is becos i also got my car stolen few yrs back. speaking from experience this is how i accept fate.. dont worry u'll get over it like bro TOMEI-R quoted "its useless to cry over spilled milk"
I've put the word out about this. I've got some unconfirmed leads to the whereabouts of your car. Then again i must investigate first to verify those leads. If it is right we must assemble a crew and go whack them properly coz i lost my car to these yellow bellied slant eyed jack A$$es.. Last time they manage to get away but this time it'll be payback!! bastards retards..
  • A
  • Nov 17, 2008
izit true dat the car has been found?
i heard d same 'rumor' too...
not sure though wether its true...
  • R
  • Nov 17, 2008
stolen GTR!!!
sounds like inside job for me..
how can they disable your alarm in the first place.
either the alarm company or perhaps workshop..

but let's not point fingers, do hope you'll find your precious GTR soon...
  • T
  • Nov 17, 2008
damn, see russ's post then you will know. I'm not sure too as I've sated 'might have been found'
  • G
  • Nov 17, 2008
sorry to hear tat bro...i was at Damansara perdana too at tat time...
  • R
  • Nov 17, 2008
well guys any updates, wad was the rumour that some of u guys are talking about......well i swear if i find those thiefs driving around this skyline gtr i gona ram them off the road, why because myc ar not fast enough but its very tough ( old skool metal ), so sorry but tahts my plan , better a damage car thn nothing right, wad u guys think or should i just call our useless police
  • U
  • Nov 18, 2008
although i dont know you, i feel your pain.its an excellent car; and to lose it must be very painful.

i would think that ure condo's guards must have a hand in this. i stay around the dsara perdana area (tropics) and security there is top notch. even if you try to enter the condo( any condo's around that area) the security is strict.imagine if you try to leave without any electronic tags for the security gate.sure some guards will make noise.

another thing is, lets say if i was a thief, wearing some cheap shirt,pants and cap...sure thing that the guards would suspect somethings wrong as it's a R34 and not a wira. so the thief couldn't be a cheap ass scum if u asked me. sure someone has been eyeing your ride for a while. someone professional no doubt.
or maybe even someone close (hhmmmm...)

I have already forwarded this link to my friends in customs. if your car gets smuggled out to thailand and i am informed, i will post it here and let you know.

good to see that there are still people looking out for other people out there...
  • D
  • Nov 18, 2008
ok, guys, wat i can help out to further investigation is since im in the security line,

since russ is staying at a condo, any people not staying at the condo must register themselves at the guard post before enter, either they walk in or drive in.

they must at least put their i/c there so the guard can copy the details or if they drive in surely the guard have noted down the car number n i/c.

its not about when they drive out the car, but when did they come in n how.
  • S
  • Nov 18, 2008
If the car is going south, likely to be torn apart in JB. The parts will be sold to Singaporeans. Or, shipped out to overseas from southern ports.

Russ, Nic: What car security system are you using and did it have GPS tracking?
  • K
  • Nov 18, 2008
to the bro whom r34 stolen, maybe its a sign from god for you to buy the new gt-r.. pls consider.
  • M
  • Nov 18, 2008
have you nothing else better to say? shesshhh
  • A
  • Nov 18, 2008
yeah...devil_speed is right.. check with the guard.. hopefully the guard can provide some info...
  • F
  • Nov 18, 2008
.. hopefully the guard can provide some info… yeah rite for all u knw the guard is on the take
  • K
  • Nov 19, 2008
hey kongket...wat will u do when ur mum is dead n ppl insult her?...u dun have anything better to do izit?...anyway...wat was the car u lost last time?...a sang kancil or sang kelisa?...those type of car lost dy of cos u can easily get over it la...

dun bother to post if u r not willing to help..

and probably we shud check on u as u may be the thief in this case
  • D
  • Nov 19, 2008
fulci, all do respect, its their job n responsibility, we r not blaming them but ask them for assistance. they r more than willing to help as people are pointing finger at them.

they need to clear their name n prove themselves that they r not in the wrong. if its the condo's management guard, they will try n help. if not people will run away from staying there. its mindset.

russ, trust me, better than nothing. start ur search from the bottom. at least u will know who is the thief n post his picture here....
  • R
  • Nov 19, 2008
Thanks everyone for your help and your advice.
  • M
  • Nov 19, 2008
firstly sorry to hear about the bad news.

just wanted to give an idea. it maybe far fetched though.

is there any other apartments nearby with CCTV? maybe you can check if any of their CCTV that points to incoming residents. it may have captured the car passing by in the background.

maybe you can also check with highway's CCTV. these days there are CCTVs everywhere.

all the best mate.
  • C
  • Nov 19, 2008
Hi Russ and Nicole,

Sorry to hear about that...

No worry, with reward amound that you offer, I am sure those car stolen team (fuxker) will get their middle man to contact you.

Get back the car first, later only find way to settle them...
  • K
  • Nov 19, 2008
come on la bro, huge difference between a car and a mother..use yur brain la how can you compare those two. like chinese always say, if problem can be solved wif money then it is small problem.imho the new gt-r is a good replacement, btw my ride is not as expensive as a r34 but i got my e200 stolen and replaced wif the lexus is.
  • J
  • Nov 19, 2008
kongket STFU if you have nothing better to say. this isn't a joke...and we don't wanna know what u replaced ur stolen car with. watch what you say...coz it might come back twice as hard to you! so once again...shut ur piehole!

anyways, sorry to hear bout the loss of your ride...will be on the lookout for you!
  • J
  • Nov 20, 2008
Kongket? Who's Kongket? Someone who didn't ask for what car he replaced with ....yet boasted himself like feeding his tiny dick that shrinks all the time. What a fag.... and by the way, Lexus is only for pussies like you. Hmm... maybe you didn't even own a Lexus at all. Douchebag, go and get a life.
  • L
  • Nov 20, 2008 kongket...y not find a better way to boast?...say u lost ur F430 and replace it with a bugati veyron even better la...LOL

hard to imagine a guy who drives a "e200" or "lexus is" will come here and talk [email protected] ur brain and boast la...a$$hole....i think u cant even afford a honda ex5 bike..

better shut ur a$$ mouth up before u become a laughing stock here
  • K
  • Nov 20, 2008
again i get flamed when i tried to clear the air as someone here told me i got my "sang kancil" stolen..just wanna clear the air bros. btw i cant afford new cars except those recons, i am just like you guys working-class ppl earning a living. as for the r34 owner, yeah i do feel bad for him as i know how it felt to get yur stuff stolen.its unimaginable therefore my tots was get a the new gt-r for god sake. anyway all the best in relocating yur car i hope some of these broaded minded ppl can help you. Good Luck!
  • N
  • Nov 21, 2008
kongket: like i said yea, it's a R34 BUT the car means a whole lot more.. it's an inline 6.. it's a RB engine.. the new GTR's V6 obviously CAN'T replace the uniqueness of a RB.. maybe u've never modded a car before thus u do not know the feeling of 'satisfaction' after waiting for a year to finally get the results that we wanted
  • R
  • Nov 21, 2008
hey.. just don't bother people like this guy.. the more you talk to him, the more annoying he will get..

stupid guy.. why do you bother posting here anyway?.. lack of attention..
  • R
  • Nov 21, 2008
Hey kongket,
thanks for the comments.
Misinterpretation of comments is frequent on forums.
I will not hold a grudge against anything that is said here and take it was all meant in good faith.
Thank you all once again.
ther will be some good ass raping after this....sorry for ur loss russell...
  • S
  • Nov 27, 2008
bro better check which tuner shop or alarm shop where u did your car before.. usually these mechanics knows wat ur cars inside and they studied it.... i had same experience my car was stolen before and it was stolen by this mechanics after we found out... sometimes u cant trust mechanics that much unless u noe them really well...
  • E
  • Nov 27, 2008
Will join the search party for the masterpiece.

  • I
  • Nov 28, 2008
perhaps you could try the lane along sg. besi especially behind the closed esso station until taman sg. besi. i don't know how, but sometimes the people could give you some info. those worked at the workshop (the bmw - stephen), perhaps the chap who drive skyline living at the squatters near tmn. sg. besi.
  • A
  • Dec 6, 2008
any latest news abt the car?
did u manage to recover it?
  • J
  • Dec 6, 2008
There is a R34 GTR Vspec Bayside Blue on sale in Indonesia island Jawa border...Update from Fren....
  • B
  • Dec 8, 2008
I think somebody stole ur car only bcoz he only want ur engine...maybe for build a car project...its something like use ur engine for drag race...drifting...or illegal street race...ermmm maybe the person that stole ur car try to sell ur engine to halfcut shop....or maybe ur car now at Singapore...Thailand or Indonesia....
  • E
  • Dec 10, 2008
russwestwood &amp; nicole.

sorry to hear about your lost. 3months ago i lost my EK, its not a expensive car or anything, but i bought it with my first pay check and took years saving money to mod and fix it. so i can imagine the sentimental value your GTR has. i surely still miss my ride. the times and memories it left me, time cannot forget.

nicole: i understand where you are coming from, my GF loves the car as much as i do. so i am truly sorry for both your lost, i can understand that the car is like family.

i made police reports and tried looking around for it as well. but sadly nothing turned up. i hope luck shines a brighter light on you, you have my prayers.

take care.
  • R
  • Dec 13, 2008
i believe the guards at the condo might have something to do with it.
this is becos i got a fren staying there and her car was broken into with the windows broken. At tat same time coincidentally, it seems no guards heard anything or seen any suspicious people and the CCTV system is down.
My fren went to the management and they say they cannot do anything.
What is the use of staying at such a luxurious apartment, and u pay so much maintenance fees, when the management cant even get the cctv system to work and to provide some safe security or decent guards.
We told the management that it could be an inside job but they said is not their business.....
Hope u can find out more from the guards.
  • M
    mira power
  • Dec 16, 2008
sad to hear that your car has been stolen by someone else,it is very hard for you to get back your GTR right now since it was stolen and you have been looking for such a very long time,please dont be mad and hurt by my statement,im telling you the truth right now,sometimes the truth is painfull like hell but you have no choice just to face it.the percentage for you to get back your gtr with all the same accesories and mod is only at around 1% out of 99%.the 1% is miracle,bro you must know one thing about this bolehland country with the economy right now currently,plus many crime and criminal cases are happening in this country,it is better not to drive an expensive car or leave it alone there for a long time becouse it is not safe at all,anytime,anywhere.i remember there was one ferrari f430 from singapore was on the way driving to genting highland,his car was robbed during half way up the must know this country situation and the peoples mindset right now.i wish you can get your car back as soon as possible.may god bless you.
  • I
  • Dec 17, 2008
Has the car been found or not?

Can someone please give a confirmed update?
  • R
  • Dec 17, 2008
i wasnt surprised to learn that your car was stolen. you publicise it like nobodys biz. the fotos are everywhere, with the number plate exposed. where u stay is also openly shared in the internet. the modifications, parts and upgrades are updated in the internet consistently. dude, u attract too much attention, you shud have seen it coming. gated condo? comon man there is no such thing as a 'gated' communitiy in malaysia. all u need to do is to pay those guards some money and u can get away with anything. your car has already been chopped into pieces with the parts being sold to both legal/illegal racers. give it up, u will never find your car in one piece again. if i were u i would take more precaution of the Z. sorry to be blunt here.
  • V
  • Jan 6, 2009
it's still not found yet? FU.CK the thief for stealing this beast..
i've read russ n nicole blog quite for a long time, and i absolutely a cars lover, i can feel the owner's sadness too.. this is really a nice monster, a very nice bnr34 :)

to russ,
old thing never go, new thing never come, ready to go for the R35. :) cheers mate !
  • M
  • Oct 10, 2009
very nice car..but pity him LOL but the car stolen
this car suppose got GPS tracker sure easy to find
  • S
  • Oct 25, 2009
OMG... just saw GTR with same bonnet like yours around sunway but dif no plate. is it custom made or what? i can say it same or its my imagination. maybe yr twin de :))
  • J
  • Nov 2, 2009
:D we have a fun time riding around in your skyline but its stripped now so you wont get it back...
  • J
  • Jan 4, 2010
Honda Maniac, Jealous?
  • H
    HONDA killer
  • Jan 4, 2010
honda maniac you are totally sounds like an pussy...... russ are looking for help and you are try to teaseup... may god fuck from your toe to head . AMEN halleluya
  • H
    HONDA killer
  • Jan 4, 2010
honda maniac you are totally sounds like an pu$$y...... russ are looking for help and you are try to teaseup... may god fcxk from your toe to head . AMEN halleluya
  • J
  • Jan 4, 2010
i think he got pissed because his newly installed surbo on his myvi doesn't work as much as he hope for