1.BERG CUP 2007
International serial Berg Cup is the organizer of Berg CupRace
1.1.General rules
1.1.1. For year 2007 is in Uphill car competition organized international serial Berg Cup, in which can compete competitors and drivers without national or international licence FAS AČR.
1.1.2. Berg Cup is in final valuation terminative best drivers and further order of drivers in absolute order, in classes FIAT 126, ST, E1 and E2/C and in individual ccm classes by čl.1.2.2. In in official groups , classes and absolutely will be awarded the winners of the Berg Cup.
1.1.3. In Berg Cupu are this official tracks : Násedlovice (CZ), Slavkov u Brna (CZ), Diváky (CZ), Věteřov (CZ), Vrbno pod Pradědem (CZ), Vsetín (CZ), Kyjov (CZ), Vír (CZ), Bánovce nad Bebravou (SK), Pezinok (SK), Zvolen (SK), Brezno (SK), Páradsasvar (H) a Štós (SK). In one
race are two races..
1.1.4. Results from each race are automatically acounted to main results every claim racers.
1.2.Layout of sport cars.
1.2.1. Berg Cup jis organized in absolut clasification for cars of kategory I and II.
1.2.2. Cars will be in races given into this kategorie and groups:
Group FIAT 126
Group ST (series, produkcion and tuning cars)
Group E1 (road, race cars of classes N, A, SP, M, ST, GT, H, F, B, HA)
Group E2/C (formula cars classes E, D, NF, HA and sport prototypes groups CN, C3, HA)
1.2.3. Cars from this groups will be further split by ccm to this classes.
Vlase FIAT 126 (1)
Class ST till 1400 ccm (2)
till 1600 ccm (3)
till 2000 ccm (4)
over 2000 ccm (5)
Class E1 till 1150 ccm (6)
till 1400 ccm (7)
till 1600 ccm (8)
till 2000 ccm (9)
over 2000 ccm (10)
Class E2/C till 1400 ccm (11)
till 2000 ccm (12)
1.3.Valuation of race
1.3.1. Driver must drive minimal one complete trening drive to can start in race
If driver finish Saturday race and its classified , he must not to go on Sunday trening drive
Race is divided to 2 rides, which are in finall valuation accountabled The best driver is that which have the smallest sum of 2 race drives.
1.3.2. If there will be two or more drivers which will have the same time,main criteria will be the
the fastest time.in one of drives.
1.3.3. Points ina absolutt order, groups and classes, and also in trophys and mark cups will be given by this regul:
Place 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Points 20 15 12 10 8 6 4 3 2 1
1.3.4. In case that will be in race less that 5 drivers in class or in ccm class ,but also in trophys and in mark cupes ,the drivers will get half of points (čl.1.3.3.)
1.4.Valuation of Berg Cupu
1.4.1. Main clasification of serial will be done as sum of the points from counted races.
1.4.2. Valuation of serial will be done in absolut classification,in groups and ccm classes by the sum of valuable points given in races of Berg Cupu. The winner will be that driver which will have most of points.
1.4.3. In case of equation of points of two or more drivers,will be notable higher count of 1.places after that count of 2.places , 3.places etc. at the races. And if after this will be also equation of points ,must be used also results which was deleted.
1.4.4. For each driver is accounted to final classification the best 18 races from 28 organized in official calendar Berg Cup 2007.
1.4.5. If its driver at some race fired because he broke the sport or technical rules, this race will be clasifited as official result 0 from this race and will be at final accounted to points (as one from 18 raced races)
2.1. Team trophy is for the best racing team from category I and II. Name of team is the same like name of competetor
2.2. The points will be given as sum of points which win drivers in ccm classes of Berg Cup. Three best cars from one team in race will be account to final classification of team trophy. Team can have maximum 5 drivers. Driver should in season 2007 only in one team ,to which he should enter anytime.
2.3. Finnal Classification of trophy will be done as sum of points given for results teams in races of Berg Cupu. The winner will be that team which will have most points.
2.3.1. For each team is accounted to final classification best 18 races from 28 organized in official calendar Berg Cup 2007.
3.1. Junior trophy is for the best driver which is younger that 18 years in category I and II. In trophy should start drivers born in year 1989 and younger
3.2. Points will be given by standings of drivers in absolut results of individual race Berg Cup (čl.1.3.3.)
3.3. Finnal Classification of trophy will be done as sum of points given for results in races of Berg Cup..
3.3.1. For each team is accounted to final classification best 18 races from 28 organized in official calendar Berg Cup 2007.
4.1. Ladies trophy is oragnized for the best woman or girl in category I and II.
4.2. Points will be given by standings of women in absolut results of individual race Berg Cup (čl.1.3.3.)
4.3. Finnal Classification of trophy will be done as sum of points given for results in races of Berg Cup..
4.4. For each woman is accounted to final classification best 18 races from 28 organized in official calendar Berg Cup 2007
5.MARK CUP 2007
4.1. Mark cup is organized for the best drivers of manufactured marks (Škoda, Suzuki, Citroen, Peugeot, Renault, VW, Ford, Opel and others.) category I.
4.2. Points will be given by standings of drivers in absolut results of individual race Berg Cup (čl.1.3.3.)
4.3. Finnal Classification of the Cup will be done as sum of points given for results in races of Berg Cup..
4.4. For each driver is accounted to final classification best 18 races from 28 organized in official calendar Berg Cup 2007
Source: The Rules of Berg Cup