
Hot Wheels Sets New World Record with a 92-ft Corkscrew Jump

If you mention “Hot Wheels” to an 8-year-old kid, he would probably have the mental image of those brightly-colored 1:64 scale cars running on those complicated mini-circuit that usually includes a number of loops and jumps. But the guys at Hot Wheels are now ready for another insane 1:1-scaled action that wowed millions from around the world with their Double Loop Dare at the X Games Los Angeles, which this one will most probably be receiving the same response.

The Double Loop Dare was truly amazing, and at the same time being extremely dangerous as a slight fault is more than enough to turn everything into a complete mayhem. But having already pulled such stunt off does not mean that it was the last of it, as they are now back with an attempt that sounds only possible to be pulled off in the movies; the Corkscrew Jump.

So they had set up a live-sized ramp, picked up a car that could pull the trick, and found a guy crazy enough to stay in the cockpit during the whole run. He is not the Stig, but he is a man called Brent Fletcher who is a Hollywood stuntman. They had also done the meticulous calculations to properly execute the jump, where Fletcher would have to accelerate the high-powered buggy to a speed of 87km/h to launch the car into the air while rotating 230 degrees per second in order to land the car nowhere else but on the tires.

If you are hoping for the sound of crashing metal followed by a bright, yellow fireball, then you are at the wrong page as Fletcher successfully made the jump with a landing that seemed pretty punishing for the rear left tire. And with a travelled distance of nearly 28 meters (90ft), he had also set a new world record by beating a similar stunt done by Chevrolet earlier this year that had covered only 18 meters (60ft).


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